Forum Replies Created
KeymasterThanks for posting Jordan. We are glad to have you as a part of the team.
October 23, 2014 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Introduction – Erasmus (and comments from a new guy) #2164Treyorn
KeymasterHello Erasmus,
Welcome to the MUD. We appreciate you taking time to play here. We have a lot of pride in what we have created so far so having people enjoy it means the world to us. You mentioned that you might be interested in helping. While you might not have any coding experience, you could always try building zones. There is no coding experience necessary to build on MUDs. Really all you need is a good vision and a story line for an area. The hardest part is coming up with room descriptions which based on your lore here, I don’t see would be an issue. If you are interested, just message me in game. We are always looking for potential builders. And if not, then no worries, we are excited to have you playing here.
KeymasterI like that idea Zusuk. Each builder will be responsible for creating their own lore this way. This idea overall is great, but it is going to be a ton of work on all the old zones, especially boring stock ones.
KeymasterWell it kind of is a retrofit. I agree with you about the crafting. It is an awesome system but it doesn’t fit well with the MUD how it is. I like your ideas. I am still getting used to DnD lore and rules so I will take your word for most of what you said. I think once feats are in, we should focus on polish and put major projects on the side. There is still a large list of bugs in the bug list that need to be done. It would be nice to get some more players in temporarily to test these new systems and get more feedback.
KeymasterI like this idea a lot. I don’t think a lot of spells should have a radius though. I like this alternative to our current AOE. We could incorporate this will skills like whirlwind too.
KeymasterI think the character creation could use some work as well as far as aesthetics go. Having to hit an extra enter to bring up Y/N is cumbersome and a bit confusing.
KeymasterI think it looks pretty good. Can we please fix dragon in who though. Everything lines up perfect except Dragon.
KeymasterWow, the work going on behind the scenes here is insane. I really like your ideas here.
My concern looking at this is we need to be very on top of our help files. This type of combat will be different from almost all MUDs out there which is good if people understand it and bad if people can’t figure it out. Once it is in place I can work on adding it to the tutorial zone. We need to make sure all of these incredible additions are understood properly by the players. It sounds like DnD people will pick up on it quick, but non DnD players will be confused which is fine as long as we explain it properly.
I seriously can’t wait to see this + feats live.
KeymasterHappy New Years everyone! I am back so you will see me much more.
Welcome to the staff Aerik. Mudmail me any questions you might have.
December 13, 2013 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Upcoming Changes – Enhancement bonus, stacking bonuses, etc. #1707Treyorn
Keymaster@Awh wrote:
Although I’m excited about the changes, I really want you back on the live port! We miss you O.
Thanks for all the hard work!
I second this 🙂
December 11, 2013 at 1:49 pm in reply to: Upcoming Changes – Enhancement bonus, stacking bonuses, etc. #1703Treyorn
KeymasterOk wow. That was a lot to take in. First off..great job so far. I know most people don’t see it but I have been on the test port and the work Ornir has done is incredible.
How much of this is complete and do you know when we would expect to see it on the live port?
Regarding weapon changes, I assume we will have to manually edit the weapons that exist in the MUD now or will there be a massive converter of some sort?
Keymaster@zusuk wrote:
Ashenport needs to be walked through and made sure all the shops work correctly, all the spec-procs are working correctly (guild masters), and that the descriptions of the rooms are appropriate for our lore.
Also I am personally insisting that we should have a quest line that carries a new character from level 1 to level 30, if you know what I mean. This should actually be a more short term goal because that could be central for test-players.
I can turn the newbie zone –> wizard –> graven into a quest chain that will cover about 12-14 levels. So areas with level 15-31 are needed for convert or original preferred.
Keymaster@zusuk wrote:
There is a reason I call Treyorn “The Boss”
Thanks a 100 times over Trey for your leadership and outstounding/consistent contributions to Luminari 🙂
Keymaster@zusuk wrote:
Awesome idea Trey, what would supplement that even more and be utterly epic, is if someone drew a map of the city 🙂
There is a map of Ashenport in olist. I’m pretty sure Taure made one.
Keymaster@boom wrote:
@Daemonicus wrote:
haha the thought had crossed my mind. think of air battles, boarding parties haha! great thing is, something like this could open up a lot. several classes/skills come to mind, areas, things to build towards, etc. my only thing is, something like this should take some effort, so i wouldnt want it to go cheaply. 😉
tell me if i could help in anyway, i am willing to learn how
If you ever want to consider building zones, message me in game.