The Gigantic List of Spell Corrections
- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years, 5 months ago by
October 11, 2017 at 8:12 am #2506
KeymasterThanks to Seraty for this submission:
* I mostly just checked to make sure the helpfiles had a matching school to the actual spell,
* and checked d20pfsrd for any conflicts. Link provided for when both spell AND helpfile are wrong.
* I didn’t bother checking things like duration, targets, damage type, etc for the most part.
* There’s other stuff like spells that have no helpfiles underneath the big list of School Corrections
* Note that some schools have the SPELL wrong and some have the HELP FILE wrong. All are noted.* PROTECTION FROM GOOD spell No School->Abjuration
* PROTECTION FROM EVIL spell No School->Abjuration
* FALSE LIFE spell Illusion->Necromancy
* ACID ARROW spell Evocation->Conjuration
* FIRE SHIELD/COLD SHIELD helpfile Invocation->Evocation
** maybe rename COLD SHIELD to CHILL SHIELD?
* the spell ‘WATER BREATHE’ should be renamed to ‘WATER BREATHING’
* CLONE spell Transmutation->Necromancy
** CLONE helpfile N/A->Necromancy
* WEIRD spell Enchantment->Illusion
* POWER WORD KILL spell Evocation->Enchantment
** POWER WORD KILL helpfile also says “Insant” duration instead of “InsTant”
* MASS WISDOM, MASS CHARISMA, MASS CUNNING, MASS STRENGTH, MASS GRACE, all have helpfile as ‘Trasmutation’ instead of ‘Transmutation’ (missing n)
* MASS ENDURANCE helpfile None->Transmutation
* DETECT ALIGNMENT spell No School->Divination
** named ‘SENSE ALIGNMENT’ in pf
* BLADE BARRIER spell Conjuration->Evocation
** BLADE BARRIER helpfile None->Evocation
* NATURES ALLY I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX helpfiles None->Conjuration
* PRODUCE FLAME helpfile None->Evocation
* OBSCURING MIST helpfile None->Conjuration
* MAGIC STONE helpfile None->Transmutation (needs those ?s filled in lol)
* MAGIC FANG helpfile None->Transmutation
* CHARM ANIMAL helpfile None->Enchantment
* SUMMON SWARM helpfile None->Conjuration
* HOLD ANIMAL helpfile None->Enchantment
* FLAMING SPHERE helpfile None->Evocation
* FLAME BLADE helpfile None->Evocation
* BARKSKIN helpfile None->Transmutation
* SPIKE GROWTH helpfile None->Transmutation
* GREATER MAGIC FANG helpfile None->Transmutation
* CONTAGION helpfile None->Necromancy
* SPIKE STONE helpfile None->Transmutation
** named SPIKE STONES in pathfinder (with s)
* BLIGHT helpfile None->Necromancy
* WALL OF THORNS helpfile None->Conjuration (also missing white color on ‘variables’ in helpfile (is reset/gray))
* WALL OF FIRE helpfile None->Evocation (needs white)
* HALLOW helpfile None->Evocation (needs white)
* UNHALLOW helpfile None->Evocation (needs white)
* INSECT PLAGUE helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)
* DEATH WARD helpfile None->Necromancy
* CALL LIGHTNING STORM helpfile None->Evocation
* TRANSPORT VIA PLANTS helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)
* SPELLSTAFF helpfile None->Transmutation (needs white)
* FIRE SEEDS helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)
* FIRE STORM helpfile None->Evocation (needs white)
* CREEPING DOOM helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)
* WHIRLWIND helpfile None->Evocation (it’s at help whirlwind spell) (needs white)
** also helpfile should be named ‘spell whirlwind’ for consistency (it points at the feat/skill)
* FINGER OF DEATH helpfile None->Necromancy (needs white)
* CONTROL PLANTS helpfile None->Transmutation (needs white)
* SHAMBLER helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)
* ELEMENTAL SWARM helpfile None->Conjuration (needs white)* PROTECTION FROM GOOD should really have its own helpfile instead of player having to look at protection from evil
* CONTROL WEATHER needs a proper spell helpfile
* HOLY SWORD needs a proper spell helpfile
* FAERIE FOG has no help file
* CURE DEAFNESS has no help file
* MAGIC RESISTANCE helpfile goes to the game mechanic, should be renamed SPELL RESISTANCE
** points to ‘help spell spell resistance’ (which says cast ‘spell resistance’) although the spell is named ‘magic’
** ‘help spell resistance’ goes to the non-existent skill of course :/
* NONDETECTION help file is labelled ‘non-detection’ and can’t be found via ‘help nondetection’ (add extra keyword to helpfile title)
* IRON SKIN helpfile is ironskin, can’t be found via ‘help iron skin’
* IRRESISTIBLE dance helpfile is ‘irresistAble dance’ (and the ‘cast’ syntax inside is similarly wrong)* PRAYER (Lv6 Cleric spell) forced to use ‘help spell prayer’ (rename helpfile to ‘prayer’ instead of spell-prayer)
* STRENGTH, WISDOM, CHARISMA spells obviously go to stats, should mention ‘help spell strength’ etc
* TELEPORT forced to use ‘help spell teleport’ (it’s wizard command, help teleport is wiz helpfile)
* HASTE goes to feat/skill blinding speed helpfile, should prioritize spell ‘help spell haste’
* SLOW goes to feat slow fall helpfile, should prioritize spell ‘help spell slow’
* DAYLIGHT forced to use ‘help spell daylight’* CONTINUAL FLAME help file says Duration until “Rent” (instead of disconnect/quit since we have no rent mechanic)
* MAGIC MISSILE help file says “cast ‘magic missile‘” quote positioning wrong. + it has a Magic Missile at the top for no reason
* SUNBURST help file says “cast ‘sun burst'” – sunburst should have no space
* INVISIBILITY help file says “cast ‘invis’ instead of “cast ‘invisibility'” (super pedantic but for consistency)
* GREATER INVISIBILITY help file says “cast ‘greater invis’ instead of “cast ‘greater invisibility'” (ditto)
* ACID FOG help file says ‘acid fog’ at top for no reason* MISSILE STORM duration “Insant” (should be Instant)
* tagged as enchantment
* helpfile says divination
* in pathfinder it no longer exists, removed in 3.0 (was “Alteration”)
** ( /
** replaced with DARKVISION (transmutation) (
* this would be halforc ultravision i guess
* yes i know it’s stock** ACID SHEATH:
* tagged as divination (helpfile too)
* in pathfinder, ‘water shield’ EVOCATION:
** water-based, not earth-based (pf implementation still uses acid even though water-based)
* in d&d 3.5e acid sheath was EVOCATION as well
* yes i know ‘acidshield’ is a stock effect too
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