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Update: September 10, 2014


Most important of all right now – finally banging our heads (Ornir and Zusuk) about how to get our Armor-Class system set up for the long run.  So far we have been just converting values from a deprecated stock CircleMUD system.


file9231272063295[Sep 08 2014] – Zusuk
increased treasure drop chance
slight modifications to the apply-bonuses to random treasure
some compartmentalization to the treasure code
[Sep 07 2014] – Zusuk
changed treasure system back to distribution as opposed to loading on mob reset
started messing with treasure system
started commenting memorize code
[Sep 05 2014] – Zusuk
fixed aliases for memorization according to ornir recommendations
[Sep 04 2014] – Zusuk
renamed first alias for memorization code to help reduce confusion in code
addressed warnings in the code, this simply meant commenting out unused variables 😛
reverted memorize.c code to old version, commented out changes for examination
[Sep 03 2014] – Zusuk
ornir added the ability to play the mud from facebook
purchased SSL certficate for luminarimud.com domain name
[Sep 03 2014] – Ornir
got soiled running for the website
[Sep 03 2014] – Zusuk
got it so i can actually modify the codebase from home and work on it
added varnish to the website

Update: 08/27/2014


Actually a lot has happened since the last post, but I’m just going to mention two things in this post:


1)  Thanks to Ornir, we now have SOILED set up as another optional web browser client to play the MUD

2)  I set up Varnish caching for the website so it will run faster:


Hope everyone is well, do not be a stranger!



Tactical Combat: The Attack Queue


Another layer has been added to the Luminari combat system, fostering tactical decision making and planning while maintaining the fast-paced action that defines combat on Luminari. The Action Queue allows you to set up combat maneuvers to replace melee attacks, including attacks of opportunity and extra attacks granted by feats like Improved Trip.

What does this mean? Now you are able to plan ahead which combat maneuvers you execute in combat, allowing you the flexibility of stacking bonuses and penalties throughout your attack rotation.

For example, if you have the feat Improved Trip, you gain an extra attack after you successfully trip an opponent. Before this update, that extra attack was limited to a simple melee attack. Now, you can type trip, disarm and those attacks are queued up for execution on your next melee attack. When you then initiate combat (or when your next attack is automatically executed) that melee attack will be replaced by a trip attempt. If you are successful, your next attack will be the free attack granted by the Improved Trip feat. This attack will take the next maneuver off of the queue, executing a disarm attempt while the opponent is sitting, incurring a -4 penalty on their defense. If you fail, you can either clear the queue with the command ‘attackqueue clear’ or allow your disarm to go through anyway on your next melee attack.

All abilities or combat maneuvers that replace a melee attack may be queued on the attack queue and stacked in this way.

See you in the game!

– Ornir Elunari

The Death of the Wait State


In Luminari, between actions you were put into a ‘Wait-State’ where you could only perform a very limited set of commands, regardless of the reason you were in the wait state.

This is no more!

We would like to introduce Luminari’s action system, the next step in the implementation of the new Luminari combat system!

Luminari now uses a system similar to that of the d20 system on which many of its mechanics are based. Every character, PC or NPC, has a set of actions. As of this writing, this includes a Standard action and a Move action. These actions represent the amount of time required to perform certain tasks. At any time, you may use a standard action as a move action, and any commands that require a move action to be available have this requirement fulfilled by having a standard action available.

Commands that you enter require the use of a standard action, a move action, a full-round action (using BOTH the standard and move action) or do not use an action. Some activities (such as directional movement) only require that you have an action available – the activity does not consume that action.

In combat, in order to have the ability to use all of your attacks, you must have a full-round action available. If you only have a standard action available, your attacks are limited to the first phase of the combat round. If you only have a move action, or have no actions available, you do not attack until those actions become available again. All actions regenerate after one round, approximately 6 seconds.

Opening a door, standing up from a sitting position, fleeing from battle and drinking a potion all require a move action.

In the future, additional actions may be introduced.

Your available actions can be shown in your prompt, as a display: [sm] where s represents your standard action and m represents your move action. This option can be activated in prefedit – In the prompt menu, select ‘Show Actions’.

Have fun and I’ll see you in the game!

Changes to the Luminari Combat System


CombatThe first step has been made in the implementation of the new Luminari combat system – Combat on Luminari is now event based.

What does this mean? Luminari no longer uses instantly executed combat rounds. Instead, each round is broken down into 3 phases. A character’s attacks are spread out among these phases in order:

Phase 1: Attack 1, 4, 7
Phase 2: Attack 2, 5, 8
Phase 3: Attack 3, 6, 9

No player character should have more than 9 attacks.

Each phase lasts 2 seconds. A combat round lasts 6 seconds. This is the first step in a number of changes to refine the combat system.

This change increases survivability – instead of a wall of attacks coming at you every 6 seconds, those attacks are spread out. You have more opportunity to react, flee, use special attacks or buff yourself or your allies.

Log in, check it out, leave feedback!

See you in the game.



[Update: November 2022, Seaports (see below map)]


*Note, this is the Surface Map.  We also have an Underworld or Underdark and a network of planar zones that represent the Great Beyond (Planes of Existence).

A word from the developer of this feature, Ornir:

So the major, game-changing feature I have been working on is a completely
generated wilderness, 2048 x 2048 (total of 4,194,304) rooms (the map below,
each PIXEL represents a room).  This is only the beginning, as the
size can easily be changed with no real impact.  Technically, it is using
Perlin noise in different ways creating elevation, moisture, and temperature
map that then determines the biomes/sectors that are created.  All of this is on a
coordinate grid that integrates seamlessly with the rest of the mud.  If you
have ever played Minecraft, the concept is similar.

The option to have multiple wildernesses is not far off (about one day or so of
focused coding) and this will be used to flesh out the different planes as well
as the Underdark-type subterranean areas.

Surface Worldmap of Luminari

Sea Ports

Ashenport-63, 89N Kellust Sea Port286, 885
NW Ondius Sea Port-25, 198NE Kellust Sea Port423, 779
SE Ondius Sea Port107, 39E Kellust Sea Port644, 644
NE Ondius Sea Port191, 295SE Kellust Sea Port519, 539
SW Kellust Sea Port371, 431
SELERISHNW Kellust Sea Port161, 789
S Selerish Sea Port363, -295W Kellust Sea Port283, 724
E Selerish Sea Port358, -200
NW Selerish Sea Port161, -79VAILAND
W Vailand Sea Port-772, 473
OORPIIN Vailand Sea Port-599, 455
N Oorpii Sea Port-112, 785C Vailand Sea Port-467, 204
E Oorpii Sea Port-105, 510S Vailand Sea Port-512, 99
W Oorpii Sea Port-316, 520
NW Oorpii Sea Port-597, 804AXTROS
S Axtros Sea Port606, -719
WEST UBDINASW Axtros Sea Port591, -524
W West Ubdine Sea Port-683, -626E Axtros Sea Port866, -284
NW West Ubdine Sea Port-824, -406Sanctus688, -241
N West Ubdine Sea Port-554, -489
S West Ubdine Sea Port-566, -677CARSTON
SE West Ubdine Sea Port-371, -789E Cartson Sea Port743, -22
W Cartson Sea Port575, 75
SW East Ubdine Sea Port-268, -758HIR
S East Ubdine Sea Port-110, -722SW Hir Sea Port-442, -303
E East Ubdine Sea Port73, -603NW Hir Sea Port-507, -123
N East Ubdine Sea Port-71, -506NE Hir Sea Port-20, -85
E Hir Sea Port-57, -330
E Quechian Sea Port-651, -4
SW Quechian Sea Port-782, -110
NE Quechian Sea Port-703, 155

Related Links: | Worldmap | Underworld or Underdark | The Great Beyond or Planes of Existence | Seaports & Swiftpaths |