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Luminari Update: 07/03/2015 – MIA?!


It’s been nearly a month since our last update!  Changes are coming a little slower this month, all the staff is extremely busy right now with real-life stuff.  But good news is we have some active player testers helping us find bugs and tweak things and submitting great ideas!  A special thanks to: Kylidrah, Sinne, Neiska and Reinhart for their contributions to the game…

Some of the highlights of this update:

  • Added some more MDSP data sent over the connection for Inrus’ Mudlet project
  • Added a bunch of attack types and fun features to wildshapes
  • Added a bunch of new commands to help support screen reader folks
  • TONS of bug fixes

Our full list of changes follows:


[Jul 03 2015] – Zusuk
fast crafting skill won’t notch quite as fast now
moved ‘concealment’ from score sheet to ‘resistances’
moved ‘spell resist’ from score sheet to ‘resistances’
moved more damage reduction info into ‘resistances’ command
added a mechanism to fix folks who notch over 99 in the past ๐Ÿ˜›
fixed a bug allowing skill notch above 99
added more skills that you can notch by performing supply orders
fast crafting skill should kick in now
[Jul 02 2015] – Zusuk
added stacking in feat display for unstoppable strike
gave weaponmaster more ranks of ‘unstoppable strike’
account xp gain for leveling a char from 1-30 should be over 5000 now
tweaked account xp gain to be faster
combat modes now cap at 6, 2h power attack gives double bonus (powerattack 6 = 12 for 2h weapons)
fixed some silly typos in code output
typing ‘shapechange’ after polymorph will return you to your normal form
[Jul 01 2015] – Zusuk
you can now initiate combat with a ‘charge’: charge <target name>

combat expertise no longer will apply while casting
tnl no longer unhides you
fixed a crash bug with inventory msdp
[Jun 30 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a club ๐Ÿ™‚
fixed a lion that was the wrong sex ๐Ÿ˜›
starting weapons now should be properly sized
affect_total() added to affect_remove() – consumes extra resources but addresses an issue with mobile spell-stat stacking
[Jun 29 2015] – Zusuk
reading helpfiles will not unhide you now
dirtkick now uses an unarmed attack roll tod etermine success
fixed bug with grappling small sized characters and their light-classed weapons
had to remove affect_update check for mobiles that was takign care of funky AC stack, will have to observe to see if this is still a issue
[Jun 28 2015] – Zusuk
new command: weaponlist – this will list all the weapon types in the game and the details of each type
new command: armorlist – this will list all armor types in the game and the details of each armor type
made aranys drop all.portion (in case of full inventory)
aranys now drops the crafting ring object (to avoid full inventory issues)
added new affect flag: entangled, behaves nearly identical to grapple, but separates the mechanic… used for web spell, etc
combat maneuvers that get close enough will now trigger damage-shield checks (such as fireshield, etc)
removed old ac apply references
added 2 new aff flags: warding, mirror image
[Jun 27 2015] – Zusuk
poisons (apply poison) now give proper info when identified/lored
wearable items now appear normal in identify/lore
[Jun 26 2015] – Zusuk
fixed an issue with mobile AC not resetting after protection spell wears off
[Jun 26 2015] – Ornir
Fixed problem with virtual rooms in the wilderness…
[Jun 25 2015] – Zusuk
added msdp tnl max
added msdp tnl
[Jun 23 2015] – Zusuk

[Jun 18 2015] – Zusuk
removed the ‘knowledge’ reference in the ‘train’ command (currently unimplemented)
[Jun 17 2015] – Zusuk
fixed some broken weapons from elcador
paladin horse no longer is flying, but their epic mount is flying ๐Ÿ˜›
[Jun 17 2015] – Inrus
added script to refuse items
[Jun 16 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with memorization code
fixed a crash bug with certain melee damage messages
[Jun 12 2015] – Zusuk
most animal wildshapes now have a set of attacks that are appropriate for the race
[Jun 11 2015] – Zusuk
eagles now have the wings feat (fly / land)
removed a double define causing issues in feats
constrictor snakes (widlshape) now get ‘improved grapple’
the ‘attacks’ commands now will display your CMB/CMD

viper wildshape now gets ‘poison bite’
npc’s now can type ‘train’ to see their skill levels
wolves and hyena’s get free feat: infravision
wolves and hyena wildshape now gets ‘natural tracker’ feat for free
fixed a crash bug in mud-event cooldown (divide by zero)
turning off your automap will turn off your wilderness map, thanks kylidrah for the submission
fixed junk output in whois command for race
you can now buy arrows from ralg in mosswood
[Jun 10 2015] – Zusuk
the cheetah wildshape form now gets +8 dex, and the dodge feat
summon swarm now has damage messages – thanks kylidrah for reporting it!file000286999262
fixed another ranged attack potential crash bug
new source file: bardic_performance.c
[Jun 09 2015] – Zusuk
new header file: bardic_performance.h
fixed a crash bug with ranged attacks
[Jun 08 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a bug: firing was not shutting off after combat, thanks Kylidrah!!
3 new commands to help supplement the screenreader experience: hp (display hitpoints), tnl (display exp to next level), moves (display movement points left)
[Jun 07 2015] – Zusuk
copyover now clears: call familiar, (animal) companion, (paladins) mount
copyover now clears: epic warding
copyover now clears: epic mage armor
copyover now clears: hellball
copyover now clears: greater ruin
copyover now clears: dragon knight
copyover now clears: mummy dust
changed hitroll -> attack_bonus and damroll -> damage_bonus in msdp
added some missing variables from the MSDP assignment
fixed a very very fun bug with charging criticals, was multiplying values correct, but you aren’t suppose to do that, it is suppose to only multiply the original value instead of multiplying each other
you can no longer win the intiative if you can’t see the person who is attacking
[Jun 06 2015] – Zusuk
used the new featlisting command to identify un-assigned feats and do other cleanup in the feat/feat-defines
new staff command: featlisting, used as quick reference to find unused feats that need assignment

[Jun 05 2015] – Treyorn
Update HELP TRIG-AFFECT to display flags for dg scripts when checking %actor.affect(FLAG_NAME)%.
[Jun 05 2015] – Zusuk
when looking at objects you can now see: size, material, and if its a weapon, weapon-type, and if its armor, armor-type
cleaned out our changelog

Luminari Update 05/06/2015 – You want the good or bad news first?


Bad news first!

Sorry, but if you haven’t logged in recently, next time you log in you will have to RESPEC.  This is due to a mistake yours truly, Zusuk, made while modifying the file saving format.

If you have any issues getting into any of your characters or account, please email me directly at: zusuk@luminarimud.com

The good news now:

Tons of neat little changes, not quite as breakneck speed on release of these changes due to heavy work-load, but some of the highlights include:

  • Schools of specialism for Wizards!
  • Some really neat modifications to the feat system of mobiles to support specialized feat assigned to wildshaping druids
  • About a dozen new feats

Here is our comprehensive list of changes since our last update:

[Jun 05 2015] – Zusuk
you can now look at any item to get its: size, material, if weapon – weapon type, if armor – armor type
[Jun 04 2015] – Zusuk
restore now will give any staff character all feats in the game
restore is now level-immort usable
found a similar saving bug with character size, fixed it
fixed a bug with saving feats, only noticed it because of wildshape feats
wildshape plants now get armor-skin based on shapechangers level
wildhsaped animals now get rages based on shapechangers level
wild-shaped air elementals now get cold shield and are flying
wild-shaped fire elementals now get fire shield
wild-shaped earth elementals now get acid shield
wild-shaped water elementals now get scuba, water breath and minor globe
if you are wielding a weapon when you wildshape, it will be ignored for calculating damage (replaced with natural attacks)
you can no longer wield/remove/wear stuff while wildshaped
you no longer get your AC bonus from equipped gear when wildshaped (but you still get affection/enhancement bonuses)
first mobile feat assigned to wildshapers: natural attack
finished our special mobile feat framework
[Jun 03 2015] – Zusuk
turned low-light vision to infravision, and darkvision to ultravision
swapped the racial innates to racial feats
[Jun 02 2015] – Zusuk
removed a redundant set_fighting() call in do_hit()
[Jun 01 2015] – Zusuk
added new macro: is_specialty_school(ch, spellnum) to check if given spellnum is a specialty of ch
link command is now lvl-immortal
fixed a crash bug with redit
[May 31 2015] – Zusuk
druids were missing some starting equipment, fixed now (thanks kane!)Pirate skull and booty
fixed a bug with crafting tick taking out money from folks banks
WOOO!  Wizards are ready to launch!
add divination specialist mechanic
add transmutation specialist mechanic
add abjuration specialist mechanic
added illusion specialist mechanic
added evocation specialist mechanic
added conjuration specialist mechanic
added necromancy specialist mechanic
new command: nop – which does nothing ๐Ÿ˜›
you can no longer enter portals while fighting
added school name to wizard spell listing
you can now only change your domain selection at 1st level of cleric
you can only modify your specialty school if you are a wizard and level 1 in your wizard class
you now can’t cast spells from your restricted school
study: changing your specialty school now will reset your master list of spells, then based on selection, add restrictions
selecting a specialty school now automatically assigns a restricted school
specialty school selection now saves
added school specialty display to score sheet
added school specialty selection to study menu
started framework for wizard school specialization
[May 29 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with ranged attacks
new wild feat:  natural spell, with this feat you can cast while wildshaped
you can no longer cast while wildshaped
enabled tcp socket keep alive
death now inflicts much more xp loss
sorry raizen, spider trap has been fixed ๐Ÿ˜›
crystal-fist/body both had their bonus event matching their cooldown event, effectively meaning they could potentially just stay in crystalfist/body mode as long as they like
[May 28 2015] – Zusuk
new epic feat: damage reduction
new epic feat: self concealment
new feat: fast healer
new feat: armor specialization (heavy)
new feat: armor specialization (medium)
new feat: armor specialization (light)
found a nasty bug with domain spell calculations, it has been fixed
added some dummy checks to saving/loading values to pfile
Yes Zusuk may have corrupted YOUR pfile, please respec upon logging in and let me know if you notice any funny behaviour with your character(s)
[May 27 2015] – Zusuk
new feat: epic skill focus
new feat: skill focus
fixed a bug: your pets kill while you aren’t in the room, you’d still get xp
new feat: improved grapple
new grapple command: pin
new feat: great cleave
new feat: cleave
changed domain command so it page-strings
rangers now get ‘summon natures ally 6’ as a 4th circle spell
identify/lore can now view full restitance info about the target (to be modified later)
added some vulnerabilities/strengths based on npc races/subraces
[May 26 2015] – Zusuk
new feat: combat casting
WOOOOOO!!  Clerics are ready for launch!!

Luminari MUD Update 05/26/2015 – Clerical Chaos


It has been about two weeks since we’ve posted an update to the website, here are some of the highlights from our very large list of changes:

Berserker, Paladin, Warrior, Cleric, Rogue, Rangers and Monk are now at “launch” status, including some neat new free Epic Feats and other various goodies.

Our initial set of Cleric Domains have been coded and added, including bonus spell lists and domain powers for each Domain

The first stage in our grappling system is in place

Added a bunch of much-needed caster feats, including some fun epic spells.


And here is the comprehensive highlights since the 10th:

[May 26 2015] – Zusuk
when you select a domain in the study menu, it will display the info about that domain
new domain power/feat: weapon expert
new domain power/feat: battle rage
new domain power/feat: eth shift
new domain power/feat: aura of protection
new domain power/feat: saves
new domain power/feat: resistance
new domain power/feat: mass invis
new domain power/feat: copycat
new domain power/feat: deception
new domain power/feat: healing touch
new domain power/feat: lawful weapon
new domain power/feat: blessed touch
new domain power/feat: eye of knowledge
new domain power/feat: knowledge
new domain power/feat: empowered healing
new domain power/feat: healing touch
new domain power/feat: good lance
new domain power/feat: good touch
new domain power/feat: evil scythe
new domain power/feat: evil touch
[May 25 2015] – Zusuk
new domain power/feat: destructive aura
new domain feat: destructive smite
implemented ‘smite good’ for future expansion … MUAHAHHHAfile9231272063295
added all bonus spells for cleric chaos domain
the chaos domain for clerics is now finished
new cleric domain power: curse touch
new cleric domain power: chaotic weapon
fixed a crash bug with domain powers
[May 24 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with grapple
wildshaping means you no longer have acess to your normal list of selected feats, but you soon will be getting special feats based on the race you wildshape into
mobiles now can acquire feats, the decision on how to assign them to be determined later
[May 22 2015] – Zusuk
concentration check is required if you are being grappled vs spell-level+cmb-of-attacker
unarmed attacks are considered ‘light’ for all intents and purposes
if grappled, you will only be able to attack with weapons classified as ‘light’ (help light-weapons)
grappled folks cannot take an attack of opportunity
being grappled gives -2 to attack bonus on melee attacks
being grappled gives -2 to melee damage
grappled affection gives -2 penalty to all CMD checks outside of grapple related checks
grappled affection gives -2 penalty to all CMB checks outside of grapple related checks
grappled affection gives -2 to dexterity bonus
you can’t stealth or hide while grappled
you take a -2 penalty to your dexterity bonus while grappled
without improved-grapple feat (feat itself incomplete), opponent of grapple attempt gets AOO, damage will be applied as penalty to CMB
grapple reversal attempts consume a standard action
struggle can now only be attempted once per round (every 6 seconds)
added a valid_grapple_cond() check to handler in case folks somehow get into funky conditions
movement is now stopped by grapple
new command under construction: freegrapple – if you are in dominant grapple position, as a free actino you can release your grapple
new command under construction:  struggle – try to free yoursel of a grapple as a free action
when in the dominant position of grapple, if your opponents attempts a grapple against you, he/she can reverse the dominant position
new command under construction: grapple
fixed a crash bug with domain offensive powers
started setting up some variables in structs for grappling
new header file: grapple.h
new workfile: grapple.c
[May 21 2015] – Zusuk
added handle animal mechanic
updated code/help file:  swim is now implemented
[May 20 2015] – Zusuk
removed some silly size requirements for wear slots such as ring/neck/wrists
added feat: enhanced spell damage
new feat: augment summoning
switched greater spell focus to non-epic
updated some class feat choices for wizard class
new epic feat:  epic warding
new epic feat:  epic mage armor
new epic feat:  hellball
new epic feat:  greater ruin
new epic feat:  mummy dust
new epic feat:  dragon knight
new feat: improved familiar
new feat: spell focus
new epic feat: greater spell focus
mag_savingthrow now accepts a ‘school of magic’
fixed issue: trying to select the same school feat will cause the incorrect menu to display
[May 19 2015] – Zusuk
added a very basic system to replace the CP system in the meantime, items are going to be a lot less powerful now
temporarily disabled Ornir’s CP system until there is more time to fix it up
WOOT!  Ranger’s are ready for launch!
changed all ‘groupped’ to ‘grouped’
fixed a bug where summoning creatures in wilderness will cause them to load in the wrong location
mounts in wilderness now works
fixed a crash bug with switching to mobiles in wilderness
mobiles can now hunt in the wilderness (but not between wilderness/zones)
note: tracking doesn’t work between wilderness/zones, both parties must both be in wilderness or both in a zone
re-enabled tracking, which requires the track feat, which rangers get for free
[May 18 2015] – Zusuk
added a ring of portals that take you to each hometown
added “cube” proc to mad drow zone
added the ashenport bank
new wizards will receive a note indicating where they can ‘research’ new spells
room 5905 is now a research library for wizards
new special room proc: wizard research library
added a bank to ashenport
domain powers now list with the ‘domain’ command
added domain feats: domain resistance (electric, fire, ice, acid)
rangers now get improved evasion as a free epic feat
new feat for rangers: epic favored enemy
new feat for rangers: bane of enemies
rangers now get favored enemies past level 20
added feat: endurance
[May 17 2015] – Zusuk
WOOT!  Paladins are now ready for launch!
paladins now get spirited charge for free
paladins now get mounted archery for free
paladins now get ride by attack for free
paladin’s now get mounted combat for free
new paladin feat: epic mount
new paladin feat: legendary rider
new paladin feat: glorious rider
modified paladin’s mount
modified animal companions
downgraded familiar’s
added feat: domain cold resistance
added feat: domain fire resistance
added feat: domain acid resistance
added feat: domain electric resistance
added new domain feats: lightning arc, fire bolt, icicle, and acid dart
new feat classification:  domain power feats
when you study, and select new domains (or initial domains), it will swap the respective domain power feats
new domain power: icicle
new domain power: fire bolt
new domain power: acid dart
new domain power: lightning arc
added domain_powers.c to dump all our domain power mechanics
noticed a bunch of daily usage feats had incorrectly assigned to event_countdown instead of daily use cooldown
noticed a bunch of daily usage feats did not have an entry in event_daily_use_cooldown, so added them
the lay on hands heal amount was a bit OP, so i adjusted it to be closer to the pathfinder numbers
lay on hands was not using the correct mechanic for daily uses, fixed that
if you target yourself with lay on hands, it is a free-action as opposed to standard action
added a little more info to lay on hands if you target yourself
fixed a bug in calculating # of lay-on-hands usage for paladins
[May 15 2015] – Zusuk
added a bunch of helpfiles
completely reworked how level is calculated for spell effects/saves, much better but still not perfect
you now get your constitution bonus hps when selecting ‘great constitution’ feat
had to fine-tune a couple of epic feats
made an upper-cap for combat modes at 12
rage no longer heals hit points
[May 14 2015] – Zusuk
new epic feat (not free) for warriors: epic weapon specialization
new free warrior feat: stalwart warrior
had to take away raging critical from berserker’s, wayyyyyyyy too powerful ๐Ÿ˜›
made sure every class has at least one epic class feat available (much more coming soon)
WOOT, warriors are now ready for launch!
new free warrior feat: armor mastery ii
new free warrior feat: armor mastery i
new free warrior feat: weapon mastery ii
new free warrior feat: weapon mastery i
new free warrior feat: weapon training (stacks)
new free warrior feat: armor training (stacks)
[May 14 2015] – Treyorn
Fixed a bunch of triggers in Memlin to accommodate new classes and fix miscellaneous bugs.
[May 14 2015] – Zusuk
epic races have 15x the exp chart of a normal race (reduced from 30x)
WOOT, monks are ready for launch!
monks now get stunning fist as a free starting feat
added new free monk epic feat: keen strike
added new free monk epic feat: outsider
monks get ‘blinding speed’ as a free epic feat at level 23 now
rogues now get weapon finesse as a free starting feat
fixed crash bug when lore/identify/stat corpse
[May 13 2015] – Zusuk
added two new cast types: cast-weapon-poison, and cast-weapon-spell
added ‘enter room’ trap types
fixed the label for ‘leave room’ traps
opponents now get a saving throw against stunning fist
[May 12 2015] – Zusuk
WOOT like rogues, berserker’s are now ready for launch!
added berserker feat: deathless frenzy
added berserker feat: rage resistance
added berserker feat: eater of magic
added berserker feat: raging critical
added a new feat: faster memorization, to offset this and play with balance of classes, most classes got an increase in time required to recover spells
updated the wilderness ‘Linked Zones’ on the Luminari Google Drive
updated our map with some more hometown locations
linked to wilderness: mithril hall (dwarven hometown)
linked to wilderness: hardbuckler (gnome hometown)
fixed a crash bug if you teleport while falling
fixed the dirt road in the wilderness next to graven
[May 11 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug in wilderness when trying to use redit
fixed an issue with intimidate
all aspects of interaction with a disguised/wildshaped character are now masked by your disguise/wildshape
you no longer see the equipment of a shapechanged/disguised creature
fixed look_at_char to reflect disguised/wildshaped race
fixed a spacing issue in the who list (which i probably created to begin with)
trolls have been changed to be ‘half-trolls’, no difference at all except in name since full-blooded trolls are much more powerful (i’m thinking future epic race instead of advanced)
added ‘intimidate’ to help file ‘combat-maneuvers’
in the zones2 it now lists ‘blindbreak rest’, with ‘blindbreak’ being the keyword for teleporting
fixed an issue in the ‘zones’ helpfile
you can now ‘teleport blindbreak’ to get to blindbreak rest

Blindbreak Rest


Blindbreak Rest is a small underground temple that for centuries was protected
by the Luminari.  During the war, the Luminari lost hold of the temple and it
was taken over by Darkling powers.  The stories say that the temple was used to
protect artifacts created by the Luminari and when the lost control of the
temple, there was still a major artificat being held.  According to the Mosswood
Wizard, this relic is being used to protect Darkling leaders in the Ashenport
region of Lumia.  The temple can be found to the south of Ashenport in an open

Luminari MUD Update: WEAPONMASTERS ASSEMBLE! 05/10/2015


Lots of exciting changes, the biggest and baddest are the addition of two unlockable epic races:

Crystal Dwarf


And the addition of our first prestige (locked) class:


Also, the first 4 cleric domains have been added in-game!  Enjoy!  Currently they will give your cleric special bonus spell access



Here is our comprehensive list of updates:

[May 10 2015] – Zusuk
new (locked) prestige class: weaponmaster (help-class-weaponmaster)
[May 09 2015] – Zusuk
re-enabled “handle_warding”
implemented paladin’s ‘divine grace’ feat
added new feat: greater disarm
disarm now knocks the weapon to the opponent’s inventory, unless you have the greater disarm feat
added new ‘info-kill’ flag for mobiles
to buy a normal feat, you need either normal feat points, or epic feat points
to buy normal class feats, you can use any feat to purchase it (normal, class, epic-class, epic)
to buy epic class feats, you need either epic class points, or epic points
to buy epic feats, it require epic feat points
staff level characters no longer have any casting time
immortal level characters no longer have any mem time
added more dummy checks in code to prevent having multiple combat-round events
while i was at it, also added tank’s combat position into the prompt
per the request of resakse, the combat prompt now shows the enemies position
duplicated the proper tables from dev-> production for unlock saves/loading
[May 08 2015] – Zusuk
good news: new prestige classes, epic races coming soon!
bad news: arcana golem and trolls now cost account-exp to unlock
you can now access our first two epic races: crystal dwarf, trelux
thanks to ornir we now have locked-races, locked-classes saving
exciting news, account exp can now be acquired when you gain 1000 or more xp from a kill/quest/etc
[May 07 2015] – Zusukfile0001259157630
added a few more class skills to the wizard class
you can now advance levels when you have 1 train left
casting requires a move action now
you can no longer spam-cast spells with no casting time
[May 06 2015] – Zusuk
added filler domains for the rest of our cleric domains
finished adding the first 4 elemental cleric domains
you can now use identify/remove-curse scrolls regardless of skill/class/etc (temporary fix?)
[May 05 2015] – Zusuk
added improved unarmed strike definition
treatinjury (heal skill) now once high enough level, will cure poison and disease
the code now just takes your highest level, whether divine or magical for calculating spell effects/damage (due to domain spells)
added fire domain
the ‘stat feat <target>’ command is used for viewing a targets list of feats
added new stat subcommand: stat feat <target>
added the “class” command, type class <classname> to view that classes list of free feats
TODO: make sure it clears properly (domain spell-set in study)
upon saving from study, the new domain spells that correspond to your selected domains will be set
you can’t select the same domain name twice now
domains can be now selected via study menu
[May 04 2015] – Zusuk
because you can set-stats and base stats start at 8, when new characters are made, they start off with a penalty in trains
[May 03 2015] – Zusuk
note: domain powers, and granted spells do not work yet, just the framework is in place so far
added set-stats to study menu, only modifyable at 1st level
you can’t leave first level until you’ve spent your points
first 6 points cost 1, 7-8 cost 2, 9-10 cost 3
you now start with base stats of 8 + racial modifier and get 30 points to distribute
you don’t start off with any freebie boost anymore
started stat assignment code
added first domain “air”
added “domain” command to view domains
[May 02 2015] – Zusuk
started creating framework for cleric domains

Luminari MUD Update 05/01/2015, Crossbow Reload, Rogues Rock!


Lots of changes in the MUD since our last update!  You can view the full list below or by typing “news” in-game.

Some of the highlights include:

  • More descriptive text for “missed attacks” including shieldblock, parry and attack glancing off your armor.
  • Finished the free class feat list (talents) for rogues
  • Switched our old fire-weapon system to take advantage of the ranged-weapon types of our weapon defines
  • Created a reload mechanic for crossbows, and autoreload mode
  • Added more than a dozen feats
  • Major improvements to wildshape
  • Lore, identifying and stat objects has had a large over-haul, you will get a lot more useful information now
  • ..and MUCH more, see below


Here is the full list of changes!

[May 01 2015] – Zusuk
fixed some class weapon proficiency feats
made last two talents for rogue:  vanish and improved vanish
in addition to shieldblock and parry, missed attacks also can be considered “glance” – that the blow glances off your body armor
feat info sap now display accurate info about the sap feat
trelux claws can now be used for sapping
assigned sap as a free advanced talent (epic) for rogues, level 24
new feat from an old mechanic: sap
[Apr 30 2015] – Zusuk
assigned backstab as a free advanced talent
added a backstab feat that makes backstab do double damage and bonus attack roll
backstab now is no different than a normal attack
fixed a lot of funky sized races
wildshape access is determined by feats now instead of druid-level
wildshape access no longer includes magical beasts
[Apr 29 2015] – Zusuk
updated our tmc (mud connector) listing
[Apr 28 2015] – Zusuk
when you wildshape, you now take on the size of the new form
fixed a bug with displaying a damage message even after death
action queue now gets cleared upon death
added combat-round clearing in peace command
you can’t “fire” or “autofire” if you are already engaged
[Apr 27 2015] – Zusuk
had to move the clearing of eCOMBAT_ROUND in stop_fighting(), and place it in specific places, such as switch opponents
issue with clearing combat-round even during death, cheesy solution implemented
fixed major crash bug
[Apr 26 2015] – Zusuk
using the d20 list of npc races for wildshape
shapechange has been replaced by wildshape
more work on the wildshape feat
[Apr 24 2015] – Zusuk
fixed a fatal bug in the “attacks” command
fixed a HUGE bug with stop_fighting: it did not clear the eCOMBAT_ROUND event!
heavy repeating crossbows hold 5 bolts now (as opposed to light repeating which holds 3)
just for now made it so repeating crossbows behave like heavy crossbows as far as action-needs, but when you do reload, you reload 3 bolts
[Apr 23 2015] – Zusuk
implemented reload system in combat
added new feat “rapid reload”
created a basic reload system
reload is a subcommand of reboot, so i renamed the command reloadimm
had to add some dummy checks into ranged combat to account for swapping weapons in-combat
is_using_ranged_weapon now returns the object
started creating framework for reload weapon mechanic (crossbow, slings, etc)
moved all ranged functions except do_fire and do_autofire into the assign_wpn_armor.c file
added a lot more comments to the perform_attacks() function to clarify the separation between melee/ranged attacks
[Apr 21 2015] – Zusuk
composite bows (long and short), have different classes anywhere from normal (+1) to (str 5), meaning that is the maximum strength bonus they can take advantage of
slings get strength bonus to damage
ranged weapons no longer get dex-bonus to damage
activated a few archery based feats that were not in-game
added different “ammo type” for missiles for ranged weapons
converted the ranged-weapon system to use the current weapon-type defines
stock starting gear for newbies now have the correct weapon/armor types set for them
you no longer can select damage-types for weapons (slashing, etc), they will be autoset based on weapon defines in th code
[Apr 20 2015] – Zusuk
damage-types (slashing, bludgeoning, piercing) assign by weapon defines are now used, including multiple types
parry ability changed to ‘total defense’
“parry” and “shieldblock” spec-procs will now fire off failed attacks exclusively
if wielding a weapon, and an opponent fails an attack against you, there is a 1-in-3 chance that it will be classified as a “parry”
if wearing a shield, and an opponent fails an attack against you, there is a 1-in-3 chance that it will be classified as a “shieldblock”
two weapon defense feat now works for double weapons
canny defense requires that you are not using a shield
made sure canny defense and acrobatics AC bonus are dependent on using light armor (or less)
[Apr 19 2015] – Zusuk
added ‘improved feint’ feat
added initial feint system
added ‘disarm’ help file
updated code so improved disarm feat matches the pfsrd
trying to pick something up in combat will use a move action
added ‘improved disarm’ feat
disarm mechanic implemented
[Apr 18 2015] – Zusuk
extended the lore_app[] constant array to account for staff-level lore abilities
added initial code for wildshape
added disguise layer framework for a different version of wildshape
added extended race data from d20mud
[Apr 17 2015] – Zusuk
added epic feat ‘great charisma’
fixed armored spellcasting feat for new system
modified all objects with the obselete armor apply
removed some inappropriate references to tbamud ๐Ÿ˜›
fixed a small bug with the ymir_cloak proc
changed format of spell save/ magic resist information to make a little more sense
changed armor decimal display for players to 1 decimal place, looks more professional
moved special “identify” procedure for spec procs to new function
missed a couple of spec procs on the function-list, added them (ymir_cloak, vaprak_claws)
removed some redundant information in weapon statting
added a ton of spec_procs to the function list so they will give more info than “NULL” ๐Ÿ˜›
took out the deprecated proficiency system from oedit
highlighted item “type” in identify
[Apr 16 2015] – Zusuk
updated objects in ashenport up to 103070
fixed armor/weapon pieces in “Lizard Lair”
updated weapons/armor in “Portablo”
updated a single armor piece in “the training halls”
updated all armor pieces in “graven hollow camp”
updated armor pieces in “wizard training mansion”
all armor items in mosswood have been updated with the correct armor type values
when you type equipment, if you are wearing something that you are not proficient in, you will get a message (not proficient)
random armor drops (and loadmagic) now create armor pieces that have enhancement bonus
object values now display to imms when statting objects
treasure drop rate increase from 2% -> 10%
got rid of proficiency info in score sheet
[Apr 15 2015] – Zusuk
lore and identify spell now run through the same function as immortal stat to centralize item-related info
got rid of all the deprecated functions related to armor proficiency, threw them in the assign_wpn_armor.c file on the bottom commented out (i might want to use it as reference later for weight-related gear issues)
started fixing objects in mosswood
[Apr 14 2015] – Zusuk
modified all our molds to use new armor values (so loadmagic armor should work cleanly with the new system)
weapon type and armor type info is now displayed in the stat command
moved stat-object functions to act.item.c
added item.h file for future movement of item related header-file-stuffs
moved get_obj_material macro to utils.h (from craft.h)
[Apr 13 2015] – Zusuk
setting item type as weapon, then setting the values (C) and selection a weapon type will result in material, weight, size and cost to be automatically set for that weapon
finished double-weapon code! WOOT!
added utility for wilderness: get_direction_vnum(), for future tracking work
light-weapon flag code added for weapon finesse feat
ranger’s light-armor check for dual wielding now uses the new system
added is_using_double_weapon() function, started double weapon code
added defines for: blocking, bracing, deadly, distracting, fragile, grappling, performance, strength and sunder
[Apr 12 2015] – Zusuk
monks should retain all their “monk-like” powers/abilities while using weapons from the monk-family
update monk_gear_ok with new armor-type function to make sure the monk is classified as not wearing armor
update monk_gear_ok to allow for monk weapon family items
the equipment command now will reflect the values of the new armor-type piecemeal system
compute_gear_armor_penalty, with given ch, returns average of armor-penalty of equipped gear
compute_gear_spell_failure, with given ch, will give average spell failure of equipped gear
compute_gear_enhancement_bonus, with given ch, will give average of enhancement/material bonus
compute_gear_shield_type, with given ch, will give you the armor-type of worn shield
compute_gear_armor_type, with given ch, will give you the lowest armor-type value (none, light, medium, heavy)
[Apr 11 2015] – Zusuk
added some xp gain caps based on level in gain_exp()
you can now see your threat range and critical multiplier with the ‘attacks’ command
factored out some more code for critical mechanic
added code to handle the special CRIT_X2, etc (i think this was created originally to stop builders from creating weapons with insane crit multipliers)
[Apr 09 2015] – Zusuk
moved combat_maneuver_check from act.offensive.c to fight.c
made modifications in compute_armor_class() to replace old size code with simpler size_modifiers[]
combined combat_maneuver_check with compute_cmb and compute_cmd
added a special inverse size_modifier_inverse() for simplification of armor bonus/penalty based on size
got rid of two size_modifier functions that were redundant
add ‘far shot’ feat – the ability to fire an arrow outside of your room
extracted set_armor / set_weapon out of the feats.c file and placed in assign_wpn_armor.c (new) file
[Apr 08 2015] – Zusuk
added door difficulty to dc check on pick locks on doors
fixed bug allowing pick lock success no matter what
id/lore don’t show weight/height of pc/npc targets anymore, we just utilize size classes
respec now will clear shapechange/polymorph
all characters start with 4 points in their crafting skills
when you respec now, you don’t lose your crafting skill progress
fixed yahg’s quest (time limit was funky)
sorching ray got a downgrade
mobiles that don’t leave a corpse will dump their items onto the ground, so autoloot isn’t supported yet
incorporeal creatures, elementals and undead no longer leave corpses
added a reminder in the portal room of the tutorial (tutorial to mosswood) that you can type ‘enter portal’ to return to mosswood
fixed some bugs with aranys’ script and added text clarifying you need to clear your inventory to successfully complete the tutorial
fixed a small bug in the script of vicril in the tutorial zone
[Apr 07 2015] – Zusuk
commented code in make_corpse() in preparation for handling mobiles that should not leave any corpse
guard now gets cleared upon death
added some dummy checks for pvp xp abuse issues
you get a message now if you are losing xp (death, etc)
added ‘great dexterity’ as a rogue epic-class feat
sorted rogue class feats in alphabetic order to get rid of duplicate entries
fixed a bug not correctly displaying # of epic/epic-class feats gained at levelup
bug with bard known spells display in study menu resolved
had to add mechanic to support taking out “mag-lights” and “glowing” objects to adjust the lighting of the room
mag-lights and “glowing” objects in your inventory or worn will light up a room now
typing ‘practice’ at a guildmaster/trainer will no longer list a bunch of obselete skills
got rid of a couple of deprecated help files
you no longer can flee (even if feared) if you are sitting (or worse)
modified the weight and armor-bonus on all the armor to reflect piecemeal system
added all the armor pieces for basic d20 system to OLC
piecemeal armor framework has been put in place!
setting armor type in OLC will auto-set wear-positions for the armor
setting armor type in OLC will auto-set for you:  armor-apply, cost, weight and material
armor types have been added to OLC
changed all the weapon/armor costs in set_armor / set_weapon in feats.c
changed all the weapon/armor weights in set_armor / set_weapon in feats.c
updated all the molds adding keyword ‘mold’ so we can find them: olist mold
exotic weapon proficiency now gives you access to all exotic weapons
weapon proficiencies require previous level (martial requires simple, etc)
[Apr 06 2015] – Zusuk
fixed some alignment issue with epic feats in study menu
bug with stacking feats between study sessions finally fixed!! woo!
slow fall wasn’t showing stacking
epic prowess wasn’t displaying stacking in the feats command, now does
calculating touch-attacks are no longer a hack
factored out all the different types of bonus-types in compute_armor_class
started creating structure to handle armor-class based bonus-types (shield, armor, natural armor, deflection, dodge, etc)
added feat ‘two weapon defense’
added feat ‘power critical’
added feat ‘mounted archery’
added feat ‘manyshot’
added feat ‘improved precise shot’
added feat ‘precise shot’
did more organization with combat feats
added get_wielded() to compute_hit_damage() and on both compute_hit_damage() and hit() we now run a check to assign attack_type for two-handed weapon if necessary
clarified the difference between the two damage calculating functions: compute_hit_damage and compute_damage_bonus, added that info to the comments
added more functionality to the compute_damage_bonus() function
[Apr 05 2015] – Zusuk
added mechanic for power critical feat, not yet added the full feat to the game yet
weapon-critical multiplier is now being utilized, along with its threat range
compute_hit_damage() now carries two new variables:  is_critical and attack_type
completely deleted a nearly useless function handling old combat skills not related to the new feat system
moved out some really old ranged code affecting damage in the hit() function, moved comments for the mechanic into compute_damage_bonus()
extracted weapon-type code in hit() into new function: determine_weapon_type()
finished mapping: int hit()
finished mapping: perform_attacks
added some more modes to get rid of mysterious # values
consolidated modes, and gave them defines (MODE_DISPLAY_RANGED, etc)
added is_critical variable into hit() so it can be passed to damage
isCriticalHit is now is_critical_hit, and now calculates a confirmation roll for criticals
started mapping the basics of the combat system out
turned some repeated dummy checks in perform_attacks into a function
added mechanic in isCriticalHit to compute weapon threat
starting to sift through the primary fighting pulse to clean up combat a bit
[Apr 02 2015] – Zusuk
simplified some of the functions surrounding the combat pulse
added the fight.c code to allow for perfect weapon extra attacks
made a duplicate of all the two weapon fighting feats, renaming them “dual” (ex. dual weapon fighting, greater dual weapon fighting, etc), and using them for ranger feats..  the only difference are these set of feats require wearing armor that is light or lighter
perfect two weapon fighting will now give a bonus offhand attack with no penalty
greater two weapon fighting will now give a bonus offhand attack at -10 penalty
improved two weapon fighting now will give a bonus offhand attack at -5 penalty
changed two weapon fighting to just reduce penalty per d20 mechanic (previously would also give an extra attack)
fixed a minor bug with displaying hitroll/damroll for rangers because of favored enemy
implemented ‘hide in plain sight’ feat
camouflage for rangers gives stealth bonus in nature, updated druid’s trackless step with accurate descrip
continue sorting/commenting feat project
epic toughness shows stacking now
fixed long descrip for ‘divine bond’ to give more detail about the bonus
gave divine bond an equal hitroll bonus
added ‘aura of good’ mechanic (acts like detect good)
implemented paladin’s ‘detect evil’ feat
[Apr 01 2015] – Zusuk
sorted out the epic feats in the code (both implemented and not)
updated ‘two weapon fighting’ feat to display accurate description
fixed another minor flee bug
springleap now is a move action instead of a full round action (especially since its stun/paralyze affects have been removed)
springleap used to have a flat 60% probability of success, now it uses an unarmed attack roll to determine success
adjusted the description of ‘spring attack’ to reflect what it actually does in our code: allows you to choose the direction you flee and gives you access to the springleap combat ability
fleeing <direction> now consumes a move action
implemented ‘point blank shot’ feat mechanics
finished sorting the unimplemented feats
started sorting the unimplemented feats with spacing and comments in the code
[Mar 31 2015] – Zusuk
druids get ‘venom immunity’ feat which as been implemented
added ‘grace’ feat, +2 to reflex saves, intended for use with duelist prestige class
added ‘enhanced mobility feat’ acts like mobility and stacks with mobility, intended for future use with duelist prestige class
armored spellcasting no longer stacks, may add aditional feats in the future to increase ability to cast while armored (arcane)
made animate dead a class ability