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Server Maintenance on November 7th, Maximum 3 Hour Downtime


Dear Valued Customers,

Out next scheduled maintenance will take place on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 starting at 11:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) and will conclude November 8, 2012 at 2:00 a.m.

During this maintenance action we will be restarting the hardware node to comply with our quarterly update schedule and as well conducting a needed file system repair for one of the disk partitions. While this maintenance window is scheduled for three hours, we are anticipating no longer than 90 minutes of scheduled downtime. Throughout this maintenance window connectivity to your public services will be unavailable.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to work to improve our systems. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact our Support Department at any time.

Third Generation Internet Services

Hosting Service


In an attempt to increase efficiency at Luminari, we wanted to set up an SVN (Subversion control software). We were having some serious issues, and in desperation requested assistance from the support staff. We’ve worked with a lot of different hosting services in the past, and unfortunately my experience with customer service has been below par in those experiences… so I had low expectations. BUT, with our hosting service, Third Generation Hosting (http://www.thirdhosting.com/), I got prompt and thorough assistance through my attempts to set up the software. And now thanks to their assistance, Luminari is now running off SVN.

Thanks Third Generation Hosting for your assistance!

-Luminari Staff

Update for 11/02/2012


Special thanks to Kordon and our other new players for idea/bug input

rewrote gain function
rewrote respec function
rewrote d20mud’s crafting functions
did a variety of adjustments to midgaard for new players
made a qupdate script, for quick src updates
reformatted the listing of spells with the ‘spells’ command
reformatted the listing of skills with the ‘prac’ command
the amount of followers you can get was equal to your charisma bonus, so
if you had no charisma bonus, any summoning spells you cast would turn on you.
changed the code so you could have at least one follower reglardess of charisma
but anything more will turn on you
fixed a small bug with double backstab
added a message to remind backstabbers you need a peircing weapon
do_clan command, added a message indicating that a staff member needs to set up new clans
added new ‘stat’ command: stat aff
this will show affects/resisstances/cooldowns of target
updated the help files for stat
reformatted and added a little bit of color to ‘boost’ command
staff can now set ‘boost’ sessions
added a little more info to the memorization system

Updates: 10/26/2012


Modified saving values for pfiles
more modifications to the website
added a simply forum to the website
configured protocol.c to transmit mssp data for any crawlers
registered luminariMUD at mudbytes
made a profile on mudconnector
*turned on protocol negotiation back on
Designed an icon for LuminariMUD
Designed a linux script to juggle all 3 port file sorting/updating/backups

Designed a little icon/logo for LuminariMUD

Development Updates 10/19/2012


More map tweaking

Threw up Gicker’s d20 code on port 4105

Added more room types:




-High Mountain

Also modified current sector types colors/symbols

Development Updates 10/12/2012


Major backend upgrades to website.

Added two major feature packages to website.