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Divine Casting


Divine Casting
God vivifies the world, giving it energies of healing, fertility and sustenance through varied channels of blessing. These channels, often called “His Will” or “Shefa,” can be also understood as energy. They are manifest in an infinite number of ways, which to the untrained mind and heart are mistaken all too often for the simple phenomena of healing herbs, rain, gold coins, kindness by fellow Ossirians and salvation from the many perils encountered during adventure.

There are a select few who have come to the true realization of the Source of everything. An even more select few, Divine Casters, have attained the ability to tap into Shefa through both prayer and merit by virtue of deeds. By tapping into these non-physical channels, the world as we know it can be dramatically manipulated, bending and twisting the very laws of physics that we think we understand.

Because Divine Casters have aligned their will to that of the Divine, they have great power. Their power extends over all aspects of creation – from the whisper of a blade of grass to resurrection of the dead; from the thoughts of the miniscule ant, to the trembling of the very foundations of Luminari.


[Submitted by Zusuk, officially rejected by Ornir for the time being]



For the world, in general, the idea of fundamental patterns is central. This manifests itself in many areas of culture, although different cultures may embrace different aspects of this idea – And some may discard it entirely.

For example, magic. The current system is as follows:

The Aether is the name given to the energy that exists throughout the universe, suffusing all things. It is the medium of creation, the raw material from which all things are made. We move through it, and it moves through us. Movement in the physical realm creates turbulence in the Aether, affecting it as if it were a cloud of smoke, creating eddies and currents of energy. The Aether, however, is unorganized and chaotic, there is power, but no substance.

To manipulate this energy, one must use that which is possessed by all living things – Asuri, the energy of life. Asuri generates a field that affects the surrounding Aether, forcing it to flow. With practice and effort one can learn to manipulate her own Asuri to force the Aether to take precise forms, in the same way a child creates forms in wet sand by allowing it to run between her fingers. The patterns for these creations are combinations of the ‘Fundamentals’, the qualities that, in various combinations, create the matter of the physical realm. The combinations of these patterns, from the simple to the unfathomably complex, force order upon the energy of the Aether, in effect casting it into the physical realm as dictated by the patterns.

For most users of the Aether, creating these intricate, self repeating and nigh infinite patterns of asuric energy requires intensive study and meditation. The patterns must be chosen and the fields prepared in advance, only to be completed when the user requires. Some users, however, have a natural instinct that allows them to perceive these patterns instinctively, allowing them to forgo this period of preparation. Known as Sorcerers, these beings must nonetheless recover after utilizing this ability,requiring a period of meditation before they are able to shape the Aether again.

The sects of the druids have discovered a method to, through a close relationship with nature, affect the Asuri that flows through plants and other forms of life, subtly manipulating it to affect the surrounding Aether. There seems to exist an affinity between the druid’s Asuri and that of the natural life that he interacts with. How this affinity is formed is unknown.

It has also been proven that it is possible to manipulate asuric fields through the use of sound, providing an attractive way to affect multiple beings simultaneously. This application is not completely understood, but most likely is a result of the sound shaping the listeners’ personal asuric fields.

It is important that we do not neglect those ‘divine casters’ who need not study and have no natural affinity for manipulating aetheric energy – They are simply granted the patterns required after a period of prayer and meditation. The patterns they receive are infinitely more complex than those studied and understood by mortal minds. These patterns are indescribably complex, infinitely detailed and grant these casters the power over life and death – Divine power indeed. The method of casting the Aether with the patterns is the same but the effects are much different, reflecting the divine will that created them.

This is the LATEST magic system, and should be referenced as needed.

[Submitted by Ornir]

My Dearest Brother


My dearest brother,

Father was right. I discounted his ravings at first, but now I have reason to believe everything.

A few months ago, in one of his brief moments of peace, he told me of a place some distance from Ashenport where he had made a discovery. There is a cave, cut into the side of a hill, inside of which he discovered writings in a proto-script that he did not recognize. In the following years, he deciphered these glyphs, which he read for me:

“She wept, her tears shed to preserve what she could,
On the threshold of ruin, alone there she stood,
The enemy came, driving fear and decay,
<> was not shaken, and locked him away.”

One glyph resisted translation and he concluded must be the name of the subject of the inscription.

He asked that I look into this and see what I can discover, as his condition prevented him from investigating further. After father’s death, I grew curious, visited the site and found the inscription myself. It appeared that the ceiling of the passage had given way, and what appeared to be a shallow cave actually went much deeper. I pushed as far as I dared, and what i discovered, well, he was right. The artwork i found, mosaics of crystal and metal, gave accurate depictions of the creatures that father was so terrified about. The creatures of smoke, with fire for eyes and skin like a slick of oil. The men of shadow, their eyes black, using shadows as their cloaks. Above them all, driving them away, was the image of a woman, her eyes as bright as the sun, with tears running down her face.

Please, come and meet me in Ashenport as soon as you can. I need your help, for father’s sake.

Perhaps for the sake of us all.


[Submitted by Ornir]

The Fundamentals


The Fundamentals:

The universe was created from one or more fundamentals – Patterns which, when manipulated through the Aether, the Prime Fundamental, are the root of creation. The Fundamentals are the patterns, what they represent may be more accurately defined as elements, energies or states. This section is dealing with the patterns themselves, so there is some crossover.

The Fundamentals are:

Air, Water, Earth and Fire

The Parafundamentals are:

Lightning (Fire and Air), Mist (Air and Water), Ooze (Water and Earth), and Magma (Earth and Fire)

The Fundamental Energies are:

Positive and Negative Energy

If you look at the gross representation of the patterns provided, it is possible to see that the Parafundamental patterns are a combination of the Fundamental patterns.

The Energetic Fundamentals are formed by combining Positive or Negative energy with a Fundamental. Doing this either enhances or diminishes the fundamental into it’s most pure, basic state. These names are simply approximations, the reality of this change is much more vast and complete.

The Positive Energetic Fundamentals are:

Sound (Air), Ice (Water), Crystal (Earth), Radiance (Fire)

The Negative Energetic Fundamentals are:

Vacuum (Air), Salt (Water), Void (Earth), Shadow (Fire)

The Aether is the Prime Fundamental, the medium of creation. Its pattern is the simple circle, without beginning and without end, complete in form.

[Contributed by Ornir]

[Ornir notes: I will be drawing up approximations of the Fundamental Patterns into a diagram showing interactions – Most of this is just a different way of looking at the DnD concepts, so it is not a lot of ‘new’ material. Nevertheless, the way the information ties together with the other lore bits is fairly new.]

Back to Lore

Luminari is part of the GameZFestival 2.0!



We at Luminari have had the uncommon pleasure of being selected to be part of an exhibition for GameZFestival.ch 2.0!  Luminari will be available to play in the exhibition hall.  If you are in the Zurich area, the site linked above has information on attending.

The festival is Sept 19th, 20th and the 21st.  See you in the game!

The Armor System


Developer Notes:

*Luminari System is going to be modeled on the D20 system, but by a factor of 10. What will be visible to the players will be the D20 system though.
*Base D20 AC = 10, Luminari = 100 (a un-armored human)
* [DONE] Staff will now be able to set mobiles/characters naked/base AC between 0-300 (0-30AC in D20 system)
* [DONE] Call companions, familiars and paladin mounts now get their Level*4 bonus to their AC (0.4 in D20 system)
*PFDEF will stay at 0 despite not being ideal, this will not affect anything
* [DONE] compute_armor_class() in fight.c is where the divison by 10 takes place (from Luminari -> D20)
*Interestingly, mobile files are written/read dividing/multiplying by a factor of 10
* [DONE] Display mob stats (medit_disp_stats_menu() in medit.c) now will display GET_AC()/compute_armor_class()
* [DONE] The armor LIMIT set in OLC (medit) was changed from -200-200 to 0-600 (0-60AC in D20 system)
* [DONE] Some sort of conversion process will be necessary for loading/saving mobiles (since they are currently saved in a deprecated system)
*Current modifications will not take into account players with manually set AC, also until they take off and re-equip gear, there will be funny behaviour
* [DONE] We have to go through all the spells to make sure we don’t have funny side-effects from changesPirate skull and booty
* We need to add a version-system to the mobile files in order to start saving to the files as a new version