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Update 08/12/2013


The Official Luminari MUD forums have re-opened!  They can be reached via the link at the top of the page or by navigating to http://www.luminarimud.com/forums


We are searching for a good skin for the forums, if you have any suggestions, leave a comment!


Weekly Update 05/03/2013



[May 02 2013] – Zusuk

fixed color bleed in the log message for [ auto zone reset ]

[May 01 2013] – Zusuk

added jotunheim invasion proc, currently set at 100% fire rate for testing

[Apr 30 2013] – Zusuk

ported over jotunheim, it is connected to astral plane

added crimson flame procs

fixed zone 1423 proc

ported zone:  crimson flame

ported zone procs for zone 1423, it doesn’t really do anything (yet)

[Apr 29 2013] – Zusuk

modified some of the zcheck values to match our system better, probably still needs more love though

fixed zcheck crash bug

split affect_total from 1 -> 3 functions

init_char wasn’t setting real_ size, updated it to do that

attached to game zones: plane of fire, astral plane, ethereal plane, avernus, plane of shadows, air plane, water plane, earth plane, abyssal vortex, plane of magma, cloud realm of stronmaus

made it so in olist type portal you will see the type and destination(s) of the


[Apr 27 2013] – Zusuk

fixed a bug in handling of con-bonus for hps

[Apr 26 2013] – Nashak

mlist will now display — for classless mobs

[Apr 25 2013] – Zusuk

added a new class-based stat-cap system

Luminari Weekly Update 04/26/2013



[Apr 26 2013] – Nashak

mlist will now display — for classless mobs

[Apr 25 2013] – Zusuk

added a new class-based stat-cap system

[Apr 24 2013] – Zusuk

commented out do_flee wait-state until the whole system is re-evaluated

ranger spell selection modified to be a sub-selection of druids

hasspell() in memorize.c now returns the class instead of true/false

[Apr 23 2013] – Zusuk

added some more important info about gear in score sheet and ‘equipment’ command

[Apr 22 2013] – Zusuk

added proficienc_worn() info to the score-sheet

added new function:  proficiency_worn() which will check the higest level proficiency of gear worn on char

with the change to the ‘proficiency’ system with weapons/armor, i’ve commented

out the invalid_class() function for gear

fixed a color bleed with harvesting nodes

fixed simple_list errors

added first spell in potions/scroll spells in type-list (olist)

added a ‘npc-race-subtypes’ helpfile by request

you can now unapprove quests by selecting approve on an approved-quest

you can now use the ‘lore’ command while resting

you can now gossip/chat/look/score/group/say/tell/help while crafting

added a ‘real-mode’ for the auto-statter in code, for auto-statting summoned creatures, and other read_mobile cases if desire

auto-statted plants, animals and vermin no longer have gold

helper mobiles will not assist animals as per taure’s request

added sign to chessboard warning that it isn’t really safe for newbies

[Apr 21 2013] – Zusuk

added some dummy checks to try and deal with crash in movement

[Apr 21 2013] – Nashak

increase READ_SIZE to 512 to allow longer echos and paths

fixed double free crash bug in echos

[Apr 21 2013] – Zusuk

discovered nagging bug:  was storing warding (stoneskin/mirror-image/etc) in th

e wrong data-struct, should be fixed now

greater-undead are now wizard-casters

revamped mag_summons bonus on mobiles to utilize auto-statterfile000189566493

[Apr 20 2013] – Zusuk

added mob-paths helpfile

added a set of debuggign info broadcast to a mobile on a path (switch to the mobile to observe)

fixed a bug in mob-paths (not starting on right index)

added mob-paths to medit

added mob-paths to saving/loading of mobiles

[Apr 19 2013] – Nashak

fixed an issue where the leading tab was being stripped from echo color codes

[Apr 19 2013] – Zusuk

added mob ‘listen’ flag

mobiles will go after master’s of pets over their pets when dealing with memory/hunting

added AUTO-STATTER help file

added SIZE-TABLE help file

added scenario of mobile level 31+ in do_consider, advising to bring friends

revamp of auto-statter for mobiles concluded, now mobiles will be statted accor

ding to type (race), class and level… level 31+ will be auto-statted to very difficult levels

finished first revision of mobile AI code, all classes now have AI code unique to the class

[Apr 18 2013] – Nashak

fixed area converter to now copy over extra descriptions for objects

Luminari MUD Weekly Update 04/19/2013


[Apr 19 2013] – Zusuk
added scenario of mobile level 31+ in do_consider, advising to bring friends
revamp of auto-statter for mobiles concluded, now mobiles will be statted according to type (race), class and level… level 31+ will be auto-statted to very difficult levels
finished first revision of mobile AI code, all classes now have AI code unique to the class
[Apr 18 2013] – Nashak
fixed area converter to now copy over extra descriptions for objects
[Apr 17 2013] – Zusuk
mobiles will automatically be using their class/level BAB and saving-throws
[Apr 17 2013] – Nashak
added column to mob list to specify if a mobile has an echo or not
guard mobiles will now help citizen mobiles
widened who list to accommodate multi-class players
[Apr 16 2013] – Zusuk
mob hunters with memory will now hunt down everyone in their memory
[Apr 15 2013] – Zusuk
when you set the ‘group’ or ‘onload mobgroup’ affect flag on a mob, upon loading it will try to attempt to like-flagged mobiles in the same roo
fixed a crash caused by NOWHERE/NOBODY/NOTHING in hlquest
made it so hlquest’s that are missing items for a quest, will still work without missing items
[Apr 15 2013] – Nashak
hlqst is now added to index when creating new zone
[Apr 15 2013] – Zusuk
you can now see your crafting skill actual values
limits.h was a bad idea, its now mudlim.h
compartmentalized pulse_luminari
moved pulse_luminari into limits.c
fixed bug with creeping-doom spell (using magic-level instead of divine-level)
made some refinement to the OUTDOORS macro and added a similar macro to refer to rooms as opposed to player-position
added new sector map-info: ud-wild, ud-city, ud-inside, ud-water, ud-noswim, ud-noground, lava
[Apr 14 2013] – Zusuk
moved limits.c functions from utils.h->limits.h
added new header: limits.h
“solid fog” room-affect added
starting noobs with some ammo and a ranged-weapon for testing
reduce happy-treasure value from 30->15%, still is more than double normal treasure drop rate
expanded vnums for world from short-int -> int, 655k -> 4billion vnums
updated gameplay section of website with lore content from wiki
[Apr 13 2013] – Zusuk
fixed bug with simple-movement that lacked a NOWHERE check
[Apr 13 2013] – Nashak
zone echos will no longer be displayed to players with PLR_WRITING flag
mobs will now only try to return to default position if they are flagged sentinel
[Apr 12 2013] – Zusuk
some minor tweaks on some skills based on player input (thanks cuoris)
added fireweapon (ranged-weapons) and missile (ammo) flags
added quiver eq slot
added basic ranged-combat system (needs fine tuning/testing)
should be able to use held spellbooks to memorize
[Apr 11 2013] – Zusuk
charmee’s no longer need to be groupped to get xp
new skill: sap
new skill: dirt kick
new skill: shield punch
new skill: headbutt
new skill: springleap
new skill: bodyslam
new skill: charge
new skill: hitall
added guard ability (anyone with rescue can use it)
added new happyhour function: treasure – to increase treasure drop rate

I Want to Start My Own MUD!


(I saw this posted on mudbytes.net and I liked it -Zusuk)

“I am very excited to start a mud. I don’t know how to code for
muds, but I have a super great idea for one. All I need is for
folks to come do what I tell them.”

This, in many different phrasings, is one of the most common
requests for help on mud forums. It very often generates
hostility and ends in sadness. I’m of the opinion that there
should be some standard FAQ-style answer to it, in order to
minimize the pain that this sort of request generates. This
open letter is an attempt at that standard response.

Open Letter to the Newcomer Who Wants to Start A MUD

Dear Newcomer,

Welcome! I am very glad you’re excited about muds and I
hope you stay and become a frequent participant and
contributor to this forum. I also extend to you my most
sincere wish that you succeed in your game. The community
benefits from more good games.

Please forgive any hostile posts you receive as a result
of your request for assistance. You may not be aware of
some important things about the community of folks who
create and run muds (mud developers), and this letter is
meant to guide you through some things you ought to know.

* We are volunteers. With very, very few exceptions, mud
devs don’t get paid for it. They do what they do for their
own pleasure, and help others out of love for the hobby.
Remember that! If we seem testy sometimes, it’s often
because we think we are trying to defend something we love.

* We have been hurt. There are literally thousands of muds
that started, got nowhere, and closed in short order. I’d
be willing to bet there have been tens of thousands. Many
of us have donated our time, our creativity, our sweat to
such muds. Some of us have had it happen more than once. We
may still be sore about it. When we see another forum post
advertising a mud that we think will do the same, sometimes
we have a hard time giving the benefit of doubt, and we say
rude things. Please forgive us.

* We don’t want others to be hurt. When we see a post for
a mud that looks like another of these “wasted my time” muds,
we sometimes ask very pointed questions to determine the
viability of that project. It’s not about being jealous of
your idea. It’s not about hatred of things that are new. We
really want to know how serious you are, and how likely you
are to waste people’s time. Believe it or not, we can usually
tell. The fastest way to prove your mud will go nowhere is
to respond to such posts in a hostile and immature manner.
Avoid that. Just accept that we’re trying to help other mud
devs know more about you and your project.

* Lazy people drive us crazy. I am not calling you lazy. But
your post may have made you look that way. Some newcomers
say things like “I really just can’t code, I’ve tried.” This
sounds like you just can’t be bothered, and are trying to
get people to do your job. Coding is very hard for some folks,
and it’s ok that you’re not good at it. But insisting on not
coding, and not getting better at it, is a very strong mark
against you. It may not *be* laziness, but no matter how you
excuse it, it comes off that way. Don’t sound lazy. And
don’t be lazy. Plan on improving your coding skills, and
explain that this is your plan.

* We don’t need you as a boss. If your idea is good enough,
I can just make my own mud with it, and not bother involving you.
You need to explain what role you will play, and why you are
the right person to play that role. Remember that this is
very much a job interview…but you’re not interviewing
candidates. You are the candidate. You are showing us why
you’re the right person to run the mud, and what skills and
experience you bring to that job.

* Your awesome idea is one of 10,000. It is important for
you to understand that. Just having an awesome idea doesn’t
even come close to convincing anyone that the idea needs
a mud, and that you need to be the boss of it, and that
people should want to come and work on it for you, for free.
The idea is important, but it is not the most important part.

You might feel a bit bewildered at this point. Just what do
mud devs want to see that might make them want to join your
project? It’s not an easy question to answer, but here
are some things worth demonstrating:

Maturity. Show us you’re a grownup that can handle criticism
well and doesn’t think he is owed free labor.

Planning. The surest way to know I should disregard a project
is that you haven’t bothered to research anything. If you don’t
know a mud host from a web host, you’re probably wasting my time.
If you have no idea which codebases to investigate for suitability,
you haven’t done your homework. If you’re serious, you’ll
be able to show your planning.

Commitment. If you really are serious about this project,
you have work to show us already. Perhaps you’ve started
testing on a codebase. Perhaps you have a design document laid out.
Something to show you’re not just begging on the street for
someone to make you a mud. Explain the work you’ve done thus far.

Motivation. I want to see the fire in your belly. If I
spend my time and share my skills on a project, I want to know
it’s run by someone determined to make things work.

Experience. Tell us about the projects you’ve managed. If they
failed, why did they fail? Your experience need not be perfect,
but you should show how you’ve learned from it.

The sad fact is that most muds that start will fail. You have
to show prospective mud devs why your mud will not, and why they
will not be wasting their time on it.

You might at this point be coming to the realization that
you may in fact not really be ready to start a successful
project. That is not shameful, it is not a sign of personal
fault. We all have to start somewhere. If you’re feeling like
maybe your project won’t meet the standards laid out in this
this document, don’t just give up. Find a project that can
use a newcomer, and learn the ropes.

That’s usually how it works, you see. Newcomers don’t usually
start as captain, they usually begin as beginners. There’s
no shame in it, and I’m pretty sure that starting the
normal way is a very good way to prepare to eventually run
a successful project of your own.

Your pal,


PS See also: http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?bbsubject_id=2293

Luminari MUD Weekly Update 04/12/2013


[Apr 12 2013] – Zusuk
should be able to use held spellbooks to memorize
[Apr 11 2013] – Zusuk
charmee’s no longer need to be groupped to get xp
new skill: sap
new skill: dirt kick
new skill: shield punch
new skill: headbutt
new skill: springleap
new skill: bodyslam
new skill: charge
new skill: hitall
added guard ability (anyone with rescue can use it)
added new happyhour function: treasure – to increase treasure drop rate
[Apr 10 2013] – Zusuk
added singfile staff command and help file
[Apr 08 2013] – Zusuk
added status to zlist for head builder usage
[Apr 07 2013] – Zusuk
added some extra restriction checking on the portal/gate spells
added new position: recline
added new room flag: norecall, prevents the recall spell
[Apr 06 2013] – Nashak
fixed an issue with echos that was causing echos to not be displayed correctly in medit in certain scenarios