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Luminari Weekly Update 03/08/2013


-added beta goal list of crafting molds/patterns
-added a large assortment of new crafting material
-created a craft.h file and exported header info from utils.h
-imported random harvest node code from d20 codebase (thanks Gicker)
-started framework for do_harvest command
-race help files added to char creation
-drinks can now cast spells (nashak)
-food can now cast spells (nashak)
-fixed color bleed on unconscious, prompt issue
-removed extra MXP tag (nashak)
-cursed items now will not enter containers (nashak)
-new affect type for AC for dnd3.5 system (nashak)
-barkskin spell minor bug fix
-minor bug with staff eatting objects with obj_value (nashak)
-set_wait has_wait, new wait_state system framework started (nashak)
-CORE UPDATE: tbaMUD 3.63 -> 3.64
-Room Events are now in!
-Reorganized mag_affects spells (Nashak)
-Did some file reformatting
-Added cooldown for drinking/eatting magical items (Nashak)
-Added regen bonus to char who sits in furniture (Nashak)
-Added MEDIUM_STRING in structs.h to replace 256 in char[] arrays
-Added HELPFILES – Spells Cleric:

==Spell Circle Level 9==
*energy drain
*group heal
*summon creature ix
*plane shift
*storm of vengeance
*death shield
*air walker
*group summon

==Spell Circle Level 8==
*summon creature viii
*spell mantle
*true seeing
*word of faith
*greater animation
*anti-magic field
*dimensional lock
*spring of life

==Spell Circle Level 7==
*call lightning
*control weather [incomplete]
*word of recall
*summon creature vii
*mass cure crit
*greater dispelling
*mass enhance
*blade barrier
*spell resistance
*sense life

Spell Circle Level 6
*dispel evil
*dispel good
*summon creature vi
*mass cure serious
*mass wisdom
*mass charisma
*mass cunning
*remove disease

==Spell Circle Level 5==
*remove poison
*protection from evil
*group armor
*flame strike
*protection from good
*mass cure moderate
*summon creature v
*free movement
*strengthen bone

==Spell Circle Level 4==
*cure critic
*remove curse
*cause critical wounds
*summon creature iv
*circle against evil
*circle against good
*mass cure light

==Spell Circle Level 3==
*cure blind
*detect alignment
*cause serious wounds
*cure serious wounds
*summon creature iii
*cure deafness
*dispel magic
*animate dead
*faerie fog

==Spell Circle Level 2==
*create food
*create water
*detect poison
*cause moderate wounds
*cure moderate wounds
*summon creature ii
*detect magic
*resist energy

==Spell Circle Level 1==
*cure light
*cause light wounds
*negative energy ray
*endure elements
*protect from evil
*protect from good
*summon creature i
*remove fear

New Zone: Wizard Training Mansion



A mansion has been discovered deep in the woods to the north of Valcrest.  This forest has been well documented and mapped over the years and yet it has never been reported before now.  Two half-orc travelers discovered it while harvesting rare mushrooms in that part of the woods.  The mansion could be responsible for the mysterious disappearances of a lot of young humans from the city of Valcrest lately.  The realm needs brave adventurers to seek out the mansion and find out why it has never been heard of and what is happening.

Delay in Release of “Early Beta”




The original goal for Beta was March 1st.  An underestimate on the amount of work on my part, and a very heavy increase in real-life workload the past few weeks has hurt our time-table.

The revised release date is tentatively set for March 22nd.  We appreciate everyone’s assistance and support in this great project!

A notice about this release:  This is an ‘early beta’ release of the codebase.  Our world development is not near beta yet.  Our official ‘full beta’ release will be determined by the world-building staff at a later date.

-LuminariMUD Staff

Weekly Updates: 03/01/2013


-mobiles now have edittable walkin/walkout messages (Nashak)

-capitilization issues with color codes resolved (Nashak)

-new channel formatting with capitalization and sentence formatting (Nashak)

-resolved problem with cooldown message with layonhands (Nashak)

-fixed color parsing on create/restring

-Added New Spells Cleric: CLERIC-MASTER-SPELL-LIST

==Spell Circle Level 9== *sunburst *energy drain         *group heal           *summon creature ix *plane shift *storm of vengeance *implode *death shield [incomplete] *command [incomplete] *air walker [incomplete] *refuge *group summon

==Spell Circle Level 8== *sanctuary            *destruction          *summon creature viii *spell mantle *true seeing *word of faith *greater animation *earthquake           *anti-magic field *dimensional lock *salvation *spring of life

==Spell Circle Level 7== *call lightning       *control weather [incomplete] *summon               *word of recall       *summon creature vii *mass cure crit *greater dispelling *mass enhance *blade barrier *battletide *spell resistance *sense life

Spell Circle Level 6 *dispel evil          *harm                 *heal                 *dispel good     *summon creature vi *mass cure serious *eyebite *prayer *mass wisdom *mass charisma *mass cunning *remove disease

==Spell Circle Level 5== *poison               *remove poison        *protection from evil *group armor          *flame strike         *protection from good *mass cure moderate *summon creature v *waterbreath *waterwalk *regeneration *free movement *strengthen bone

==Spell Circle Level 4== *cure critic          *remove curse         *infravision          *cause critical wounds *summon creature iv *circle against evil *circle against good *curse *daylight *mass cure light *aid *bravery

==Spell Circle Level 3== *bless                *cure blind           *detect alignment     *cause serious wounds *cure serious wounds *summon creature iii *blindness            *deafness *cure deafness *cunning *dispel magic *animate dead *faerie fog

==Spell Circle Level 2== *create food          *create water         *detect poison        *cause moderate wounds *cure moderate wounds *scare *summon creature ii *detect magic *darkness *resist energy *wisdom *charisma

==Spell Circle Level 1== *armor                *cure light           *endurance            *cause light wounds   *negative energy ray *endure elements *protect from evil *protect from good *summon creature i *strength *grace *remove fear

-Added New Spells Druid:     *

Build Progress 22 Feb. 2013


The following zones have been edited to repair inproper races (humans set as dragons), to place the new classes into the game on appropriate mobiles, and to put movement messages on animal mobiles. ENJOY!
Taure Fea
LuminariMUD- Head Builder

Newbie School
Froboz Fun Factory
Newbie Farm
Forest of Khanjar
Haon-Dor, Light Forest
Newbie Tree
New Sparta

Luminari MUD Weekly Update 02/22/2013


-‘history chat’ now works like it should (Nashak)
-flee now has a short wait_state (Nashak)
-new wizard/sorcerer spells
*Spell Circle Level 9
/* evocation */
*meteor swarm
*blade of disaster
/* conjuration */
*summon monster ix
/* necromancy */
*energy drain
*wail of the banshee
/* enchantment */
*power word kill
/* illusion */
*shadow shield
/* divination */
*prismatic sphere
/* abjuration */
*greater spell mantle
/* transmutation */
*mass enhance
-new helpfiles (8th/9th circle)
*chain lightning
*clenched fist
*incendiary cloud
*summon creature viii
*horrid wilting
*greater animation
*irresistible dance
*mass domination
*scint pattern
*sun burst
*spell turning
*mind blank
*iron skin
*meteor swarm
*blade of disaster
*summon monster ix
*energy drain
*wail of the banshee
*power word kill
*shadow shield
*prismatic sphere
*greater spell mantle
*mass enhance
* bards
* bardic knowledge
* compose
* perform
-smite evil now works as it should (Nashak)
-changes to memorize system to adapt bard
-added bard menus to study.c
-added bard class
-properly flagged mobiles charmees will fade after pc death/quit
-selected a list of spells for bards, more coming soon
-added compose, bardic knowledge, perform to bards