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Luminari Weekly Update 04/04/2013
[Apr 04 2013] – Zusuk
added a heavy penalty for not off-hand wielding weapons that are a size-class smaller than you
if you are lvl_immort or higher, you can study as much as you want
sentinel mobs will try to return to their loadroom
trying new pet limit system: 1 (greater) undead, 1 elemental, 1 pet (any other type, charmee or other summons) and call-mount/animal-companion/familiar
experimenting with allowing players to send their pets out of the room
you can no longer use teleport/portal to travel between planes (only works on prime)
fixed a bug with clanedit description, no longer crashes, but the parsing function needs to be redone
animals can no longer wear gear
npc_rescue will try to rescue not only their master, but other group members
compartmentalized npc_rescue() function
added a PULSE_VIOLENCE wait state to the rescuer on do_rescue
[Apr 03 2013] – Nashak
mobiles will now try to return to their preferred (default) position when not fighting
added jump zone command to skip over other commands
can now execute zone command based on success or failure of previous command
[Apr 03 2013] – Zusuk
npc casters that are not fighting will now attempt to create undead or elementals
all instances of word G-d in code with STAFF
[Apr 02 2013] – Zusuk
added macro’s/functions: HAS_PET_UNDEAD(ch) and HAS_PET_ELEMENTAL(ch) for easy checking whether a char has an undead follower or elemental follower already
[Apr 02 2013] – Nashak
set max in game/max in room via olc
edit percentage loads in olc
[Apr 02 2013] – Zusuk
added new mechanic: falling
added new room type: needs-flying
[Apr 02 2013] – Nashak
added max_in_room for mobiles
maximum in game of 0 makes an item/mobile only load on reboot
display percentage loads in OLC
[Apr 02 2013] – Zusuk
added new AFF_ flags: tower-of-iron-will, interial-barrier, no-teleport, max-d
amage (damage-boost)
added new AFF_ flags: vampiric-curse, vampiric-touch, blackmantle, dangersense, safefall
[Apr 01 2013] – Zusuk
scavenger mobiles will now try to equip gear they find
pets will now try to find their master if they get seperated
[Apr 01 2013] – Nashak
implemented percentage loads (still need to add to OLC)
echo menu properly displays -=- NONE -=- when last echo is deleted
started to port percentage loads over
fixed crash bug in zone echos when target character is NOWHERE
[Apr 01 2013] – Zusuk
added framework for hl path code (mob patrols)
added GET_MOB_LOADROOM() utility function, and db.c support
[Mar 29 2013] – Nashak
added echo types: can be random (default), or sequential
finished mobile echos: can now add/edit/delete echos in olc
added echo menu in medit
added mobile echos
[Mar 28 2013] – Zusuk
added in spells.h macros to check object weapon category: IS_BLADE(obj) IS_PIERCE(obj) IS_BLUNT(obj)
added these attack types as blunt: hit, bludgeon, crush, pound and punch
added these attack types as blade: whip, slash, clraw, maul and thrash
added these attack types as piercing: sting, bite, pierce, blast and stab
treat injury now can be used while resting (ambanya request)
change quest_ask of hlquest to respond AFTER ‘ask’ command
added short wait-state to entering modes: parry/expertise/powerattack
copied argument in do_say to send to triggers unmodified by new sentence-parsing code
animals can’t talk anymore
removed duplicate [stum!] message
you can no longer parry while casting
added new racial ability: spellbattle
added a newline to riposte (parry)
added new advance race: arcana golem
added hl quest and autoquest tutorial rooms to tutorial
03/29/2013 Luminari Weekly Update
[Mar 28 2013] – Zusuk
added in spells.h macros to check object weapon category: IS_BLADE(obj) IS_PIERCE(obj) IS_BLUNT(obj)
added these attack types as blunt: hit, bludgeon, crush, pound and punch
added these attack types as blade: whip, slash, claw, maul and thrash
added these attack types as piercing: sting, bite, pierce, blast and stab
treat injury now can be used while resting (ambanya request)
change quest_ask of hlquest to respond AFTER ‘ask’ command
added short wait-state to entering modes: parry/expertise/powerattack
copied argument in do_say to send to triggers unmodified by new sentence-parsing code
animals can’t talk anymore
removed duplicate [stum!] message
you can no longer parry while casting
added new racial ability: spellbattle
added a newline to riposte (parry)
added new advance race: arcana golem
added hl quest and autoquest tutorial rooms to tutorial
[Mar 27 2013] – Zusuk
finished hl quest system help files, please let Zusuk know if anything is missi
fixed a minor bug in coin-rewards for hl quest system
made some more aesthetic changes/fixes to hl quest system
added a very large amount of help files for the new quest system (help hlqedit)
fixed name conflict with ‘spell resistance’ (thanks Khyldes)
fixed name conflict with ‘whirlwind’ (thanks Khyldes)
[Mar 25 2013] – Nashak
started to port over mobile echos
[Mar 25 2013] – Zusuk
fixed some little bugs taure pointed out in hl questing system
[Mar 24 2013] – Zusuk
added more comments to the hl quest system files
fixed some mismatched breaks/returns in hlquest parsing
finished hlquest port, needs thorough testing and helpfiles now
[Mar 23 2013] – Zusuk
reduced sorc/bard memtime by 10%
for ‘group join’ changed it from find-char-room to find-char-world
[Mar 22 2013] – Zusuk
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.informative.c)
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.comm.c)
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.item.c)
converted homelands qedit.c file to hlqedit.c for luminari
[Mar 21 2013] – Zusuk
converted homelands quest.c file to hlquest.c for luminari
converted homelands quest.h file to hlquest.h for luminari
fixed some typo’s/bugs in treasure.c
LuminariMUD 1.0 Codebase Available for Download
LuminariMUD 1.0 Codebase Available for Download
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LuminariMUD Updates: 03/22/13
[Mar 22 2013] – Zusuk
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.movement.c)
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.informative.c)
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.comm.c)
Started sorting through code to add new quest system details to various files (act.item.c)
converted homelands qedit.c file to hlqedit.c for luminari
[Mar 21 2013] – Zusuk
converted homelands quest.c file to hlquest.c for luminari
converted homelands quest.h file to hlquest.h for luminari
fixed some typo’s/bugs in treasure.c
[Mar 20 2013] – Zusuk
made sure you can’t wield/wear ITEM_MOLD (crafting) objects
[Mar 20 2013] – Nashak
new help files: hallow, unhallow, insect plague, wall of fire, wall of thorns, fire seeds, transport via plants, creeping doom, fire storm, control plants, finger of death, whirlwind, elemental swarm, shambler
[Mar 19 2013] – Zusuk
added help files: natures ally 3-9, freedom of movement, spike stones, call lightning storm and death ward
sped up the casting event, its now set to 7/10th’s of a second per call (reduced from 1 second)
[Mar 19 2013] – Taure
added some more mobiles for Nashak to zone 94
[Mar 19 2013] – Zusuk
new help file: animal shapes
added new druid spell: animal shapes
added new function (spec_wear_off) to handle special spell/skill wear-offs in magic.c
added ‘study’ command for druids (for animal companion selection)
[Mar 19 2013] – Nashak
added help files for spells: spellstaff, faerie fire, goodberry, jump
new druid spells: fire storm, elemental swarm, whirlwind, finger of death, control plants, creeping doom
added do_disengage command
[Mar 19 2013] – Treyorn
Released WizardMansion
[Mar 19 2013] – Zusuk
moved the ‘# of prac sessions left’ to the bottom of the interface
categorized skills: active, passive, casting-skill, crafting-skill
replaced ALL wait_state’s with new SET_WAIT
[Mar 18 2013] – Zusuk
fixed bug in treasure.c that would cause apply_move to go over the cap
[Mar 18 2013] – Nashak
added ITEM_SPELLBOOK to inventory command (“look in spellbook”), ITEM_NOTE also (“read note”)
added ITEM_PLANT item type for transport via plants spell
transport via plants spell
[Mar 17 2013] – Zusuk
lowered level of the ‘file’ command to LVL_IMMORT
added a function in weather.c called “reset_dailies” for resetting daily-usage skills… it is called every 6 game hours currently
[Mar 17 2013] – Nashak
added boot high in do_who
[Mar 17 2013] – Zusuk
updated cleric/paladin helpfiles showing they get ‘turn undead’
modified dam_killed_vict() so it can handle ‘turn undead’ – thanks CWG for code
added new event cooldown for ‘turn undead’ and the cooldown saves (players.c)
added ‘turn undead’ skill to paladin (level 3) and clerics
added monk_gear_ok in class.c to enforce monk restrictions for gear for calculating bare-hand damage, and armor-bonuses
look in spellbook now shows the spell-level in the [] instead of pages taken
added an appropriate message if you attempt to scribe a scroll that isn’t a wizard spell
added bonuses for favored enemy
changed delay for casting spells from 8 seconds to PULSE_VIOLENCE
made sure starting spellbook has some spells
made sure wizards start off with a spellbook
made sure wizards start with scribe for free
added thee ability to OLC spellbooks to edit a list of pre-determined spells
found a bug in saving wizard spellbooks, fixed her up
fixed a typo with alchemal to alchemical
[Mar 16 2013] – Zusuk
fixed random misc-armor keywords
item_worn in new mxp code was defaulting to ‘hold’ command, changed to ‘wear’
fixed random armor keywords
[Mar 16 2013] – Nashak
added mxp to do_equipment (remove item)
added mxp to do_inventory (can wield/wear/hold/quaff/eat items by clicking on them)
[Mar 15 2013] – Zusuk
you can’t memorize wizard spells without the spell in your spellbook or a scroll
the ‘spells’ command for wizards will now reflect whether you have a spell scribed (or in a scroll)
Luminari Updates 03/15/2013
[Mar 15 2013] – Zusuk
you can’t memorize wizard spells without the spell in your spellbook or a scroll
the ‘spells’ command for wizards will now reflect whether you have a spell scribed (or in a scroll)
[Mar 14 2013] – Zusuk
modified objsave_parse_objects to handle spellbooks
added new scribe command, help SCRIBE (thanks CWG)
made it so you when you ‘look in’ spellbooks or scrolls, it now lists spells (thanks CWG)
added some utility functions for spellbooks in memorize.c
[Mar 14 2013] – Nashak
added spellstaff spell for druids
changed do_cast to use new event based wait instead of WAIT_STATE
alphabetized mag_manual and manual spell declarations for easier code navigation
do_lore no longer shows numeric alignment values
[Mar 14 2013] – Zusuk
added ‘vision’ helpfile
changed the message in spell_parser for when you ran out of slots/spells
added help files: sorcererous-energy and preparation
[Mar 13 2013] – Nashak
added NPC class to do_mlist
fixed dumbarse Zusuk’s errors in simple math 😛
[Mar 13 2013] – Zusuk
added a wear-off message for wait-state
added {wait} to prompt if you are affected by the new wait-state
added a condition statement to keep characters from training crafting skills (they have to be increased by usage)
fixed a typo in do_flee
reduced wait-state on flee from 100 to 50
[Mar 13 2013] – Nashak
display Z in rlist for rooms with zone commands
[Mar 13 2013] – Zusuk
converted castle.c to a more general zone_procs.c file (future zone procs can be placed here)
old changelog archived in luminari/docs/ directory
Several small tweaks to the crafting system
Several bug fixes to the crafting system
Added DISENCHANT command, please report bugs!
Added LOADMAGIC command to simulate our new random-treasure system
Added new random-treasure system (ported from d20mud, thanks Gicker and d20 Staff!)
Added a cap to object value on read_objectcs in db.c
Fixed a mix-up in values in oasis.h defines for maximum weaopn num-dice and size-dice
NEWS now will be a copy of our changelog and updated on update_luminari script
CHANGELOG system changed, staff needs to update-announce changes via changelog command on the luminari playing port