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LuminariMUD Development Updates 1/29/2018


Hello friends!  Zusuk here just updating our blog with the complete list of updates since our last comprehensive update post!  A more ‘view friendly’ version coming shortly to sum up our wonderful month as “Mud of the Month” at Reddit.

[Jan 28 2018] – Zusuk
you can craft slighter more powerful than treasure
new crafting!
fixed craftcheck
critical success on crafting projects will give it a bonus stat point
you can now add essences to your craft-creations, which increases chance of ‘critical’ success
disenchant will create essence now, not crystals
augment will now only work on essences
[Jan 28 2018] – Ornir
Updated wizlist
[Jan 28 2018] – Zusuk
the exp ‘autoquest / supplyorder’ has been reduced
the gold ‘autoquest / supplyorder’ has been reduced
the chance for receiving quest point in ‘autoquest / supplyorder’ has been reduced
fixed weapon resize mechanic, see ‘help weapon-resize’ for new charts
[Jan 27 2018] – Ornir
Updated Golden Rapier and Silver Sword in Notre Dame (Stock items, will be removed eventually)
Enabled Duelist feats Precise Strike and Canny Defense
[Jan 26 2018] – Zusuk
added object events
modified the formula again for spell preparatinon, made your class level affect the prep time more dramatically
[Jan 25 2018] – Zusuk
mythic treasure will now have a 1-2 bonus “inherent” stat point(s) on it
legendary treasure will now have a bonus “inherent” stat point on it
mythic treasure will now have a bonus feat from a (least) limited list on it
legendary treasure will now have a bonus feat from a (less) limited list on it
rare treasure will now have a bonus feat from a limited list on it
fixed treasure ammo so it will no longer have negative values for breakability
reduce prep time of sorcerer, heads up for further changes, please bug zusuk with constructive criticism and patience πŸ™‚
removed color in rare-garde labels, the player can use restring to color things up if they like
rare grade functionality has been consolidated into specific functions
some “slight” modifications to treasure system
staff that gets item through the treasure/craft system will automatically receive a free id of the object as it is received
swideth in mosswood now sells newbie spellbooks, which include a few spells in it for multiclass wizards
renamed has_feat() adjusted HAS_FEAT() to include equipment calculations (feat on objects)
you can now add feats to items, builder note: don’t do it πŸ˜›
changed the eskimo whaling spear to a ‘short spear’ weapon
prep time for a spell will always be at least ‘circle’ seconds (i.e. 9th circle spell can never be prepared faster than 9 seconds)
reduced stat bonus to prep-time bonus in half
modified new ‘crafts’ system formula
[Jan 24 2018] – Treyorn
Graven quest weapons have been nerfed as they were found to be too powerful.
[Jan 24 2018] – Zusuk
new helpfile: craftedit
new helpfile: crafts
copyover now accepts an argument in seconds to time-down a copyover
new staff command: stat account <target>
next copyover your stat bonus to your primary casting stat will be applied as a

bonus to your spell prep time
added a note on augmented summoning for requirements
you can no longer get full value for sacrificing objects, sorry guys ;p
sacrifice will no longer give you double value for objects
fizban fixed running girl script
fixed an issue with blessed touch
ornir added vatiken’s crafting system to the code
increasing your intelligence via boost will give you retro-active trains now
salvation should only work on the prime plane now
fixed inconsistency with info about stat bonus of epic races and actual values
fizban fixed a bug with protector proc on player death
fixed armor help file
fixed some hunting knife objects
you can not harvest now if your carried weight is at or over your limit
added steal helpfile
fixed a bug with mobile echoes only showing the 1st entry
fizban fixed the incorrect room display for portal to raven in wizard training mansion
favored enemies menu should be fixed now
prep time on prompt should be working now, let zusuk know if it is not
[Jan 23 2018] – Wolves
added much needed guffaw social
[Jan 23 2018] – Zusuk
finished the new spell prep system
[Jan 22 2018] – Ornir
Fixed issue with Feats – you could select class and racial feats during study.
[Jan 22 2018] – Zusuk
fixed an issue with object 852
[Jan 19 2018] – Zusuk
staff: new olist type: 35 – switches, will tell you the switch type (pull/push), room it should affect (vnum), type of affect (unhide, open, unlock exit) and direction
made it obvious where the quester needs to go after helping the mosswood wizard
[Jan 18 2018] – Zusuk
to avoid confusion, moved find alerion quest to the gate guard
added switches to oedit
switch values: push or pull switch, vnum of room to affect with this switch, direction to affect, switch effect: open unlock or unhide
new object type code added: switches
polymorph self spell now uses the wildshape mechanic, for whatever it is worth ;p
added Thomas’ fix to add_lookup_table
fixed a bug where lower level druids were not consuming wildshape usages
HAPPYHOUR xp now applies -after- xp-cap limitations
npc’s that gain xp will gain about half as much, added to reduce abuse
energy drain xp is more limited
you get 2% bonus group xp per group member when gruopping, notice this is still affected by xp caps
you get a slight bonus in group’s based on how many group memebers you have
[Jan 17 2018] – Zusuk
sorc/bard metamagic spells are NOW consuming the appropriate slot
sorc/bard metamagic spells are not consuming the appropriate slot
reduced the casting time penalty for maximized spells from sorc/bard
sorcerer can no longer cast metamagic spells that would push them over their highest circle
[Jan 16 2018] – Ornir
New map of Mosswood and Ashenport available for download if you have no map and

are using the GUI.
Fixed pagination issue I introduced. (sorry!)
[Jan 15 2018] – Zusuk
removed ‘unused’ choices in skill feat selection
fixed a typo
[Jan 14 2018] – Zusuk
new helpfile: coordconvert
new staff command: coordconvert
two new hints
new helpfile: map
halved the duration of disease spells
halved the duration of poison spells
reduced duration on blind spells by 50% on every spell except power word blind
npc’s will stop trying to finish opponents with combat maneuvers
tried to make the harvesting nodes a little more general
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: under dark water no-swim
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: under dark inside
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: under dark city
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: outter planes
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: water no-swim
you should no longer find harvest nodes in room sector type: inside
you should no longer find harvesting nodes in rooms that require climbing
you should no longer find harvesting nodes in rooms that require flight
fixed a bug with wake command (that i created)
changed the MODE-CAP of combat modes to match the feat info (5)
fixed typo in combat modes output
adjusted feat info text for combat expertise
fixed ‘reserved’ spell appearing in spelllist
[Jan 13 2018] – Gicker
Added the Draconic Bloodline for Sorcerers. Sorcerers may want to respec to take full advantage.
[Jan 13 2018] – Ornir
Default map added – connect with a new profile in mudlet and you will receive the latest GUI as well as a default map!
[Jan 12 2018] – Zusuk
staff can repeat quests as much as they want irregardless of restrictions for testing purposes
you can now set quests as repeatable builders
[Jan 11 2018] – Zusuk
new helpfile: queue
sorry, you may have to respec as a caster because of my mess up πŸ˜› blame ornir
*cough cough cough*
fixed more code i broke *cough*
fixed code i broke by expanding the prep-system constant arrays
you can now copyover as a staff level on dev port
added a special check in mob-echo to make sure the ECHO_COUNT() isn’t corrupted
-huge- revamp of spell preparation phase 1, and 2 finished, working on final phase now
[Jan 09 2018] – Zusuk
started new header file: spell_prep.h for new spell preparation code
started new file: spell_prep.c for new spell preparation code
modified and moved all the spell-slot charts to constants.c
[Jan 07 2018] – Zusuk
added note in augmented summoning feat info about pre-reqs
rest, mem, stand, rest, mem will no longer cheat the system

fixed a bug with mobiles casting too fast
changed simple_list code in do_affects to the ‘long’ version thomas posted at tbamud forum
new function: change_position(char, new-position), help centralize/error check when changing character’s position
added some more hints on how to remove the Goethite shackle in memlin cavern
fixed a typo in hints reported by fizban
new helpfile: endgame
swideth now sells remove poison potions
there was an xp-cap, made it so the xp-cap is not applied to scripts/quests
added modes to gain_exp() function to help simplify handling various situations of xp gain in the code
fixed a bug in quest xp gain
keen abilities output has been adjusted to appear half as often
modified definition of light weapon to include: smaller than char, ‘light’ or ‘balanced’ flag
you will no longer see casting while writing (in menus)
added to stat object info the spell (if any) that is on drink container contents
you can now drink regular drink containers even if they are on the ground (use to be able to only drink fountains from the ground)
fixed a bug with fountains
fixed a bug in is_tell_ok() – missing an ‘else’ before an ‘if’
when ‘writing’ (like menus) tells you received will not be seen, but stored in history
you will no longer get a hint while in menu-system
new hint: archery
new helpfile: collect
new helpfile: autocollect
autogold now will attempt to pick up coins from the ground after kills, to account for incorporeal victims
show zone <num> will now show the average mob-level in the zone
fixed a few error reports in the logs that were vague
stripped colors in zone-names for error-log reporting in the SYSLOG
[Jan 06 2018] – Zusuk
a bunch of the newbie gear you start with as a new char will now load directly into the backpack to save some space
added note in two scripts that you have extra material in your backpack if needed
new chars will start with crafting material in case tutorial fails
added a slight delay between crafting material loads in tutorial script
fixed a crash bug in oedit related to eq-score
new helpfile: hint
[Jan 05 2018] – Zusuk
fixed bug with sorceress of the underworld
8 more hints
new post about the client! http://www.luminarimud.com/forums/topic/official-luminari-gui/
new forum category: mud client
new forum topic community HELP FILE SUBMISSIONS!: http://www.luminarimud.com/forums/topic/help-files/
new forum topic community HINT SUBMISSIONS!: http://www.luminarimud.com/forums/topic/hint-submissions/
new forum topic community CLASS BUILDS!: http://www.luminarimud.com/forums/topic/class-builds/
added helpfile: forum
added helpfile: warrior-build
added levitate help file

added wilderness helpfile
added helpfile: bazaar
[Jan 04 2018] – Zusuk
‘disabletrap’ no longer breaks stealth (assuming you pass the check)
‘detecttrap’ no longer breaks stealth (assuming you pass the check)
‘fire’ no longer breaks stealth (assuming you pass the check)
i -think- i fixed the issue with battlehide
[Jan 04 2018] – Ornir
Alpha GUI client for Mudlet will now auto download and install.
[Jan 04 2018] – Zusuk
grace fixed, has enhancement bonus type now
autocollect added to prefedit
new toggle: autocollect – will collect ammo automatically, should work in conjunction with autoloot nicely
spiders summoned by the trap (like velna’s) will fade after 3 minutes
made some revisions to item-decay code
added another hint
you know in oedit will get suggested affections to put on relative wear-slots
in-progress eq rating system is now displaying in OLC oedit
added 4 more hints
modified pricing on houses
[Jan 03 2018] – Zusuk
in oedit and vstat, exact details of what the special-trap effects do
fixed poison traps
tried to make it more obvious what ‘faster memorizaton’ feat is doing
[Jan 03 2018] – Wolves
added a few lines of dialog to Demic in the tutorial zone after completing the 4th quest, pointing people back to the portal to start adventuring in Mosswood when the tutorial is finished.
[Jan 03 2018] – Zusuk
added nohint to prefedit
added 15 starting ‘hints’ in new nohint channel
new channel: nohint, every 5 minutes give a gameplay hint
new toggle: nohint
[Jan 02 2018] – Ornir
Stripping colors from enemy name, now the gui shoudl work properly
Fixed some issues with MSDP to make group data reflect the proper group info when you leave a group
[Jan 02 2018] – Zusuk
added social media icons to sidebar of website
[Jan 01 2018] – Zusuk
slight loop optimization throughout the code where gcc suggested
added brackets throughout the code where gcc suggested
made indentation fixes throughout the code where gcc suggested
using new compiler/makefile on local code, fixing indentation issues that are misleading when reading the code
[Dec 31 2017] – Zusuk
added message to victim of mass enhance (like) spells to notify them they already have an enhancement spell
added a message to victim of a failed mass-enhance spell
fixed some typos in spell affections

Introducing Sorcerer Bloodlines

“We are not like the others, you and I.  They use their books and songs to build their power, but this is false, unnatural!  We are the true wielders of magic, those born into it!” - Roharis the bold, speaking to his late apprentice Altham

Sorcerers, unlike Wizards, do not learn to harness the magical energies of Lumia – They are born into power.  A magical being or powerful event somewhere in their ancestry has altered their bloodline, granting them their powers.  Perhaps a dragon, bored with their long existence and seeking new experiences, coupled with one of the sorcerer’s ancestors, producing a child.  The dragon’s magic was passed down, generation after generation, until some roll of the dice caused it to manifest strongly in this individual.  Their abilities reflect their dragon ancestry, with claws that slash and glittering draconic wings that grant flight, even a devastating breath weapon.

Mechanically, the ancestor dragon’s type affects the bonuses and powers you will receive:

  • black dragon – acid damage
  • blue dragon – electric damage
  • green dragon – poison damage
  • red dragon – fire damage
  • white dragon – cold damage
  • brass dragon – fire damage
  • bronze dragon – electric damage
  • copper dragon – acid damage
  • silver dragon – cold damage
  • gold dragon – fire damage

This will affect the breath weapon type as well as the cosmetic appearance of your manifested draconic attributes, such as your wings.

If you are currently a sorcerer in the game, you will need to RESPEC to choose your bloodline.

For help in-game: help Draconic Bloodline

Currently, the Draconic Bloodline is the only available bloodline.  Other bloodlines will be available in the next few weeks.

Introducing the Luminari GUI Client Script for Mudlet!


We are excited to announce the release of an alpha version of our Mudlet GUI. First if you do not have Mudlet yet, download it here:


Once you have downloaded Mudlet and installed it:
You will need to create a new profile for Luminari, even if you have one already. The address is: luminarimud.com, port: 4100
Then connect to the MUD.
The GUI package we designed should automatically download at this point.
Before you log on, you will have to select the “Settings” button up top.
For ‘profile preferences’, the ‘general’ tab (the one should be opened by default when you click on ‘settings’), on the bottom ‘Game Protocols’ select ‘Enable MSDP’
Then you will have to click the button up top to ‘Reconnect’
Log into your Luminari account and into your character.
Go into ‘Prefedit’ for your character, select ‘t’ for toggle preferences.
Make sure options ‘M’ mxp, ‘N’ msdp, ‘O’ gmcp, ‘V’ gui mode, are all selected as ‘ON’
Select ‘Q’ again ‘Q’ and finally ‘Y’ to save and exit.
You will have to reconnect and log into your character again and you should all be set to go!!

To start the mapper, type: start mapping
To pause your mapper, type: stop mapping
Then start moving around! We suggest you use ‘start mapping’ to map an area, then ‘stop mapping’ once the area is mapped out to avoid messing up your maps.

Please bare in mind this is just an Alpha release, with a lot more features and aesthetic improvements soon to come! We would love your feedback via IDEA, BUG submissions. You can also post on this post or even just talk directly to the author, Ornir, on Discord.

Click Here to Join Us on Discord!

Luminari Streamed Tonight on twitch.tv!


Tonight at midnight EDST, Tark from the Stick in the MUD Podcast will be streaming a newbie Luminari experience!

Watch at: twitch.tv/mudpodcast


Let’s MUD! LuminariMUD Game of the Month, a New Race and GUI Development


Thanks to the Reddit community for the recognition!  To any new visitors, we highly suggest checking out a short lore article we have setup:

Lumina – Voiced by Stu Cook

It includes both a written and audio version of our background story.

Also we are happy to announce the release of the Drow race:

Cruel and cunning, Drow, also known as dark elves, were cursed
into their present appearance by the Arcanite and Prisoner’s magic, were led
down the path to evil and corruption. The drow have black skin that resembles
polished obsidian and stark white or pale yellow hair. They commonly have red
eyes. Drow are the same size as elves but a bit thinner. Descending into the
Underworld, they formed cities shaped from the rock of cyclopean caverns. They
developed a theocratic and matriarchal society based on power and deceit.
Females generally hold all positions of power and responsibility in the
government, the military, and the home. In such a society males are often
trained as warriors to become soldiers, guards, and servants of females. Those
males showing aptitude with magic are trained as Wizards instead. While they are
not born evil, malignancy is deep-rooted in their culture and society, and
nonconformists rarely survive for long.

Also, Ornir is hard at work creating a Mudlet GUI crafted to enhance the Luminari experience, and we will be keeping the community posted with updates as they are released.

Here is a comprehensive list of all our updates from the changelog since our last post (December 2nd):

[Dec 28 2017] – Zusuk
added to identify/stat info about monk-gloves if applicable
added a sample proc for gloves on object 224
added mechanic for special procedures on gloves
random treasure drops will now include extremely rare monk gloves
random treasure system mechanic for ‘misc’ category items revamped completely
bazaar now sells monk gloves
created monk-glove enhancement mechanic: each point adds to attack bonus and damage bonus
setting 0-val for gloves will assign them monk-glove enhancement
added 0-value in object editor for wearable gear for expansion purposes
all new players start with a magical torch that is a permanent light source until we fix fetching torches in pitch black
[Dec 27 2017] – Zusuk
feat info for shieldcharge is much more detailed now
fixed a little issue with shieldcharge missing feat reqs
drow have been fixed to get levitate innate instead of waterwalk
new spell: levitate
new mechanic: levitation, will stop falling, allow you to go over (not deep) water
fixed a bug with mirror image message
you will now see in your score if your monk-skills are being affected by your gear
[Dec 26 2017] – Zusuk
level of item drops from treasure should make more sense, with rarer gear much harder to get
the treasure grade system now has two more levels, for 6 total – each representing approximately 5 levels
abilities command will work on group members
you can now use cooldown commands to view group members cooldowns
you can now use resist commands to view group members resistances
you can now use affect commands to view group members affections
bazaar placed in ashstone bazaar, room 103006
bazaar armor – you can now purchase armor magic items using quest points
bazaar weapon – you can now purchase weapon magic items using quest points
bazaar misc – you can now purchase miscellaneous slot magic items using quest points
new room spec-proc: bazaar
room 103006 is now a bazaar
fixed an issue with colorign in random treasure

The Rredit Alien - Image not owned by Luminari
The Rredit Alien – Image not owned by Luminari

[Dec 24 2017] – Zusuk
added a logo and background graphic to google plus page
added social media share buttons to the website pages/posts/etc
connected twitter account to website
connected google plus page to website
connected facebook page to website
aura of courage now shows up in affections
small or smaller races that call a mount (paladin ability) will now get a more appropriate creature
[Dec 22 2017] – Wolves
Added a teleport keyword for Ruined Keep. Keyword is RUINED.
[Dec 22 2017] – Zusuk
moved all the ideas to the forums
updated the website’s plugins
[Dec 21 2017] – Wolves
Added the Ruined Keep! Its not tooo far to the southwest of Ashenport. Also fixed some room descs, restated all the objs and mobs. Quests and lore to follow!

[Dec 21 2017] – Zusuk
added dummy checks to address a teleporter-related crash
[Dec 20 2017] – Zusuk
fixed some grammar in armor-glance message
[Dec 18 2017] – Zusuk
fixed a bug with cui script
[Dec 17 2017] – Zusuk
added domain and wiz-school info into do_stat()
compartmentalized do_abilities into a separate function so it can be shared
stat affections has a LOT more information now
new helpfile: scriptvar
updated some coloring / spacing in script-stating for visibility
new command for stat: stat scriptvar <victim>, will show mobile scripts and character variables
mobile scripts and char-variables are no longer in player/mobile generic stat
changed ‘stat feat <victim>’ to ‘stat feats’
worn shields should now properly apply their AC bonus to bonus-type shield, instead of bonus-type armoring
[Dec 14 2017] – Zusuk
made sure to undefine all the newbie gear names
changed all the newbie starting gear in the code from vnums to defines
monks get cloth sleeves/leggings now
updated plugins/themes for the website
reconnected the area northwest of ashenport so it fits correctly to the world
fixed up the rooms in the shrine area northwest of ashenport
[Dec 14 2017] – Ornir
Altered the MSDP routines to speed up mapping and ensure accuracy, now you can map quickly!
[Dec 13 2017] – Zusuk
all affections on a character are now separated properly to respective bonus-types when extracted from GET_AC()
added a few comments to hands_needed() code
added a few comments to the perform_wear() code
fixed issue when trying to wear a 2nd quiver, giving the wrong ‘you are already wearing…’ message
[Dec 12 2017] – Zusuk
“You need to reload” message stops appearing when you have autoreload toggle on
fixed an issue with double poison messages outputting
check for trelux poison: bare-hand, this will only be valid for staff scenarios
ranged combat attacks will now have coloring selected by wolves
ranged combat attack victims will see red damage messages consistent with melee attacks
[Dec 11 2017] – Zusuk
you can’t reload if you are stunned or worse off
modified ranged combat output to easier understand why you are not succeeding in pulling off a ranged attack
fixed some bugs in ranged combat
factored out crossbow-system into sub-systems for ease-of-use
moved the reload-check for crossbow-like weapons from perform_attacks() to hit()
restructured ranged combat system
you can now look at your crossbow (and other reloading type weapons) to see how much ammo is loaded into it
[Dec 10 2017] – Ornir
help <racename> and help <classname> now use race info and class info and are much more useful.

[Dec 10 2017] – Zusuk
server updates
drow will start with (in addition to normal kit) a x-bow kit for starters
use to be only warrior-type dwarves got a dwarven waraxe for starting, but we now give all dwarves a waraxe as a racial bonus
rangers will now get studded leather armor starting (light instead of medium armor)
fixed some bolt and quarrel objects
[Dec 09 2017] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with charmee’s master not being in group when the charmee got killing blow on kill
ornir made some changes to help file system, hopefully includes race/calss now
[Dec 07 2017] – Zusuk
new helpfile: drow
new… RACE!! DROW, AIYEE!!!
new feat: faerie fire
new feat: darkness
new feat: levitate
new feat: drow weapon proficiency
new feat: drow racial adjustment
new feat: drow spell resistance
new feat: day blindness, penalties to character in daylight
these sectors are now dark rooms: underwater, underdark/underworld, caves
elf innates converted from racial to feats
new function: room_is_daylit() – to determine if a given room has daylight!
gnome racial innates moved from race checks to feat checks
arcana golem racial innates moved from race checks to feat checks
changed elven innate from race-driven to feat-driven
[Dec 07 2017] – Ornir
Inventory is now available via MSDP
[Dec 05 2017] – Zusuk
new command: defenses
[Dec 05 2017] – Ornir
Group info not available via MSDP.
Affects now available via MSDP
[Dec 04 2017] – Zusuk
posted a development update to the website/facebook group
updated the website theme
updated the website plugins
updated the website framework
group command no longer shows player mana
room report doesn’t report mana anymore
group report doesn’t report mana anymore
reduced the cost of research in general, for spells circle 3 and lower, new lower flat rate
added a dummy check into dg_triggers
wizards/sorc now start with cloth sleeves instead of leather
wizards/sorc now start with cloth pants instead of leather
added pkill help file
added policy for pkill: it is enabled for testing purposes, but should only be done with prior consent

Development Updates! 12/04/2017

Long time no update right? Well, this is a combination of inactivity and not remembering to update the website and social network, and for that we apologize!!

Here are some development highlights since our last post!

  • We are now developing a GUI package for Mudlet!
  • An expansion of our main quest line for Ashenport-region to carry a player to approximately level 18
  • Some placement of more wizard-scrolls throughout the main quest line to help supplement wizard growth
  • Reduction in cost for wizards to research spells, emphases on lower circle spells having a heavier cost reduction
  • Performance improvements for bards
  • Lots of fun fine-tuning for the epic race Trelux
  • Convenience improvements and fixes for apply poison
  • A lot of cleanup in combat output, including filtering out a lot of extra information into a toggled called ‘combatroll’
  • A lot of idea and bug submissions have been resolved

Here is the comprehensive list of changes that have been made since the last update:
[Dec 02 2017] – Zusuk
new druids now start with a scimitar and leather armor instead of mace and scalemail
[Nov 28 2017] – Zusuk
knockdown failed attempt to size difference has modified message
fixed typo in shieldcharge missed attack
can’t scan directions you can’t go now
added some color to ‘scanning’ message for disscernment purposes
began full audit of objects generating errors in the syslogs
removed quests that did not have a quest-master assigned
fixed all mobile spec-assignments with missing mobiles
fixed all object spec-assignments with missing objects
fixed some in-zone errors reported via zreset
fixed some individual zone errors via the .zon files
fixed all the zone errors reported during reboot/copyover
moved account-save in save_char() from bottom of function to before file-closing
[Nov 24 2017] – Zusuk
added a dummy check in mob echos to make sure it doesn’t grow past it’s array limits
added first sample of msdp gui combat wraps (gui mode)
[Nov 23 2017] – Zusuk
added to bottom of toggle display note suggesting to use prefedit
added some labels to clarify toggle category
fixed some alignment issue with toggle display
added to toggle new empty mode: GUI Mode
added to prefedit new empty mode: GUI Mode
[Nov 15 2017] – Zusuk
added a new quest to mosaic caves
[Nov 14 2017] – Zusuk
room 60000 now just has some copy and paste mlists to view the mosnter manual
added a new object/house backup script
added the monster manual scrape nashak created in zone 600 (600-623)
[Nov 09 2017] – Zusuk
added a sign reminding the player of the ‘look around’ command to help them explore mosaic cave
added to zones file mosaic cave
teleporter allows keywords ‘mosaic’ to arrive at the mosaic cave
added a familiar character as a mini quest hub in mosaic cave
[Nov 07 2017] – Zusuk
started building the mosaic cave quest
[Nov 05 2017] – Zusuk
yahg’s quest now rewards a scroll of ‘identify’
veralis quest to destroy the mutated children awards a scroll of ‘blindness’ now
for defeating lady raven, veralist now rewards a scroll of ‘haste’
horkas, once a reboot/copyover will have a scroll of ‘greater invisibility’
stohana, once per reboot/copyover, will sell a scroll of ‘dominate person’
a scroll of ‘greater mirror image’ can be found in the ghost of grimtohr’s room, once per reboot/copyover
displacement scroll, once per reboot/copyover can be found in protect of the orb’s room
dollhouse quest awards now a scroll of ‘iron skin’
[Nov 03 2017] – Zusuk
added some more minor tweaks to the bard performance formula
gave a flat 10% increase of performance success
[Nov 02 2017] – Zusuk
heavy armor now has a 50 percent bonus protection compared to old values
medium armor now has a 40 percent bonus protection compared to old values
light armor now has a 30 percent bonus protection compared to old values
stutter now happens after the verse to help new bards out
starting bards now get a set of instruments
[Nov 01 2017] – Zusuk
fixed inappropriate themed objects in dollhouse
fixed some theme issues with dollhouse
finished fixing the mob races in zone 118 (dollhouse)
[Oct 25 2017] – Zusuk
trippled chance of chemistry notches
fixed a little bug in init_char()
fixed some room connections in blindbreak
[Oct 24 2017] – Zusuk
fixed a few objects in the ‘mines’ zone
fixed a bug with show_obj_to_char – stock gear with negative values would crash the game
added some more mobs to kill in blindbreak
blindbreak zone reset was changed from 18 to 10 minutes to allow for more xp hunting
[Oct 23 2017] – Zusuk
added some more dummy checks into the apply poison code
some minor improvements / fixes to apply poison command and combat
apply poison now works for trelux
[Oct 22 2017] – Zusuk
swideth in mosswood now sells potions of ‘remove disease’
[Oct 19 2017] – Zusuk
weapon spells (offensive) will not try to activate in !magic room
some fine tuning with apply poison skill
the ‘craft’ command now reminds you at the bottom of some related commands
the training (ability) interface has been modified slightly
[Oct 18 2017] – Zusuk
you can no longer apply poison to bows/crossbows themselves ;p
[Oct 17 2017] – Zusuk
apply poison no longer will break stealth
added a little more flavor to the apply poison message that includes the poison used
applypoison now accepts ‘primary’ and ‘offhand’ as weapon choices to apply poison to respective wielded weapons
trelux monks now get proper bonuses to their monk barehand damage due to claws
trelux get a bonus to mainhand attack due to natural racial proficiency with their claws
trelux pincer feat info now mentions penalty of offhand attack
idle weapon spells will not try to activate if you already have the spell
added 3 random messages for weapon spells just for a little variety
trimmed down weapon flag messages, and made sure they are on the same line as the particular attack
weapon spells will stop trying to activate in no-magic rooms
weapon flags such as bane, chaotic etc, will no longer give messages in combat unless you have combatroll toggled on
clenched fist now targets the proper target with the affection aspect
NEW TOGGLE / MODE: combatroll — combatroll toggle will turn on all the combat details i disabled by default
you will no longer see the tags that indicate why your sneak attack is successful
you will no longer see the “down!” tag
you will no longer see the amount of damage
you will no longer see stumble attacks tag
you will no longer see the rolls you get in combat
added a message to suffering victim of poison during combat
fixed some issues with trelux poison
poisoning a target that is already poisoned will cause them extra damage
trelux poison now uses their level to determine bonus
trelux claw poison now has a little more color in messaging
trelux missed attacks now get the proper message in combat
made a _slightly_ better harvesting message, will rebuild it so it is more colorful in the future
“ammo” is now a keyword for all ammo-type of random treasure to help players either organize or junk that type of treasure
[Oct 16 2017] – Zusuk
modified shutdown messages with a little more detail for the logs
new staff commands: stat affect, stat room, stat zone, stat feat
the helpfile for staff “stat” now includes all the new stat-functions
mithril flute (24812) is now a flute
object 2563, golden flute is now actually a flute
flute object 5217 is now an ‘instrument’
homemade lyre (32513) is now actually a lyre
school for proteciton from evil/good is no longer “no school”
when you reach the level limit (level-immortal minus one), you will now get the message “You have reached the level limit! You can not go above level 30!” if you try to ‘gain’
[Oct 15 2017] – Zusuk
removed all in-house bug submissions, moved them to forums for ease-of-viewing
fixed some issues with lady raven’s scripts
fixed crash bug with quests with repeatable steps (that i created) 2.0
characters/houses with heavy amounts of scripted objects cause the game to lag when being saved – this issue was resolved
[Oct 14 2017] – Zusuk
added note in mosswood quest that you should explore and get to know the city
added note in ashenport quest that you should explore and get to know the city
made the ‘same weapon’ message more accurate
fixed skill typo for: song of rejuv
vermin can not longer pick locks
plants can not longer pick locks
oozes can not longer pick locks
magical beasts can not longer pick locks
animals can not longer pick locks
dragons can not longer pick locks
undead can not longer pick locks
you can’t study while wildshaped, polymorphed or shape-changed now
ramses potions no longer give sanctuary (disabled spell)
[Oct 13 2017] – Zusuk
more changes to quest output
clarified in wizard quest that you have to bring back and GIVE him the mushrooms
added a little tidying up for quest output
there is now a slight delay between completing a quest and getting the reward/info from it
put notice that the crafting tutorial does not always seem to work
added CRAFT command to CRAFTING help file
added more info to some of the commands indicating important related commands
[Oct 11 2017] – Zusuk
emptied out changelog (bak3)
new post thanks to seraty, please see forum ‘bugs’ for more info
updated the website’s plugins
swapped out some deprecated skills in crafting for relevant crafting skills
fixed some bumbled up messages in crafting
replaced alchemy checks with chemistry checks in craft code via seraty request
random treasure ammo will now be tagged as ‘magical’
[Oct 10 2017] – Zusuk
removed some spammy logs in shop code
trip should not queue when not in combat
bash should not queue when not in combat
kick should not queue when not in combat
updated the druid weapon proficiency list
you can now only have ONE miscellaneous pet followers, not including 1: undead, familiar, mount, elemental
death will now force-clear grapple effects on victim
spiked chain is now ‘balanced’
whip is now ‘balanced’
[Oct 09 2017] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with pin
modes such as power attack will handle values of 1 even if your BAB is less than 1
a lot of offensive skills are now not accessible via order command for NPC’s
added a little color to the withdrawal message
added a little coloring to the deposit message
added utility to deposit and withdrawal: deposit all, withdraw all
“fixed” napalm quest in zone 3
ordering all your followers now consumes a full round action
ordering a single folower now consumes a move action
[Oct 08 2017] – Zusuk
added suggestion to combat tutorial to check ‘attack’ command
added ‘combat-mode’ help file
added a suggestion to go through tutorial despite player experience for bonus items/xp
[Jul 30 2017] – Zusuk
fixed a load error in room 132100
fixed some typos in class.c file
[Oct 30 2016] – Zusuk
added mosaic cave to sketch map
attached mosaic cave
begun work on finishing mosaic cave
ok all fixed
fixed trigger 2735
[Oct 27 2016] – Zusuk
fixed duplicate epic class feat progression
certain classes that weren’t suppose to get epic class feats have been fixed
fixed a potential crash bug while fighting (??) penguins
removed fremlin quest in mosswood, it was not even remotely done and was misleading players into thinking there was a quest there
fixed a script in memlin caverns
fixed a few core mechanics for some item procs
added some comments to clean up some code
[Oct 25 2016] – Zusuk
fixed the feat descriptions for combat expertise and power attack modes in the feat file
[Oct 23 2016] – Zusuk
changed the power attack help file
fixed a quest title that was deceiving
[Oct 21 2016] – Zusuk
conquer the challenge of the dollhouse to acquire a powerful artifact!! suggested minimum level 12, if you are following the quest line you should arrive around level 14-15
the next step in the quest line will now take the player to the dollhouse to retrive an artifact
added an extention to the quest line
maximum exp for completing quest has been changed from 99,999 to 999,999
began marking on a map all the attached zones int he ashenport region
connected Dollhouse to ashenport region
[Oct 10 2016] – Zusuk
modified the combat expertise help file
made all the graven quest weapons level 9 minlevel
critical hit message location in code changed
[Sep 19 2016] – Zusuk
fixed an issue with scripts using “say” as an argument – now ” ‘ ” will work
solo and group xp gains had some inconsistencies that needed to be modified
[Sep 18 2016] – Zusuk
added the rough drafts to the website ‘lore’ section
posted the rough draft of ashenport region
posted the rought draft of map’s regions
added a marker before velna as a warning
gave velna a description (previously “unfinished”)
[Sep 16 2016] – Zusuk
added a note to the colour helpfile for staff as a reminder how to see the full color spectrum (show colour)
[Sep 15 2016] – Zusuk
made account xp about twice as easy to get
[Sep 14 2016] – Zusuk
in feat command, improved reaction should reflect the stacked bonus value
first attempt at fixing the incorrect display for npc races
air elements and faerie dragons no longer have permanent blur
when trying to train abilities outside of a trainer, it no longer tells you to go to your guild, but instead find a ‘trainer’
fixed an issue with improved reaction feat