Home General Lich – the Pinnacle of Necromantic Art

Lich – the Pinnacle of Necromantic Art

Lich – the Pinnacle of Necromantic Art
Art used with permission from: https://www.deviantart.com/sinto-risky/art/Lineage-II-Forge-of-the-Gods-871298638

Few creatures are more feared than the lich. The pinnacle of
necromantic art, who has chosen to shed his life as a method to cheat death by
becoming undead. While many who reach such heights of power stop at nothing to
achieve immortality, the idea of becoming a lich is abhorrent to most creatures.
The process involves the extraction of one’s life force and imprisonment in a
specially prepared phylactery. One gives up life, but in trapping life he also
traps his death, and as long as his phylactery remains intact he can continue on
in his research and work without fear of the passage of time. The quest to
become a lich is a lengthy one. While construction of the magical phylactery to
contain one’s soul is a critical component, a prospective lich must also learn
the secrets of transferring his soul into the receptacle and of preparing his
body for the transformation into undeath, neither of which are simple tasks.
Further complicating the ritual is the fact that no two bodies or souls are
exactly alike, a ritual that works for one spellcaster might simply kill another
or drive him insane. Please note that a Lich is the only Epic Race that can
multi-class. Please note that becoming a lich requires level 30 and will reset
your exp to 0. Please note that a Lich has all the advantages/disadvantages of
being Undead.

       Insidious rumors have begun that Caltursar the Dead Walker, a necrophant that resides in the 
       Skull Gorge has discovered the dark art of becoming a LICH.  Perhaps one could ASK him about 
       'undeath' to reveal what sort of necormantic madness he has tapped into.  (note: the quest 
       line to become a lich is extremely difficult and designed for elite groups to conquer)

Some of the lich features include: vital (bonus starting hp), hardy (bonus hp per level), armor skin +5 (natural AC), ultravision, is-undead, damage resistance +4, and unarmed combat proficiency… in addition:

Lich racial adjustment to stats are: +2 dexterity, +2 constitution, +2 charisma, and +6 intelligence. In addition, they get class abilities of acrobatics and +8 racial bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks

Due to their undead magical nature, Lich have a strong natural resistance to magic. A Lich’s spell resistance is equal to 15 + their level.

Liches have unarmed damage of 2d4 + level / 2. They can use ‘lichtouch’, as a standard action, to paralyze and cause negative damage 10 + level 4 + int bonus… this touch used on undead heals double that amount. This is usable 3x a day + int bonus

A lich upon being the target of a death blow will automatically be fully restored. This represents the power of their phylactery. A lich can only tap upon this awesome power 1x per day.

The countenance of a Lich is so intimidating that one can cause fear (spell-like affect) up to 3x/day.

Completely immune to attacks based on electricity.

Completely immune to attacks based on cold.

Art used with permission from Sinto Risky: https://www.deviantart.com/sinto-risky/art/Lineage-II-Forge-of-the-Gods-871298638 https://www.deviantart.com/sinto-risky/art/Lineage-II-Forge-of-the-Gods-871298638

Race Name : Lich
Normal/Adv/Epic?: Epic Race
Unlock Cost : 999999999 Account XP

Playable Race? : Yes

Race Size : Medium

Ability Modifier: Str +2 Con +2 Int +6 Wis +2 Dex +2 Cha +2

Description : Few creatures are more feared than the lich. The pinnacle of
necromantic art, who has chosen to shed his life as a method to cheat death by
becoming undead. While many who reach such heights of power stop at nothing to
achieve immortality, the idea of becoming a lich is abhorrent to most creatures.
The process involves the extraction of one’s life force and imprisonment in a
specially prepared phylactery. One gives up life, but in trapping life he also
traps his death, and as long as his phylactery remains intact he can continue on
in his research and work without fear of the passage of time. The quest to
become a lich is a lengthy one. While construction of the magical phylactery to
contain one’s soul is a critical component, a prospective lich must also learn
the secrets of transferring his soul into the receptacle and of preparing his
body for the transformation into undeath, neither of which are simple tasks.
Further complicating the ritual is the fact that no two bodies or souls are
exactly alike, a ritual that works for one spellcaster might simply kill another
or drive him insane. Please note that a Lich is the only Epic Race that can
multi-class. Please note that becoming a lich requires level 30 and will reset
your exp to 0. Please note that a Lich has all the advantages/disadvantages of being Undead.

Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: immune to cold
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: immune to electricity
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich fear
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich rejuvenation
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich touch
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich damage resist
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich spell resist
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: lich racial adjustment
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: hardy
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: vital
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: ultravision
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: armor skin
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: armor skin
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: armor skin
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: armor skin
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: armor skin
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: improved unarmed strike
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: unarmed strike


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