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Map of LuminariMUD

Treyprn's requested build sites
LuminariMUD WorldMap


When a builder is submitting a proposal for a new zone, this map should be used to choose what kingdom/region the zone will be in. Builders who already have a zone in progress should also mark their zone on the map. At this time the only zone marked is Valcrest. Please update this as necessary.
Taure Fea


Edit 2/19/2013:  The map has been updated to show Treyorn’s proposed build sites.

This map is marked with the locations of zones and proposed zones.

Luminari MUD Weekly Update: 02/15/2013


Well super busy work week, so unfortunately, did not get a lot done on the MUD…

Here is what we were able to do:

-new wizard/sorcerer spells
*Spell Circle Level 8
*chain lightning
*clenched fist
*incendiary cloud
*summon creature viii
*horrid wilting
*greater animation
*irresistible dance
*mass domination
*scint pattern
*sun burst
*spell turning
*mind blank
*iron skin


*In additon new Lore file on Half-Elves added to Wiki (Ambanya)

*Some nice aesthetic changes to the Staff Zone done by Taure

*Welcome new staff members



*Nashak and Ornir developed a script to extract 2200 mobiles from DnD archives for us

Luminari MUD Weekly Updates 02/08/2013


{DONE – this past week}

-discovered small bug with memorize in calculating slots

-added [stum!] for stumbles to line it up with other rolls

-added [crit!] for criticals to ilne it up with other rolls

-added [down!] for auto-hit incapacitated, to line it up with other rolls

-added some more protection to prompt length (because of added strcats)

-decreased max_prompt_size from 512->400

-prompts were displaying exits even if you couldn’t see them (thanks ambanya)

-added another builder-resource link for trigedit to the ‘link’ section of the website

-study command now supports rangers, wizards

-added menu for selecting ‘favored enemies’ for rangers

-updated load_prayX() in players.c so paladins/rangers and in the future bards will save spell mem list at quit

-added menu for selecting ‘animal companion’ for rangers

-added a small list of animal companions to choose from

-uncommented code that was preventing clearing of events upon death of PCs (thanks Ripley)

-added ‘call’ command and framework for special companions

-new skills

*animal companion

*paladin mount

*dismiss (updated)

*call familiar

-new helpfiles

*animal companion

*paladin mount

*dismiss (updated)

*favored enemy

*call familiar

*teleport (actually remake of old spell)

*holy sword (paladin only, 4th circle)

*detect poison

*missile storm

*grasping hand

*summon creature vii

*power word blind

*waves of exhaustion

*mass hold person

*mass fly


*prismatic spray

*power word stun

*protection from spells


*spell mantle

*mass wisdom

*mass charisma

*mass cunning

-added new study menu’s:

*wizards (for familiars)

*sorcerer (for familiars)

*ranger (for favored enemy and animal companion)

-added new spells

*teleport (actually remake of old spell)

*holy sword (paladin only, 4th circle)

*missile storm

*grasping hand

*summon creature vii

*power word blind

*waves of exhaustion

*mass hold person

*mass fly


*prismatic spray

*power word stun

*protection from spells


*spell mantle

*mass wisdom

*mass charisma

*mass cunning

-changed paladin’s ‘petition’ command to ‘chant’

-added ripley’s change_event_duration() function

-dismiss with no argument will clear charmies not in room, with argument for in-room targets

-you will reduce your cooldown to 90 seconds or less if you dismiss your in-room companion

-you can now call mount (companion) if its not in same room as you for free teleportation

-added utility function to spells.c/spells.h:  valid_mortal_tele_dest(char_data, room rnum)

*replaced teleport checks with this function

*replaced do_enter checks (portals) with this function

-you can’t teleport to nosummon flagged mobs

-created template for elementals, vnums 51, 52, 53, 54

-gave elemental race, that has subraces different elemental reistance/vulnerability

*water:  weak electric, immune water

*air:    immune air

*fire:   weak ice, immune fire

*earth:  immune earth, resist acid

– made seperate macros for identify race of mobiles and players, will return undefined if mess up

*default GET_RACE() is for PC’s

*new GET_NPC_RACE() is for NPC’s

-added a few more shape-change descriptions curtesy of Ripley

-added to_char and to_room for mag_group

-added some cheesy messages for mag_groups for starters

-spell concentration check gets +50% chance bonus if not in combat

-rangers were not being included in BAB calculations, fixed

-added new char-var field:  has_class(class-name), see:  HELP HAS_CLASS

-added holy sword object (thanks ambanya) and set it to 1) dispel evil, 2) dispel magic

[Above is Week Ending 02/07/2013]

LuminariMUD Weekly Update 02/01/2013


-changed all references in code of mage/magic-user to wizard
-changed all references in code of thief to rogue
-added some utility functions for checking alignment in utils.c/act.other.c for new system
-added alignment restrictions to current classes
-added new constants menu/structs.h reference to alignment by new types
-added set_align function for conversion between systems (new and stock align code)
-added convert_align function for converting old->new align system
-add alignment selection to char creation
-added alignment restrictions to char creation
-added alignment restrictions to respec/gain commands
-modified ‘group list’ command
-added some slight restrictions in staff-kill command to prevent harassment of those who
don’t want to deal with vaprak (tog your nohas on to avoid being insta-killed by the ‘kill’
-the ‘gain’ command can be used while resting now (ambanya request)
-sorted some of the forum content (ideas)
-money can now be taken even with full inventory
-added can_hear_sneaking() function to utils.c as part of sneak-system upgrade
-fixed crash bug in gain_condition function (possible to send NULL ch)
-fixed crash bug in houses (thanks Vatiken)
-added ‘stealthy’ skill and gave it to rogues level 2+ for free (in place of the innate +4 bonus)
-divided sneak-project into 2 major projects and 3 minor within each of those for 6 total jobs
*leaving room = DONE
+riding = DONE
+being ridden = DONE
+on foot = DONE
*entering room = DONE
+riding = DONE
+being ridden = DONE
+on foot = DONE
*just need to playtest it to look for any flaws!
-added a mount check in the game loop to dismount those who have somehow seperated from their mount
-added some messages if 1) mount moves you, or 2) if you are being moved by a rider
-added a slight fix to multi-class memorization
-added the ‘autodiagnose’ to prompts (will eventually make toggable)
-added some experimental color to successful melee attacks to differentiate attackers/victims/observers
-now parsing complete prompt with color for ease of adjusting its colors
-added another parameter to save_char() for special saves cases
**this was not needed in the end
-changed the roll display to be simpler as ambanya requested (thanks ripley for formatting)
-Formatted damage to take a reserved amount of space for uniformity (ambanya idea)
-Criticals now match length of Rolls for uniformity
-Made some more aesthetic adjustments to new auto-diagnose
-Switched stock DIKU condition messages to ambanya’s suggestion from forum
*note only on auto-diagnose on prompt, nowhere else in the code
-Swapped Vatiken’s fix for old whirlwind bug, back to my fix (helped save events)
-added framework for ranger casting:  adjure/unadjure
-added bare-bones ranger class to the game
-added ‘listen-mode’ for new sneak system
– EVENTS NOW SAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-added some more damage messages to dam_messages
-Welcome New Class:  RANGER!!
*dual weapons
*natures step
-New HELP files:
*natures step
*dual weapons

Races – Elves



It is said that although humankind is older, elvenkind is wiser, for they remember what mankind forgets. The oldest records of the world are Elven, as are the oldest living mortals. In the early dawn of the races, the first progenitors of the Elves sought to transcend the rough, weary existence of early human civilization. They began to honor gods of beauty, nature, and wisdom, who led them to a fountain of shaping-magic. There, they tossed aside their old forms and were reborn as a new creation.

That they could ponder and grow wise, they extended their lives. That they could hear and remember, they lengthened their ears. That they could see and understand, they widened their eyes. That they could live and act and create during night as well as daylight, they abandoned the shackles of sleep, needing only a period of meditation to recuperate. They made their skin, hair, and eye colors vibrant and beautiful, some like colorful birds, others like shining, golden grain, others like soft desert shadows.

The early elves loved the sciences as well as magic and theology, and many of the most important technological discoveries, such as the 3-4-5 rule for finding the square (invaluable to architecture and mathematics), were elvish in origin. Throughout history, dark ages of civilization seem to correspond to the degree of elven influence in world affairs. During centuries of peace and plenty, elves had an active hand. During centuries of turmoil and regression, the elves were withdrawn to their own kind.

The elves are the only race more varied than humankind. They have been divided amongst themselves for so long that the various kinships of elves could almost be considered separate races, if only the elves themselves saw it that way. Elves make no distinction among the elven kinships of any kind, and consider every elf equally elven. However, they are seriously divided along lines of belief and philosophy, which happens to coincide with appearance and ability.

The most notable kinships of elves are the Forest Elves, or Green Elves, who are the oldest lineage; the Sun Elves or Gold Elves, who build with white rock upon the plains; the Avariel, or winged elves, who build graceful arches atop windy crags; the Sand Elves, or Desert Elves, who have the darkest skin and are the most hardy; and the shadow elves, or grey elves, who have no home, but are wanderers and night-stalkers.

Scheduled Network Maintenance: 01/31/2013, 1AM to 4AM MST – 45 Minutes Downtime Expected


Scheduled Network Maintenance: 01/31/2013, 1AM to 4AM MST.

On Thursday, January 31st our network provider will be conducting a planned maintenance starting at 01:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) and concluding at 4:00 a.m. MST. During this three-hour window network engineers will be addressing a detected hardware issue within one of the core routers. While this upgrade is occurring, a brief network disruption is anticipated. A network disruption of approximately 45 minutes is anticipated however precautions to mitigate any prolonged disruptions have been taken.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as the network engineers continue to work to improve our network systems and maintain stability. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this maintenance schedule, please feel free to contact our Customer Support Department at any time.

Third Generation Internet Services

You may subscribe to our maintenance RSS at http://maintenance.thirdhosting.com