Come show your support by voting for Luminari!
Come show your support by voting for Luminari!
Hello everyone! I am very proud to announce that LuminariMUD has released its new player tutorial zone, the Training Halls. We have an incredible MUD with amazing and unique features and because of this we knew it was imperative that we come up with a way to teach our players how to use all of those features. We wanted to make it interactive and enjoyable, not just walls of help file text (which is still there for the players that want ALL the information). We feel that this zone enables our new players to understand the vision of LuminariMUD, and enable them to ease into the actual game once they have finished the tutorial zone. Nahalia will be waiting for Lumia’s newest adventurers as soon as they log in!
[Oct 07 2014] – Zusuk
added enhancement bonus to damage, arbitrarily capped it at 12
changed it so you can get gold from corpses even with full inventory
remove % in troll help file because it causes weird output in char creation
now you get notified you can gain a level every time your xp goes over req for next level
removed “opponent gets first strike” message in peace rooms
added to olist: # of objects in game, Y/N if has extra descrip or not
[Oct 07 2014] – Ornir
Fixed issue where group members would have all kills registered with one kill for autoquests. Now you gotta work for your supper!
Added required keywords to the race and class helpfiles so they show up in character creation.
[Oct 06 2014] – Zusuk
update to group member quest credit code, note it is incomplete
[Oct 06 2014] – Treyorn
Updated help classes to include current available classes.
Edited the main quest line to be a little more descriptive for early quest objectives and locations. Added color based on mobs/objs/room names. Woman at gate now gives a map of Ashenport when completing the quest line in Mosswood.
[Oct 06 2014] – Ornir
Now group members will get quest credit for kills.
Fixed the auto eq bug!
[Oct 06 2014] – Treyorn
Fixed the quest “First Step is the Hilt” in Graven Hollow Camp. The directions are more straight forward and now it requires you to have the hatchet in inventory to obtain the chunk of the Great Oak.
[Oct 06 2014] – Zusuk
changed shadow stealer to dagger type and added +5 damroll
[Oct 06 2014] – Ornir
removed the Whirlwind combat maneuver
Added the ‘Whirlwind Attack’ combat mode.
Switch and Rescue now take actions.
[Oct 05 2014] – Zusuk
changed tics before voiding out to 610 (10 after idling out)
changed tics before idling out to 600
[Oct 03 2014] – Ornir
Reduced random treasure drop to 2%.
Now you can not counter-trip someone who is already prone.
Fixed issue where mobs were tripping after they died.
[Oct 02 2014] – Ornir
Phase 2 of help system is in place, HEDIT works. Deletion of help entries is not yet implemented.
[Oct 01 2014] – Zusuk
fixed wizard who wear robes in ears in mosswood 😛
[Sep 30 2014] – Zusuk
added mob flags up to 63 (unused) to fix syslog errors
commented out: drink type as last name, NOTE has extra descrip from cod
added new argument to quest history: quest history <nn> .. so players can review their quest history
[Sep 29 2014] – Zusuk
added “mosswood” for teleporter
[Sep 28 2014] – Zusuk
fixed error in paladin help file
added classes help file
[Sep 25 2014] – Ornir
Phase 1 of the new Luminari Help System is complete. Help entries have been moved into an external database and the help command has been changed to access the database instead of the original flat file help system.
[Sep 24 2014] – Treyorn
Added identify scrolls in Mosswood General Store for players who do not train lore
[Sep 24 2014] – Zusuk
added the beginnings of the eastern and the southern roads connecting rat hills, ardeept and wizard training mansion
extended “main” quest-line to leave mosswood towards ashenport
the trans command is now usable by staff level characters
[Sep 23 2014] – Zusuk
added lit roads to: ardeep, wizard training mansion, mosswood village and rat hills
added a road directly from ashenport to mosswood
added a gateguard that will try to keep the northern gate to mosswood locked
added the beginning of the main quest line in mosswood (1452)
added temporary fix to spamming magic missile (old skool wait-state)
[Sep 22 2014] – Ornir
Fixed problem with spamming bash.
[Sep 21 2014] – Zusuk
cleaned zlist from 1000 9999
[Sep 19 2014] – Zusuk
added newbie trainer and “mini tutorial” to the first room
changed lifespan of mosswood (1452) to 10 minutes
[Sep 14 2014] – Zusuk
mobiles will now be read from file converted directly to d20 system (factor 10), and saved direclty to file as old AD&D system
attempt to phase out the deprecated APPLY_AC where possible
some significant changes to armor-class system
Eons ago, before civilization on this world established itself, the world now known as Lumia was adopted by the Luminari, a race of Celestial, Extra-Planar Beings. They chose Lumia because of the unique properties of the world, namely the strong magical field suffusing and surrounding the planet. This field, caused by the abundance of the magic-bending mineral arcanite, was exactly what the Luminari needed to perform their task, the imprisonment of the being known only as the Prisoner. No one in this time remembers the Prisoner’s true nature, only that the threat posed by its existance was so great that the Luminari devoted their immortal lives to maintaining its prision.
By growing the crystals of arcanite native to Lumia, the Luminari carefully manipulated the magical fields surrounding the planet, building a powerful enough prison to lock away the malevolant Prisoner where its influence could not be felt. This prison was locked with five locks spread over the surface, and the keys hidden. The Luminari remained on Lumia in order to maintain and guard the prison.
As the ages passed, the indigenous peoples, the humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and halflings all advanced in both civilization and influence. Although Kingdoms rose and fell, vanishing into dust, they were quickly rebuilt even faster. Many of the Luminari, tiring in their relentless vigilance, left their task and integrated themselves into the indigenous peoples of the world, leaving their more disciplined brethren behind.
These Luminari taught the people of the world the arts of magic, ushering in a new age of prosperity for the peoples of Lumia. They revered the wandering Luminari, who in their arrogance never returned to their guard. The few Luminari that remained decided that they were too few to maintain the prison, and that they needed help.
So the faithful Luminari were forced to also get involved in the indigenous people’s lives, and began to recruit the most promising beings to bear their Mark. The Mark of the Luminari changed the soul of the recipient, binding them to this life and granting them the ability to advance much more rapidly in power than the average mortal. The Marked were granted this gift, but with this came a grave duty – To protect and preserve the prison within Lumia and to stop those that might wish to unleash the Prisoner. It was in this duty that the Marked discvered the power of the crystalline arcanite so abundant in their world. They discovered that the power stored within these crystals could be tapped, enhancing their mundane items, imbuing them with magical properties. Furthermore, they learned how they could use arcanite to enhance their own bodies, transforming them into the Arcana Golems, more construct than man, with the power to level cities.
Greed and lust for power drove them to war with each other, with the Luminari and with the more “common” folk of the world. The peoples of Lumia called this the “Last War” , because it was thought that no one would surive. The armies led by the terrible Arcana Golems tore the world asunder, filling the skies with fire and ash.
Distracted by the chaos above, the normally vigilant Luminari were not aware that the prisoner was able to force the prison open just enough to touch the world. Some of the marked, when touched by the prisoner, were further seduced by promises of power – and so were tainted to the core. When dscovered by the Luminari, these traitors fled into hiding.
The prison was restored, at the cost of all but a single life of the Luminari, the dead’s essence used to restore the weakened prison. The “Last War” concluded as the last of the Arcana Golem destroyed each other. The world, now scarred and blackened eventually recovered. The last of the remaining Luminari, Sarene, took upon herself the solitary mission of guarding the prison for the rest of her days.
The knowledge of the uses of arcanite was not completely lost, but the process of creating Arcana Golems was thought to be destroyed.
In the rebuilding, while mining for ores, a group of dwarves discovered an ancient city, thought to have been lost in the “Last War.” The city, however, was shielded by rich deposits of arcanite which protected it from the devastating magics above. The dwarves in this city had grown complacent in their isolation, believing that they were the only ones who remained after the devastation.
The dwarves of this city had been changed, either by arcane radiation during the Last War or by their close proximity to large amounts of arcanite. The dwarves had become like the rocks under which they lived, their skin hardening, their hair becoming veins of metal ore. Their skin was crystalline, faceted and semi transparent, but they moved as if they were flesh and blood. They also gained the remarkable ability to morph their bodies, growing crystals from their fists and altering their crystalline skin until it is as hard as the crystal it resembled.
The historians of the Crystal Dwarves, although tight-lipped, had records of the “Last War” – accounts that described events only know as legeands and bedtime stories to the surface world. And although they did not have the complete technique, the knowledge of the Arcana Golem was re-discovered.
Some of the traitors had also survived the war – and they had not been idle. Building areas of support, they searched out tainted areas touched by the Prisoner – parts of the prison damaged unintentionally by the mining of crystalline arcanite and the devestation of the Last War. Those tainted by the Prisoner had become known as “darklings” and they worked to sow distruction and conflict amongst the free peoples of the realms.
Serane, the last remaining Luminari, has begun again the process of “marking” those that are worthy to help build a defense agianst the rising tide of the darklings and prevent the release of the Prisoner.
I’d like some feedback on this lore, the magic of Luminari MUD:
Ossirian, the world of Luminari, is permeated with magical energy that manifests as a thaumaturgic field surrounding the planet. This field controls the movement of magical energies, causing them to naturally ebb and flow. All living things affect this field, twisting and shaping these forces with the movement of their bodies, the sounds they produce and the patterns of their thoughts. In this way, all magic users manipulate these energies in order to cast spells, although the many approaches to the art are quite different in both theory and practice.
The Arcane school of thought sees these energies as a tool that can be harnessed, accumulated and then released. Arcanists use patterns of thought to pool magical energy inside of themselves, unleashing this stored energy with a trigger of some kind, either verbal, somatic or material. This release can be violent or controlled, and the amount of energy that it is possible for an arcanist to store is directly related to their experience with the manipulation of the thaumaturgic fields. Truely experienced arcanists can store incredible power, unleashing it with great violence. In order to build these reservoirs of power, the learned arcanist studies spells that they have inscribed. These studies create thought patterns that trap the magical energies, locking it inside the magic user until the proper trigger is provided. The arcanists call these studies ‘memorization’ although that is misleading to the layman.
Some individuals have the ability to innately manipulate the magical fields of Ossirian, possibly due to extra planar or magical ancestry. These natural arcanists are called Sorcerers. They have an innate ability to affect the thaumaturgical field nearly instantaneously and so do not need to prepare their spells.
Arcane magic is considered an internal type of magic.
The Divine school of thought focuses instead on guiding the magical fields, using subtle changes in the fields surrounding their being to manipulate the flow of magic without forcing it. Practicioners of this type of magic consider it to be a more natural method of manipulating magical energies. <> While Arcane magic is considered to be an internal art, where the power comins from inside the caster, Divine magic is an external art, where the caster does not internalize the energy but rather guides it from an external source to create the desired effect. Similarly to the arcanist, the divine caster becomes more able to guide larger quantites of magical energies as their experience grows. The source of the energy is, for all intents and purposes, near infinite (due to the recycling of the energies in ways that this treatise is not concerned with) but the manipulation of the fields used to bend and mold this energy requires considerable effort. Because of this, divine casters, like arcane casters, are limited in the muber of spells that they may cast each day. In addition, the divine caster must undergo a similar process to the arcane memorization – This process prepares the caster to manipulate the energy, creating resonance in the thaumaturgic field that can be unleashed using a process much like the arcane trigger discussed above.
[Submitted by Ornir]
Long time ago, the races learned how to use the <> to amplify magic, creating artifacts and other objects of wonder.
But there was a war, and the power of those amplified magics were incredible, tearing the world up, and the lust for power eventually led to the development of a method of using these <> to augment a caster’s personal power, changing them fundamentally into a being of magic – but also driving them irrevocably insane.
So in trying to end the war they shattered the world and all of their secrets were lost in the destruction.
Over time, the world has recovered, and some of the secrets re-discovered, including the creation of Arcana Golems.