LuminariMUD is proud to announce the launch of our encounters and hunts systems, both of which have been in development now for a couple of months. In addition to that we’ve added a large number of carriage stops for our fast travel system.
Encounters is a new system whereby parties and individuals exploring or roaming the wilderness will randomly encounter level-appropriate mobs to fight. Encounter mob types are pulled from an ever-growing list that currently sits at 113. Encounters can be dealt with in a number of ways, such as defeating it in combat, escaping, intimidating, bluffing or using diplomacy, and even bribing in some cases. In addition to combat encounters, we will soon be adding other types of encounters, such as treasure caches, wandering vendors that sell special items, mysterious entities that grant your character bonuses, and more.
Hunts is a new system that allows for individuals or parties to search out special boss mobs in the wilderness of Lumia. These hunt targets, when defeated, award the entire party quest points, gold and some nice experience. In addition to the party-wide rewards, each hunt mob also drops hunt trophies of various types; some are enhanced crafting materials, others can be exchanged for rings, pendants or bracers that give special affects when worn (eg. infravision, detect invis, haste, etc.), as well as weapon oils that can be applied to a weapon to give it a permanent special affect (eg. flaming, defending, vorpal, vampiric, etc.).
As part of the new hunts system we’ve added a large number of new weapon affects. These weapon affects give your weapon special powers that enhance its effectiveness. The list of new effects is: blinding, adaptive, agile, bewildering, seeking, disruption, defending, exhausting, corrosive, corrosive burst, speed, ghost touch, thundering, keen, wounding, vicious, invigorating, vorpal, vampiric and lucky. Most of these correlate to the list on the pathfinder srd: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/magic-weapon-special-abilities/
Finally we’ve added a number of new carriage destinations for our fast travel system, with 34 destinations now on different continents. We will continue to expand this system with new carriage locales as well as adding sea ports for another way to travel between continents, aside from magic and stationary portals.
Here’s the entire changelog for this update:
[Nov 06 2020] – Gicker
fixed a bug when choosing a combat feat and entering and out-of-bounds number for the weapon family
encounter messages for hostile encounter mobs will stop appearing if the encounter mob is in combat
hunt kills will, now send a message to the entire mud
added a missing room description for the roc hunt target
when a charmie kills hunt mob, it will now treat the killing blow as being done by the charmie’s master
fixed the hunt reward function to properly include gold and QPs
fixed a bug with new d20 roll function that would sometimes crash the mud
[Nov 05 2020] – Gicker
Currently, the only hunstmaster is in the Jade Jug Tavern in Ashenport
Added a tonne more carriage stops on all continents
Added the following weapon special abilities: blinding, adaptive, agile, bewildering, seeking, disruption, defending, exhausting, corrosive, corrosive burst, speed, ghost touch, thundering, keen, wounding, vicious, invigorating, vorpal, vampiric and lucky.
Added noconfuse mob flag
Added weapon oil and hunt trophy item types
Added dragonbone and dragonscale material types.
Added the hunts system. HELP HUNTS
Added fear spell. As scare spell but without a level limit on targets.
Added ability to try and avoid or seek out encounters in the PREFEDIT menu.
Added encounter command. HELP ENCOUNTERS
Added a random encounter system for traversing the wilderness. HELP ENCOUNTERS
[Nov 03 2020] – Pathos
Typo in obj #30713 fixed
[Nov 02 2020] – Pathos
Typo in mob #145207 fixed.
Typo in mob #3975 fixed.
Typo with part of Sazzy’s house questline fixed.
[Oct 17 2020] – Zusuk
zone ‘beneath the eagle tower’ attached to evereska added to sublink worksheet
linked mantol derith & connecting tunnel zone to elg’cahl niar in the underworld (underdark)
added meta info to main builder document regarding arena
[Sep 17 2020] – Pathos
Feat Training tutorial typo fixed