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Update: 12/14/2012


added affects to mag_areas
added affects to mag_masses
added support to PULSE_LUMINARI for room affects
added room-casting support to PULSE_LUMINARI
2nd circle magic user spells helpfiles completed
coded protection from alignment
added a couple of missing helpfiles for 1st circle magic user spells
changed newbie equipment to match size of race
newbies now start with crafting kits
increased dam_message limit to 120
went through ALL the help entries and adjusted the minimum level to
appropriate levels
New mage SPELLS and Help-Files for:
phantom steed
summon creature 3
deathly heroism
hold person
invisibility sphere
dispel magic
circle against good
circle against evil
water breathe
stinking cloud
halt undead
vampiric touch
deep slumber
non detection
treat injury doesn’t overheal anymore
some more mob tweaks to sanctus
the newbie guide in sanctus can now train new players

Updates 12/06/12


making sure all new characters are getting teleporters now
added an assortment of new helpfiles
Pathos is now working on helpfiles as well
increased max prompt length by 4x to prep for prompt changes
added 4 new prefedit values for prompt: exp, exits, room, and memorization
added to display command ability to toggle the 4 new prompt toggles
some minor tweaks to the mount code and movement
mounts have to be at least one size class bigger than their rider
mounts can’t be more than two size classes bigger than their rider
initializing autocraft data at character creation now
created all our base crafting material items
created a shop to sell base crafting material items
alchemal silver can’t be bought, must be converted
cold iron can’t be bought, must be converted
added messages to-room for healing spells
added a new section to sanctus for crafting (down from recall)
added a supplyorder office
trimmed a lot of fat from memorize.c
added a lot of expandability to memorize.c
fixed touch of idiocy spell
bakarus is doing cleanup on some non-theme material in sanctus

Gear and Stats and Stat Stacking


One of the issues that has to be handled is the upper potential characters can achieve with the most powerful gear attainable.

Some current solutions (and their known issues) out there are as follow:
1) Solution: Create upper standards for gear, and just make sure all your monsters are adjusted appropriately.
Problems: New zones to come in and to add motivation to players, ultimately will require making gear more and more powerful

2) Solution: No stat stacking on gear, i.e. only can have one item that will increase strength, all other ‘strength-increasing’ items will be ignored
Problems: Players will all end up with the same stats, a lot less gear hunting will occur

The initial vision of Luminari with gear was as follows:

1) Enforce level limits on gear, that way lower level zones do not lose their appeal and help reduce power leveling
2) Hard caps on gear stats to not be crossed, to help reign in too much power
3) Crafted and Discovered gear should be relatively equal in stats and effort/time to acquire
4) Absolute top-end gear cannot be acquire by normal means, only via epic quests or epic boss fights

All this info is subject to change, and open for discussion

Update: 11/30/2012


rearranged spells in all their locations in the code to be uniform
purged a buggy sanctus quest
fixed the ‘speaker’ in sanctus
bakarus changed xp loss for those under 15th level
fixed some poor color choices in OLC
spells, mage 2nd circle:
scorching ray (done)
continual flame (done)
acid arrow (almost done)
false life (done)
daze monster
hideous laughter
touch of idiocy
resist energy (done)
energy sphere (done)
strength (done)
grace (done)
shortened the message for looking in a direction that doesn’t exist
scan also does ‘look in direction’ as well
added stun help file (for the affect ‘stun’)
we’re on mudstats.com now
we’re ranked 172 of all MUDs last time i checked mudconnector.com

Updates – 11/16/2012


added berserker class (like barbarian)
made compact mode more compact with the prompt/combat (thanks Dyanangam)
bakarus added weapon types to identify/lore
added skills:
great fortitude
lightning reflexes
iron will
epic fortitude
epic reflexes
epic will
shield specialist (warrior only)
weapon specialist (warrior only)
luck of heroes
added autoscan toggle (thanks Nupe)
you can now ‘exam’ while restin (thanks Nupe)
added ‘impress’ social (thanks Kordon)
fixed a bug with a custom weapon (sorry Nupe)
fixed some false information in one of the newbie areas (thanks everyone)
Targets that are too big can’t be tripped or bashed (thanks Kordon)
Targets that are too small can’t be tripped or bashed (thanks Kordon)
flying targets can’t be targetted by trip (thanks Kordon)
staff can now look and see the room in that direction (thanks Vaprak)
added monk titles, 1-30 (thanks Kordon)
added cleric titles, 20-30 (thanks Kordon)
added all current racial innates to the ‘innates’ command
added reference to innates by character race
‘innate’ command, added troll innates to list
added crystal dwarf epic race, only unlocked via request
added ability ‘crystal fist’ for crystal dwarves
added ability ‘crystal body’ for crystal dwarves
gave dwarves and elves infravision
gave halfling, gnome infra
gave half-orc ultravision
updated all the racial innates
trolls have ultravision for now (can see without any light)
elves have ‘basic weapon proficiency’ for free
elves have immunity to sleep now
add notification of ‘identify’ in shop list command
added framework to restrict epic races from multi-classing
crystal dwarves cannot multiclass
dwarves get +2 poison resistance saves (added to spell_poison calculations)
crystal dwarves get +2 poison resistance saves (added to spell_poison calculations)
dwarf-type races now get +4 resistance roll vs bash/trip (stability innate)
fixed bug where saves were calculated from the attacker instead of the victim
dwarf-types now have ‘combat training vs. larger opponents’, size bonus +1
halfling/gnomes have ‘combat training vs’ large opponents’
modified size damage/armor calculations
elves/half-elves have +2 resistance to echantments now
gnomes have +2 resistance to illusions now
elves get +2 to listen/spot checks
added spells:
scorching ray (need dam mess)
hideous laughter
daze monster
false life
added postmaster to newbie zone ‘Newbie School’
updated a few help files (mostly spells)
[Above is Week Ending 11/16/2012]

Updates – 11/09/12


{DONE – this past week}
fixed some newbie area typos
level notification wasn’t showing to group_gain, fixed that
took out height, now just using char size in score sheet
epic spell penetrate was available to non casters, fixed it
fixed bug with xp that i created *hangs head in shame*
weapon spells bug fixed, added object call to call magic to identify that its a weapon spell
i put a semi-cap on xp gain based on level, needs testing
more adjustments to newbie area
adjusted ‘kind soul’
changed xp tables to be more uniform
newbies get 100% xp bonus 1st 5 levels
fixed leak in colors with happy hour
fixed some typos in newbie areas
added stunning fist skill to monks (level 2) – might need some tweaking
moved pick locks/steal to abililties instead of skills
realized i messed up my mob intelligence casting framework with multiclassing and fixed it
ported Vaprak’s MUD
Vaprak has been made Head Builder, Bakarus has been switched to Head Admin
[Above is Week Ending 11/09/2012]