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March 2021 Update – New Prestige Class & Sorcerer Bloodline


Development has been busy over the last month. We’ve seen both a new prestige class added, as well as a new sorcerer bloodline. The psionicist class is also well underway.

Our new prestige class is the Spellsword. A warrior that couples arcane magic with heavy armor, he is able to channel spells into his weapons that have a chance to be cast when his weapon hits.

Our new sorcerer bloodline is the Undead bloodline. With a number of necromantic abilities they are the go to class for those who would like to play a necromancy style caster. We have plans to add the Pale Master prestige class down the line, for even more necromantic fun.

We’re on the home stretch now with the upcoming psionicist class. The class will introduce over 90 new abilities and some new mechanics with psionics. We’re down to about 25 abilities left to code, and expect to have a testable version ready in the next week or two.

Our new builder Icculus has been busy, busy, busy. He’s come to utilize all of our building tools including scripting and quests. His zones are looking very detailed and well done, and they should be published into the game soon.

See the full changelog here:

[Feb 26 2021] - Gicker
  spell focus series of feats are no longer restricted to wizards only.
[Feb 26 2021] - Pathos
  Obj 145501, ball of light, fixed so that it can't be worn.
[Feb 25 2021] - Gicker
  Worked more on psionic power manifestation in do_gen_cast.
  Added the spellsword prestige class.
  Added the following class abilities for spellsword: channel spell, ignore armor failure, multiple channel spell.
  Added the channelspell command.
[Feb 25 2021] - Icculus
  Wrote the short desc for Zones 206 and 207. Will focus on writing long descs for 200 rooms.
[Feb 23 2021] - Icculus
  Roughed out +90 rooms to Zone 207. Now need to write room descs.
[Feb 23 2021] - Gicker
  Also added checks for feats, epic feats and epic class feats, ensuring all are spent before gaining a new level
  Changed language in the error messages for trying to gain a new level without spending your skill points and/or ability score boosts first.
  Fixed a bug that allowed you to take a new level without spending all of your class feats first.
  Added 43 psionic powers from level 1-3. Not active in game yet, until psionicist class is complete.
  added functionality for power resistance.
  Added two new apply types: Power Resistance (for psionic power resistance) and Special (used as a custom field for some spell/psionic power functionality.
  Added a new damage type: temporal
  Prevented map from showing in-game in a room with a fog effect.
  Fixed a bug where the mud would crash when respeccing while part of a group.
  Updated spell focus series of feates to show proper requirements now
[Feb 23 2021] - Icculus
  Started to restat Zone 203 and 206. Planning on starting to build for level 12 and scaling upwards. 
[Feb 19 2021] - Icculus
  Created mob 105081 Ranger Tien into Corm Orp. She will give out Monster Hunter style quests to hunt a unique mob found in each of the zones I create for Region 2.
[Feb 18 2021] - Gicker
  added help files for affect-spell-resistance and affect-power-resistance
  Corrected map symbols for beach, taiga and jungle room sector types.
[Feb 17 2021] - Gicker
  Added the temporal damage type for time-based damage.
[Feb 16 2021] - Pathos
  Trigger 11871 edited to account for any damage reduction effect.
[Feb 16 2021] - Icculus
  Updated Corm Orp room sector from "city" to appropriate type
  Auditing Corm Orp (1050) for Region 2 quest hub
[Feb 16 2021] - Gicker
  Gave the shifter class the survival skill as a class skill.
  Reduced the min level to wear/wield random treasure by 5 to coordinate with the improvement in random treasure stats implemented recently.
[Feb 11 2021] - Pathos
  Updated materials helpfile
[Feb 08 2021] - Gicker
  Added automated happy hours.
  Automated happy hour settings can be changed in cedit.
  Separated spell and skill lists, and increased max spells to 999.
  Added the boon companion feat.
  Fixed a bug wherein after casting the refuge spell, and it expiring, those without ranks in stealth
  could not turn off sneak.
  Added the epic spell penetration feat.
[Feb 06 2021] - Zusuk
  world worksheet updated
  added two new zones to the worldmap image
  connected zone 'jade forest' to the worldmap / wilderness
  connected zone 'settlestone' to the worldmap / wilderness
[Feb 06 2021] - Pathos
  Npc merc shop in Ashenport had mob stats revised to make them more inline with players and other mobs.
  Room layout in dollhouse was changed to look more realistic. Vnum 11864
[Feb 04 2021] - Gicker
  Added the Undead Sorcerer Bloodline and the following associated class abilities:
  Undead bloodline arcana, grave touch, death's gift, grasp of the dead, incorporeal form, one of us.
  Added 'gravemagic' command for using undead bloodline abilities.
  Reduced NPC dragon breath weapon damage (includes summons suych as dragon knight).
  Added finger of death spell for druids, wizards and sorcerers.
  Added circle of death spell for sorcerers and wizards.
  Added undeath to death spell for clerics, sorcerers and wizards.
  Death ward spell (and other deat ward affects) will grant immunity to death magic such as finger 
  of death, power word kill and wail of the banshee.
  Fixed a bug with Shadow Walk spell to properly allow it to target the caster.
  Added help files for new spells and abilities.
  Updated the HELP PET help file to mention the summon command.
[Feb 03 2021] - Gicker
  Added HELP FRIGHTENED help file

February 2021 Update – New Builder & Sorcerer Bloodline


We’re happy to have Janalon join our building staff, and he’s been hard at work with his first zone almost ready to go in. Janalon has a teaching background in writing as well as some coding background too. His zone is looking very nicely detailed with some fun scripting as well. We expect his zone will open in the next couple of weeks.

We’ve also added the fey bloodline for sorcerers, and along with it several new feats, a new spell and more. We’ve added functionality for your charmies and summons (etc.) to save over play sessions.

We did a fair bit of work on our treasure system, making treasure drop less often, but with better, more useful drops when it does occur.

See the full changelog here:

[Feb 01 2021] - Gicker
  Check for class anti and required flags for wearing items.
  Added class-required item flags so char must have lvls in class to use.
  Added missign anti-class item flags.
[Jan 29 2021] - Gicker
  Changed random potion drops so it will drop a healing potion 2 out of 3 times.
  Added Fey Bloodline to score sheet.
  Added Darkling racial subtype.
  Adjusted random treasure system in the following ways:
  - magic items drop 33% of previous rate.
  - Greater chance for arcanite crystals to drop, lower chance for consumables.
  - Consumables, higher chance for potions and scrolls, lower for wands, staves and ammo.
  - When potions drop, you get 3 potions now.
  - When scrolls drop, you get 2 scrolls now.
  - When ammo drops you get 4 pieces of the same ammo now.
  - If armor drops, you will now get a full suit instead of a single piece.
  - Monk gloves will now drop with magic weapons, with the same frequency as any other weapon type.
  - Increased bonuses from magic items by +1 across the board.
  - Resistance bonuses on magic items will now have far larger bonuses.
[Jan 28 2021] - Gicker
  Added fey bloodline for sorcerers
  Added Laughing touch class ability for fey bloodline
  Added Fleeting glance class ability for fey bloodline
  Added fey magic class ability for fey bloodline
  Added Shadow walk spell for wizards, sorcerers, bards, alchemists and fey bloodline
  Added shadow walk class ability for fey bloodline
  Added wilderness stride feat for druids, rangers and fey bloodline
  Added soul of the fey class ability for fey bloodline
  Added fey bloodline arcana class ability for fey bloodline
  Added feymagic command for using fey bloodline abilities
  Added the following dg script variables for pcs: size, sizenumber, feat
  Made poison immunity feat have full resistance against poison damage taken
  Added functionality for npc followers (pets, mounts, summons, charmees, etc.) to save over play sessions/reboots/etc.
[Jan 26 2021] - Gicker
  Fixed an issue where group members and charmies could not assist against mission mobs.
[Jan 25 2021] - Gicker
  Added the ability for objects to have skill modifiers in the apply menu
  Added ability to see feat names when adding a feat apply to an object
[Jan 23 2021] - Zusuk
  added the 3 new zones to the worldmap image so folks can find them
  3 new zones attached to the wilderness!  dwarven mines, lizard lair and amiskal's keep
[Jan 22 2021] - Gicker
  Fixed a bug that denied wizard and warrior class feats if their wizard/warrior level was below 20, but they were still level 21+ character level.
[Jan 21 2021] - Gicker
  Fixed a bug where feats, class feats and trains were not showing up when gaining a level in a new class.
  Fixed a bug wherein warriors were receiving a class feat every level instead of every 2 levels
[Jan 17 2021] - Gicker
  Fixed a bug that was preventing aggro mobs from aggroing
[Dec 03 2020] - Pathos
  Note added to Charmee helpfile

November 2020 Update – Encounters and Hunts

LuminariMUD is proud to announce the launch of our encounters and hunts systems, both of which have been in development now for a couple of months. In addition to that we’ve added a large number of carriage stops for our fast travel system.

Encounters is a new system whereby parties and individuals exploring or roaming the wilderness will randomly encounter level-appropriate mobs to fight. Encounter mob types are pulled from an ever-growing list that currently sits at 113. Encounters can be dealt with in a number of ways, such as defeating it in combat, escaping, intimidating, bluffing or using diplomacy, and even bribing in some cases. In addition to combat encounters, we will soon be adding other types of encounters, such as treasure caches, wandering vendors that sell special items, mysterious entities that grant your character bonuses, and more.

Hunts is a new system that allows for individuals or parties to search out special boss mobs in the wilderness of Lumia. These hunt targets, when defeated, award the entire party quest points, gold and some nice experience. In addition to the party-wide rewards, each hunt mob also drops hunt trophies of various types; some are enhanced crafting materials, others can be exchanged for rings, pendants or bracers that give special affects when worn (eg. infravision, detect invis, haste, etc.), as well as weapon oils that can be applied to a weapon to give it a permanent special affect (eg. flaming, defending, vorpal, vampiric, etc.).

As part of the new hunts system we’ve added a large number of new weapon affects. These weapon affects give your weapon special powers that enhance its effectiveness. The list of new effects is: blinding, adaptive, agile, bewildering, seeking, disruption, defending, exhausting, corrosive, corrosive burst, speed, ghost touch, thundering, keen, wounding, vicious, invigorating, vorpal, vampiric and lucky. Most of these correlate to the list on the pathfinder srd: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/

Finally we’ve added a number of new carriage destinations for our fast travel system, with 34 destinations now on different continents. We will continue to expand this system with new carriage locales as well as adding sea ports for another way to travel between continents, aside from magic and stationary portals.

Here’s the entire changelog for this update:

[Nov 06 2020] – Gicker
fixed a bug when choosing a combat feat and entering and out-of-bounds number for the weapon family
encounter messages for hostile encounter mobs will stop appearing if the encounter mob is in combat
hunt kills will, now send a message to the entire mud
added a missing room description for the roc hunt target
when a charmie kills hunt mob, it will now treat the killing blow as being done by the charmie’s master
fixed the hunt reward function to properly include gold and QPs
fixed a bug with new d20 roll function that would sometimes crash the mud
[Nov 05 2020] – Gicker
Currently, the only hunstmaster is in the Jade Jug Tavern in Ashenport
Added a tonne more carriage stops on all continents
Added the following weapon special abilities: blinding, adaptive, agile, bewildering, seeking, disruption, defending, exhausting, corrosive, corrosive burst, speed, ghost touch, thundering, keen, wounding, vicious, invigorating, vorpal, vampiric and lucky.
Added noconfuse mob flag
Added weapon oil and hunt trophy item types
Added dragonbone and dragonscale material types.
Added the hunts system. HELP HUNTS
Added fear spell. As scare spell but without a level limit on targets.
Added ability to try and avoid or seek out encounters in the PREFEDIT menu.
Added encounter command. HELP ENCOUNTERS
Added a random encounter system for traversing the wilderness. HELP ENCOUNTERS
[Nov 03 2020] – Pathos
Typo in obj #30713 fixed
[Nov 02 2020] – Pathos
Typo in mob #145207 fixed.
Typo in mob #3975 fixed.
Typo with part of Sazzy’s house questline fixed.
[Oct 17 2020] – Zusuk
zone ‘beneath the eagle tower’ attached to evereska added to sublink worksheet
linked mantol derith & connecting tunnel zone to elg’cahl niar in the underworld (underdark)
added meta info to main builder document regarding arena
[Sep 17 2020] – Pathos
Feat Training tutorial typo fixed

September/October 2020 Update


September and October have been busy months, but mainly behind the scenes. We are happy to announce a new prestige class, ‘Eldritch Knight’ and the introduction of our fast travel, carriages, system.

Eldritch knights are a fun class that combines melee combat and spell casting. One of their most powerful abilities is the spell critical. When an eldritch knight of sufficient level scores a critical hit in melee combat, they can then cast any spell in their repertoire instantly! Eldritch knights also gain warrior bonus feats at certain levels, and each eldritch knight level will increase your arcane spell level as well, in determining how many spell slots you have and what your maximum spell level is.

Our new fast-travel carriage system is live as well, as an abbreviated version of what’s to come. Currently there are a number of carriage stops on our main continent, where the bulk of our main quest line quests are located. For a nominal cost in gold, one and one’s party can jump on a carriage and reach their destination a short time later. Currently this system works alongside our ‘teleporter’, which is a device all players get that allows them to teleport to any zone. However, not far down the road, the teleporter will be removed, and we’ll add the rest of the carriage stops, and connect some more of our existing areas to the wilderness map.

As mentioned, we have a lot cooking right now behind the scenes. As a little teaser, we’ll say that the carriage system is going to be greatly expanded, both combat and non-combat, random encounters will be added to the wilderness, and a new hunt system will be added, where small parties can team up to defeat strong ‘boss-type’ mobs in the wilderness, and receive hunt trophies that can be turned in to enhance weapons, armour and trinkets (rings,neck-pieces and bracers). We expect these to be live in the next 2-3 weeks, and we’ll post again when they are!

In the meantime, here’s the entire change log:

[Sep 15 2020] – Gicker
Added a carriage transportation system. Rooms where carriages can be taken from are marked in the room description. Currently only a small number of zones are listed. More to come.
[Sep 13 2020] – Pathos
Typo in quest 111302 fixed
Fixed typo in elder wizard description.
[Sep 11 2020] – Pathos
Slippery Mind helpfile edited and typo fixed
[Sep 11 2020] – Gicker
Fixed a bug that prevented sorcerers and bards from unselecting a spell chosen in the levelup process. They still cannot undo choices from previous levels, except through a respec.
[Sep 07 2020] – Pathos
Edited helpfiles for daylight and darkness spells
[Sep 03 2020] – Gicker
Fixed a bug where eldritch knight levels were not properly applying when checking for warrior levels as class level prerequisite for certain feats.
Added the Eldritch Knight prestige class. HELP ELDRITCHKNIGHT
[Sep 03 2020] – Pathos
Fixed typo for Everska portal sign
[Sep 03 2020] – Gicker
changed enchant weapon spell to enchant item spell. Will now enchant armor as well. Minimum level added to enchanted items. hitroll/damroll mods on weapons removed and replaced with enhancement bonus.
[Sep 02 2020] – Pathos
Ambidexterity helpfile removed, obsolete
Dual wield helpfile updated
[Aug 31 2020] – Pathos
Typo in mithril shield description fixed
[Aug 27 2020] – Pathos
2 item descriptions corrected, burgundy word
Lay on hands helpfile corrected
[Aug 26 2020] – Gicker
Non-spellcaster class imms should now be able to cast any spell.
Shop purchases can never be less than 1 gold now, preventing a bug where characters with high charisma and appraise skills can purchase things for negative gold, effectively awarding them unlimited gold for purchasing items at certain shops.
Fixed a bug where raging could result in adding far more hp than intended.
[Aug 25 2020] – Pathos
Mail helpfile command fixed
Bank helpfile corrected for Luminari
Smite evil helpfile duration corrected.
[Aug 24 2020] – Pathos
Mission helpfile corrected
[Aug 23 2020] – Pathos
Room 125900 description typo fixed

August Update


This has been a very busy and exciting month for the game. It has seen a new advanced race, migration to a new/updated server, and the addition of a number of new staff members as well. Great times lie ahead!

Visit this link to view the overview of the new Advanced Race � Duergar.

Here is the complete list of changes made this past month:

[Aug 22 2020] – Pathos
Fixed issue with a serpent’s tongue not showing in equipment
[Aug 22 2020] – Zusuk
paladin spell modifier is now charisma instead of wisdom
[Aug 21 2020] – Pathos
Helpfile for extractlist command added
Discard command incorporated into the blank, etc. helpfile
added helpfile for rp/roleplay command
Smite evil helpfile prereq changed.
[Aug 19 2020] – Zusuk
updated hcontrol help file for staff
[Aug 17 2020] – Pathos
Room 13253 description typos fixed
[Aug 16 2020] – Pathos
Room 40619 typo description fixed
Reglist helpfile typo fixed
Room 31602 typo description fixed
Room 11853 typo description fixed
[Aug 15 2020] – Gicker
Added a resetpassword command for Forgers only.
[Aug 15 2020] – Zusuk
Pathos has been promoted to Senior Staff!
[Aug 14 2020] – Gicker
Staff should now be able to cast any spell.
Added a hand wraps option for the flaming weapon choices in graven hollow
Items that can be worn on hands, with an enchantment bonus of 1+ (Item V0) can now proc weapon special abilities. Mainly to be used for monk hand wraps.
Added the following flaming weapons to the forge quest in graven hollow: axe, mace, spear, direflail
[Aug 14 2020] – Zusuk
Congratulations Xyphos for joining the staff!
[Aug 12 2020] – Zusuk
Congratulations Minkahmet for joining the staff!
[Aug 09 2020] – Zusuk
Congratulations Nauk for joining the staff!
[Aug 02 2020] – Pathos
Typo in room 10370 description fixed
Mob description in room 10304 fixed.
Typo fixed in room 3981 description
Typo fixed in room 3935 description
Typo fixed in room 3942 description
Typo fixed in quest words spoken by Fenton
Fixed typo for a cave troll assassin
[Jul 26 2020] – Zusuk
Server has been upgraded. 18gb ram, 90gb ssd, 6TB bandwidth, 4 vCPU 3.3GHz, thanks Opie!
[Jul 25 2020] – Zusuk
newsfile was too big, had to chop it up�
moved news file into a backup
new helpfile: staff ran events
new advanced race: duergar
new helpfile: race-duergar
new feat: paralysis resist
new feat: phantasm resist
new feat: spell like ability: enlarge
new feat: spell like ability: strengthnew feat: spell like ability: invisibility
new feat: affinity – spot
new feat: affinity – listen
new feat: affinity – move silent
new feat: strong spell hardiness
[Jul 24 2020] – Pathos
Broken items/gear being worked on to fix what you see with the Lore command.
[Jul 20 2020] – Pathos
Corrected school showing in Power Word Kill helpfile.
[Jul 18 2020] – Pathos
Obj #103893 “A fixed device” item-type changed/fixed.
[Jul 17 2020] – Pathos
Obj #24707 typo fixed.
Windlord’s Rest description typo fixed.
[Jul 15 2020] – Pathos
Fixed the ‘eyes’ object in dollhouse quest to account for Trelux.
[Jul 14 2020] – Pathos
Room name, A large mound, fixed
[Jul 11 2020] – Zusuk
you can now gate to prime material plane from the abyssal vortex
hive of passion – you can now teleport off of it with gate
creating a gate to the prime material plane from a single room in avenrus -does- work
true sight now lets you see invisible objects
[Jul 06 2020] – Zusuk
fixed short name for alerion
[Jul 05 2020] – Zusuk
fixed a broken boss battle on avernus
arraka slightly upgraded
gave a key to a certain mob to open a certain hidden gate 😛
fixed some loads in avernus
made the prisoner’s room accessible 😛
fixed up the stats of the hellfire earring so it uses the proper type
fixed the reward for the outer planes quest
[Jul 03 2020] – Pathos
Area of Effect helpfile typo fixed

Image from: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/File:Urgraz.jpg

Duergar Advanced Race


Duergar dwell in subterranean caverns far from the touch of light. They
detest all races living beneath the sun, but that hatred pales beside
their loathing of their surface-dwarf cousins. Dwarves and Duergar once
were one race, but the dwarves left the deeps for their mountain
strongholds. Duergar still consider themselves the only true Dwarves,
and the rightful heirs of all beneath the worlds surface. In appearance,
Duergar resemble gray-skinned Dwarves, bearded but bald, with cold,
lightless eyes. They favor taking captives in battle over wanton slaughter,
save for surface dwarves, who are slain without hesitation. Duergar view
life as ceaseless toil ended only by death. Though few can be described as
anything other than vile and cruel, Duergar still value honor and rarely
break their word.

Note: Duergar are an “advanced” race and therefore have a lot
more challenging experience-chart. Type ‘levels’ in-game to view.

Racial Abilities:
light blindness – penalty in daylight outdoors
poison resist (+2 poison save)
strong phantasm resist (+4 phantasm saves)
strong paralysis resist (+4 paralysis saves)
stability (+4 resist bash/trip)
spell hardiness (+4 spell save vs.damaging spells
combat training versus giants, +1 size bonus vs. larger opponents
proficiency with dwarven waraxes
skill affinity (move silently): +2 racial bonus to move silently
partial skill affinity (listen): +1 racial bonus on listen checks
partial skill affinity (spot): +1 racial bonus on spot checks
spell-like ability 3/day: invisibility
spell-like ability 3/day: enlarge
spell-like ability 3/day: strength

Ability Adjustments: +4 Con, -2 Cha

Experience Modifier: Double