Full Import of In-Game Idea Submissions
Tagged: ideas pathfinder mud, luminari mud
- This topic has 4 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 years, 11 months ago by
October 9, 2013 at 7:05 am #1603
KeymasterNote, this needs to be sorted out and seperated into topics of discussion, but for now here is the whole list so far:
Text weight limits~
Body make sure to add weight-limit checks to harvesting andrandom treasure drops
Name Zusuk~Text falling rooms~
Body put a limit too how far one can fall (due to accidnetal buildercreating infinite loop of falling)
Name Zusuk~Text not-prime zone flag~
Body or something of that nature to seperate the outter-planesgate targets from the outter-planes zones that have no
connection to the prime material plane
Name Zusuk~Text annoying inventory management as newbiw~
Body It is very annoying to have so few items to carry as a limit. Even going through mudschoolforces me to micromanage my inventory and putting stuff in backpack before i can
pick new things up. It was made even more confusing buy wear all equipping the backpack and had to
temporarily drop stuff to be able to remove backpack and put stuff in there.
it is also not logical for new players that item limit only counts what is in inventory and not items inside containers.
Name Cirwik~Text triggers able to use %teleport% for objects~
Body I would like to be able to teleport objects using triggers with the same command that I can use to teleport people %teleport%if thats not too much trouble.
Name Nerian~Text skill list~
Body Can a melee type character have a skill list like a wizard/sorc/cleric etc. have their spell listAnd also to write in description, what is the requirement to have that skill
Name Allen~Text Shop’s quest ‘identify’ command~
Body Not sure where to write this. But shop quest currently don’t have identify commandto items the shop is selling
Name Allen~Text release stats cap~
Body Please release stats cap, if not there’s no point on getting great gearwith good +stat. The weight cap on wearing armor is already too frustrating.
Rather than restricting on weight, is better to make classes equipment base.
Also crafting item also not offering good stats. Combining item only
increasing item’s level and the amount of money required to combined them
is ridiculous high.
Name Allen~Text Allow players to put things in/out of backpack while it is worn.~
Body This would resolve idea number 6 (annoying inventory management as newbiw) and would generally make life easier!~
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1373528413
Level 32
Room 7700
Flags 1 0 0 0
EndText back wear location~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text medit mob pathing olc feature~
Body Would be SUPER sweet if you could change the pathing delay withouthaving to re-add in all of the room vnums in the mobs path….
Name Wolves~Text ‘climb’ and ‘fall’ exits~
Body Certain exits can require a check at varying DCs against a character/mob’sability to climb. If the check fails, the character is penalized in some way
(damage, usually) and will end up falling to the lowest point. Flying negates
these checks.
Name Ornir~Text shopkeeper identify~
Body should give more info, like spell affections, etc~
Name Zusuk~Text Random item drop levels~
Body These items should drop within relative level range of the player who killed themob. Have level 20+ items drop or even items 4 or 5 levels away drop from a
level 2 or 3 character doesn’t work very well. Also I think the drop rate
should be slightly lower and less chance of 3 or 4 items dropping at once.
Inventory is getting cluttered and a lot of time is spent dropping useless
Name Nobuya~Text gecho~
Body Can we please add gecho into OLC to function like echo, echoaround, andzoneecho, except obviously to display to entire realm?
Name Treyorn~Text cooldown refresh for staff~
Body that way testing is easier~
Name Zusuk~Text Flag craft materials (Craft Material) to make it easier to categorize.~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text requires-class // requires-race flags~
Body to suppliment the anti-class // anti-race flags.. or in someways more fitting then them.. requires-class &&|| requires-race flags~
Name Makiel~Text shoulder and back wear location~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text Key treasure type on size/race of mob killed~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text chi strike~
Name Ornir~Text Add reply and who to harvest wait state~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text Pixies (Sprites)~
Body There are many things to be said about the race of the fae, such as they arecunning, persuasive and quitepossibly the trickiest creatures on the material
plane. A little known fact, however, is that they are actually a precursor to
the elven race by several millenia, created by the genius of Taure Fea and the
unwitting participation of Ambanya as well as Naneth. It was in the age of
man’s infancy that the other titans began dabbling with creating their own races
to fawn over, Taure being the most envious of the sophisticated lifeforms that
were being brought about as most of her own were primative, or green and
relatively inanimate. It was by chance that Taure Fae came across the
information that Naneth was setting her mind to the creation of the elven
people. Eager to contribute, she begged Naneth to allow her to aide in the
process, willing to contribute anything. As Naneth looked over Taure’s
creations, she harbored serious doubts of Taure’s abilities to make anything
beyond beasts and plants,and as such, denied Taure’s aide as to save her
potentially glorious children. Feeling dejected for her works, Taure set out
and wandered the plains and forests, watching over her children as she passed,
but a child not of her design was a-frolic within her domain, the ancient
child-titan Ambanya Seldo. It was in watching this powerful, yet innocent
creature dance and play with even the most savage of her creations that her
grandest design came to mind. With a moment of meditation and her essence, she
created a vial of a light green liquid. She gave it to Ambanya and told him
that he should add it to Naneth’s creation, saying that it was an ingredient she
had requested, but insisted that Ambanya say that he had brought it for her
himself. The innocent titan, too carefree to believe (or to care) that one of
his own kind would lie to him in such a manner, followed Taure’s instructions.
The Child-titan sat by and watched as Naneth poisoned her own people with the
essence of Taure.
Name Basadra~Text Pixies (Sprites) Pt. 2!~
Body The elven were originally made from miniature idols and fetishes made ofwood, carved into the flawless images of the Mother- titan’s imagination. As
Naneth applied the salve to the idols, they suddenly took to life, never growing
from their doll-sized statures, drawing panicked breaths before vanishing, the
soft sound of insect- like wings flapping away as the creatures escaped quickly,
seeking out their homes within the arms of Taure and her forests. Naneth could
do nothing but watch and listen as her creations were bastardized and stolen
from her. For years, no one saw hide nor hair of Taure as she harbored her
stow-aways within the boughs of her many trees, shielding them with her magics
as they played games and froliced within their lady’s domain. They grew
accustomed to heckling the other mortal races, playing jokes on them when
possible, but as time passed, Taure felt remourse, understanding that all of the
joy that she had felt, Naneth must have endured the most insufferable pain.
Taure gathered her children, of whos number had grown quite large, and had them
gather around a large ash tree that stood hundreds of meters tall and three
across. All that was needed was a gesture and they flew to work, moulding the
tree with their inheirant magical abilities to carve out a pair of stunning,
embraced creatures out of the living wood of Taure’s grandest tree. The titan
called out to her sibling, beckoning her to the site of this gift. Naneth,
being the forgiving titan that she is, had already since relieved Taure of her
ire, but was taken aback by the beautiful display of the sculpted elven couple
in the white ash tree. Striken silent and weeping at the display, it left Taure
open to utter the few words that remain the mantra of every sprite in
exsistance. “I have wronged you, taken your most precious of creations and made
it my own. Now, I give you my creation, moulded it to be yours, and now return
it. A gift begits a gift, sister.”
Name Basadra~Text {wait} added to crafting-state(s)~
Body add the {wait} flag to harvesting, etc. also add who, and reply.~
Name Vivictus~Text Troll Race reworked~
Body To start with this is just my opinion on the troll race. I feel as though they are drastically under powered. They are after all trolls something that is feared in the land by soldier for a reason.All info that I am submitting is straight from D20srd with my own tweaks. To attempt to rebalance it to your liking.
Troll Race:
Stats – +6 Str, +2 Dex, +6 Con, -4 Int, -2 Wis, -4 Cha
Size – Large Size
+10 hit points upon creation
+5 natural armor
Special attack: Rend- damage 2d6 + double strength bonus.
Experiance modifier is HUGE!! Making it an epic race as it should be.
Name Azgar~Text Monk Flurry of Blows~
Body Alright I believe that monks are hindered by being neglected their greatest strength. The greatest strength is that monks have an outstanding amount of attacks.The progression as shown on d20 srd is pretty exact when you come to think of a martial artist attacking. Using both hands and their feet in combat to fight their enemies.
That progression per level is as follows
lvl 1 2 attacks
lvl 2 2 attacks
lvl 3 2 attacks
lvl 4 2 attacks
lvl 5 2 attacks
lvl 6 2 attacks
lvl 7 2 attacks
lvl 8 3 attacks
lvl 9 3 attacks
lvl 10 3 attacks
lvl 11 4 attacks
lvl 12 4 attacks
lvl 13 4 attacks
lvl 14 5 attacks
lvl 15 5 attacks
lvl 16 5 attacks/a
Name Azgar~Text Monk Skills~
Body Monks are supposed to be the disciplined martail artist from far off monastaries who practice self discipline and self control. And value it above most other things. To better their body and mind. There for I am suggesting adding Discipline to the list of trainable skills.~
Name Azgar~Text Warlock Class~
Body Hello and thank you for reading my idea for adding the Warlock class as a base class to the world of Luminari.~
Name Azgar~Text (Spells Known Editor) -> (editing known spells)~
Body .~
Name Ornir~Text seperate known and unknown skills~
Body add a skills command, display known skills there, leave known/unlearned skills under practice command.~
Name Vivictus~Text resizing~
Body when making an item smaller, chance to return base material, when making an item larger, require material(s)~
Name Vivictus~Text material(s)~
Body allow objects to have multiple material types (wouldnt a brass lantern be glass and brass?) aren’t swordhilts wrapped with leather cord? etc.maybe not as indepth as leather cord for the hilt but.. you get the idea
Name Vivictus~Text wizard spellbook/ spell lists~
Body needs to be paged differently, curently spams stuff off the list, uhm.. spellbook itself is super spammy and unorganized for spell levels.. elaborating on previous idea heh
wizard spellbooks/mem lists need updating/organizing/unfucking~~
Name Vicaetus~Text bashing should remove fly from trelux~
Name Ornir~Text Armor and trinkets never go over +5 hitroll/damroll and weapons never go over +5 ac~
Name Ornir~Text roomtype – dungeon~
Body adding a new room_type dungeoni think this idea explains itself, ty.
Name Makiel~Text hidden roomtypes until explored~
Body making roomtype show as [?] until the room has been explored at least once.~
Name Makiel~Text re: bashing and trelux fly~
Body bashing should remove affect_fly from anything that has been bashed… not just trelux.~
Name Makiel~Text rework lore~
Body i may have posted something about this, or just verbally said something.. but the way lore/identify and shop identify works should be reworked..~
Name Vivictus~Text /fi~
Body should just automatically /fi when you /s .. descriptions || anything that uses /fi~
Name Makiel~Text Kill Lag~
Body The current lag system doesn’t feel like it captures the true essence of combat. I think it would be great to reduce lag to a milliseconds on MOB/ENEMY death. Also, If a MOB/ENEMY is killed with a backstab then there should be no lag. Thanks for reading.~
Name Jacet~Text list all zone’s doors command~
Body It would help us for zone placement, some sort of command to find all the doorsin a zone with our current homeland door-key issue.
Name Zusuk~Text True Seeing spell~
Body Can the duration on True Seeing be increased? Currently it’s about 3 minutes.~
Name Fez~Text Vampiric Touch~
Body Is it possible to increase the spell level on this spell and make it more powerful both in damage and healing?~
Name Fez~Text Shelgarns blade~
Body If I have a Dragon Knight summoned , I cannot cast this spell. I get the message You can’t control more charmies. Can this be changed somehow?Is it possible for this spell to scale in power with the casters level?
Name Fez~Text Starting Room~
Body The starting room has a “travelling saleswoman” that buffs herself. Could she buff new players too?~
Name Kraevn~Text Autoconsider~
Body Some MUDs have an “autoconsider” that appends a keyword to the beginning of a mob’s shortdesc when doing a look or autolook in a room.
i.e.: (challenging) A streetsweeper pushes a broom in front of him
Or a short mode: (c) A streetsweeper pushes a broom in front of him
If you want to add something like that, it could be part of a low level quest reward.
Name Kraevn~Text Lights~
Body When a light burns out, if there’s no way to re-enable it, could it just “poof”from the world by being removed from the player and destroyed? Would help with
the annoyance of getting a new light and trying to use it, only to be told you
already have a light equipped.
Name Kraevn~Text Harvesting~
Body WHO would also be a nice command to have accessable while harvestingIt would be nice to have Inventory, Prac, Train enabled while
harvesting, if there’s nothing imbalancing about it. Just a though.
Name Kraevn~Text Titles~
Body Currently, players have the ability to set their own title, whichis nice…except that each levelup erases said title and puts the
class title in its place. Since levels are currently visible in
“who”, the class title being forced on levelup seems redundant. Could
there be a check put in place where…
if player set custom title, do not force update title on levelup event
Name Kraevn~Text Crafting/Harvesting~
Body HISTORY and HINDEX would also be useful commands while crafting/harvesting~
Name Kraevn~Text Stats In Score~
Body It would be helpful to have base (unmodified) stats show in score, especiallyfor skills (feats) that have a base stat requirement, or for things like
extra Trains from Int modifiers that use the base bonus and not the modified
bonus. Something like…
Str: 16[ 3]/18[ 4]
Name Kraevn~Text Paladin Spells/Skills~
Body Paladin spells are currently not so good.I suggest letting Paladins have the following spells:
Heal (give clerics a Full Heal spell as they should be top dog healers)
self cast only Sanctuary
Holy Strength {a divine strength spell}
Divine Healing (regeneration?)
and lots more new spells/skills that are mostly self cast or group based.
possible names…
Virtue, Divinity, Hand of Justice, Hallowed Ground, Holy Armor, Repentance .. I could keep them coming if you want. Or not.
Thank you!
Name Uther~Text Differentiating zones from regular areas~
Body Use a symbol next to the name in descriptions.~
Name Ornir~Text HITALL~
Body I propose that hitall hace a longer cooldown BUT that it hits everything in the room (invis or sneaking included) with the full amount of attacks the player has.~
Name Udokul~Text combat~
Body I propose that when attacking, all regular attacks are used (instead of one) and that the second round of attacks are used as well (depending on initiative)So if I attacked a mob/player and I have 5 regular attacks – 5 attacks from me because I initiated – then starting in the second and continueing in the following rounds – initiative would decide who attacked first within the round.
Name Udokul~Text Stun~
Body Shouldn’t targets that have been stunned not be able to not get hit by melee?~
Name Udokul~ -
November 1, 2014 at 8:26 pm #2183
1|Adella |145207| 1|Excess when completing HLQUEst
2|Adella | 5929| 6|Random drops
3|Rave | 7403| 1|make summoned creatures automatically “toggle autoassist”
4|Treyorn | 14108| 33|hlquest editor
5|Rave |145202| 8|zusuk – spell recovery feat(s)
6|Zusuk |103011| 34|zusuk – mark quest masters
7|Treyorn |145201| 34|INFO channel
8|Treyorn | 14107| 34|molds
9|Aramus |145201| 9|”Where” scripts
10|Zusuk | 1208| 34|add more modes of xp gain besides damage
11|Sumara | 144| 9|Empty Equipment Slots
12|Nitelite |145204| 21|Maintaining Knowledge of Identified Items
13|Sumara | 100| 10|Lore on containers
14|Zusuk |145201| 34|less beach
15|Nitelite | 30731| 27|Idea for Charge combat ability
16|Aramus |145202| 14|Autoconsider
17|Zusuk | 1208| 34|zusuk – help files!
18|Zusuk | 1214| 34|mosswood workover
19|Aramus | 23806| 20|Weapon Focus: Shield
20|Gaden | 27057| 12|Chat, eq, inventory not breaking hidden status… please. Even ‘idea’ breaks hidden
21|Zusuk | 7582| 34|floating-disc spell for casters
22|Gaden |145201| 13|respec last level
23|Zusuk |145200| 34|zusuk – fix springleap
24|Gaden |145201| 1|add prefedit to commands that dont break crafting/stealth/etc
25|Zusuk | 1208| 34|change starting stat system to points
26|Zusuk | 1207| 34|ornir – charge
27|Zusuk | 1207| 34|zusuk – add social media widgets
28|Zusuk | 1208| 34|zusuk – implement disarm
29|Zusuk | 1208| 34|zusuk – basic class feats
30|Zusuk | 1208| 34|whois should show account name of players
31|Jordan | 11900| 31|Rating of difficulty
32|Zusuk | 1208| 34|zusuk – fix abilities
33|Zusuk | 1208| 34|ornir – fix track
34|Zusuk | 1208| 34|ornir – fix abundant step in wilderness
35|Zusuk | 1208| 34|’improvised’ weapon type
36|Jordan | 11902| 31|Timezone attribute
37|Zusuk | 1208| 34|zusuk – add some sort of trap system -
December 22, 2017 at 12:17 pm #2517
KeymasterText zusuk – spell recovery feat(s)~
Body the idea is that when you see this:You have recovered a spell slot: 2.
you get a random % chance to recover an additional spell slot for having the feat.just an idea!
Name Rave~
Notes recieved, we want to implement this, on the todo list-zusuk
IdNum 862
Dated 1411500712
Level 8
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add more modes of xp gain besides damage~
Body like tank xp, healing xp, maybe buff xp?
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1412170879
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Empty Equipment Slots~
Body Could we have a Prefedit Toggle to show/hide empty EQ slots when we do ‘eq’?
Name Sumara~
IdNum 597
Dated 1412266445
Level 9
Room 144
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Maintaining Knowledge of Identified Items~
Body There are a lot of items in this MUD, especially random magical drops
with random names. Keeping track of stats and constantly IDing
items you have already identified but forgotton the stats has been
commonplace with me. If there was a way that once an item was
identified, then forever afterwards, all you needed to do was
stat it (or whatever command) to see the stats again without
having to buy another scroll. That would be great :).
Name Nitelite~
IdNum 880
Dated 1412327258
Level 21
Room 145204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Lore on containers~
Body How about having Lore check and show the % full capacity of a container on Lore?
Name Sumara~
IdNum 597
Dated 1412701553
Level 10
Room 100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Autoconsider~
Body This idea comes from the tedium of having to ‘con‘ for every mob in a
new area, which is… Not fun. On my home mud we have an Autocon, or
Autoconsider, toggle option in our preferences. It toggles on either a full
word or just a letter showing the Consider ranking for the mob, in the mob’s
short description. For instance: “(trivial) A rabbit bounces around here.” Or
“(t) A rabbit bounces around here.” The rankings we have are:
trivial/easy/even/challenging/difficult/uber. This helps GREATLY, es
Name Aramus~
IdNum 596
Dated 1413211059
Level 14
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Weapon Focus: Shield~
Body Ability to select your shield for a Weapon Focus feat, adding the the to hit/damage chances for shield specializers.
Name Aramus~
IdNum 596
Dated 1413557518
Level 20
Room 23806
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text floating-disc spell for casters~
Body so they can carry more loot!
(lack of strength)
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1413736535
Level 34
Room 7582
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text zusuk – add social media widgets~
Body make sure you add a twitter/fb/google+ widget to the website~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1414152893
Level 34
Room 1207
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text ‘improvised’ weapon type~
Body Ashenport has several weapons that would fall under the ‘improvised’ weapon type : a nail, a hook, etc. We need to have a type like this to hold these types of weapons.~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1414655498
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text traps~
Body Add Leave Room trap.
When choosing DC have it numbered 1-3
Name Treyorn~
IdNum 706
Dated 1415109484
Level 34
Room 40426
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text equipment sets~
Body a player types eqset save (name of set),and it saves the suit they are wearing for quick access, then all they have to do is type eqset (name) and it puts on all the gear saved for that set given that you have it all still
have 4 or 5 slots so you can switch between your sets of gear and never have to remove anything!
Name Akuru~
IdNum 975
Dated 1415149465
Level 4
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text defensive combat maneuvers~
Body we need to research this, also consider spending actions to
to counter-attack defensive maneuevers, etc~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1415822204
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text dg script saving throw checks~
Body Please add saving throw checks into dg scripts.
Name Nerian~
IdNum 212
Dated 1417457428
Level 31
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Add flag for NO CORPSE~
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1428483396
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text thrown weapon mechanic~
Body todo for zusuk
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1429617161
Level 34
Room 1207
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text monk gloves~
Body we desperately need to implement monk gloves, so they can get an enhancement bonus, etc
despite having now weapons~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1431606825
Level 34
Room 11728
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text really work on balancing treasure drops and crafting~
Body really important thing to do, thinks are really whacky right now
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1431684625
Level 34
Room 1206
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text zusuk todo~
Body crafting crystals, make their apply values be moved over instead
of using their level~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1432054896
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text grapple suggestions from ornir~
Body look in room
grapple should be a state like standing/reclining
change freegrapple to release
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1432292168
Level 34
Room 1207
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text charts command~
Body for spell slots, etc
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1432889031
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Unlockable feats~
Body Make feats that can be unlocked using account xp
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1434014394
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text another helpful thing for screenreader users~
Body Any way that the wild shape menu could be divided?
So instead of when I type wild I get this huge long list, something like wild small, medium and alrge?
or wild i ii and iii? just a way to see each category in its own list would be a lot easier to navigate if possible.
thanks for reading!
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1434148649
Level 9
Room 6709
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text another screenreader thing~
Body If there isn’t already, maybe I just haven’t seen it, but a way for me to just see my stats, without having to look through score?
Like a stats command that would show stats line.
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1434151918
Level 10
Room 40400
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text paladin mounts similar to druid companion~
Body I briefly mentioned this in my bug, but maybe paladins can have alist of mount types?
Perhaps more impressive ones like dragon at higher levels?
Een if it’s just a variety of horse colors, just could be interesting.
Name Talana~
IdNum 1188
Dated 1434170461
Level 7
Room 5938
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text poisonmaking~
Body YES!
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1434615230
Level 34
Room 1206
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text mining/smelting~
Body Instead of mining and your loot from the harvest be, for example an iron bar. I think it would be cooler if you got say iron ore etc etc. Then add a new crafting skill called smelting where iron ore becomes iron bars. Or iron ore and tin ore become bronze. Add forges in the major towns like Ashenport for this skill. Just make it a crafting station but name it forge. The better the material i.e steel the more ore it costs to make a bar. Just a thought.
Name Reinhart~
IdNum 1189
Dated 1434645070
Level 7
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text molds~
Body we needs to add more molds, update our current list, and add
more mold shops
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1435146332
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text agil maneuvers~
Body add it already
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1435232754
Level 34
Room 11706
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text mount ideas~
Body a demount attack?
knockdown horse or rider should cause a ride check to dismount
ride check to use 2h weapons
ride check to enter “indoor” rooms
ride check to pick up objects off the ground
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1435313626
Level 34
Room 1206
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add bows to crafting mold shops~
Body I feel left out! lol
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1435380936
Level 15
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Combat Brief~
Body It’d be cool if you could turn on a “combat brief” option that condenses rounds into 1 or 2 posts. But, idk how hard that would be. :v
Name Neiska~
IdNum 1191
Dated 1435703127
Level 27
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text ac bonus for dragon polymorph?~
Body since scales and all
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1435713895
Level 17
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text issues with dollhouse~
Body not triggering on says vnums:
11839 11838 11811 11813
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1436336431
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mounted (Position)~
Body Updating “Pos:” in the score sheet to show when a player is Mounted, would be neato mosquito. 🙂
Name Neiska~
IdNum 1191
Dated 1436341898
Level 30
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text compare command, helps people learn which stats are best for their class on items, and why one is better than another~
Body compare command
helpa people to learn and understand which stats on equipment is best for their chosen class, and why one is better than another.
Name Vision~
IdNum 1236
Dated 1436526573
Level 11
Room 6731
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Prefedit prompt~
Body A brief explaination/description for each of the toggleable prompt flags. Actions? Memtimes? etc
some of us have no clue what some of these even are.
Name Caligula~
IdNum 1238
Dated 1436598927
Level 10
Room 29005
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spells~
Body Add the line from score to show HOW to memorize/pray/commune/abjure that type of spells
Name Caligula~
IdNum 1238
Dated 1436642801
Level 13
Room 29002
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text swim feat when in crocodile form~
Body Well that’s pretty much it lol.
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1436653651
Level 28
Room 125004
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text falcon as addition to druid/ranger animal companion list~
Body No game related or awesome reason, I just always have liked falcons lol
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1436653735
Level 28
Room 125006
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text couple thoughts on archery~
Body So maybe I just haven’t found the right places but, there doesn’t seem to be a way to craft my own bow types.
At least, for example, in sanctus, I didn’t see any molds for bows in the craft mold shops.
If we could craft our own bows, I just think that would be a fun addition, like longbow or crossbow and such.
And along those lines, maybe some kind of skill to fletch your own arrows, as long as you were in some kind of forest or wooded area?
And lastly, some skill to poison your arrows?
Just some of my random thoughts, thanks for reading!
Name Kylidrah~
IdNum 1183
Dated 1436734861
Level 28
Room 23803
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text undead followers~
Body Can we order them to eat corpses to regain health? that would just be fun and fitting lol
Name Casandra~
IdNum 1251
Dated 1437804922
Level 9
Room 23513
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Starting items~
Body Everything is iron and Druids can’t use those thinf!
Name Rache~
IdNum 1279
Dated 1440127923
Level 1
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text More weapons with charge ability~
Body not just lances, but spears and halberds and glaives and such.
Name Aylella~
IdNum 1280
Dated 1440500213
Level 9
Room 29011
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text MSDP Variables Help File~
Body It would be nice for players to find out what MSDP variables are supported in
the mud for their clients. This could be done with either a help file,
documentation on the website or both. 🙂
Name Drayse~
IdNum 1252
Dated 1441576027
Level 2
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text pets~
Body I played a D20 mud with the same engine where they had a “callmount” command. This let you keep your pet after logging out.
That would be much appreciated, as I spend most of my money on mounts, and I can’t recover it until you re-open the Quest Emporium in Graven Hollow because
no shops will buy my loot
Name Bogen~
Notes like a stabling system
IdNum 1288
Dated 1442088975
Level 9
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text memorizing your spells~
Body comm
Meming one spell at a time is incredibly painful, so is typing commune after a spell mems to resume meming. I made a triggle to type commune after a spell is memed to combat that.
Also, if theres a spell i need at the bottom of the list, i have to wait for all prior spells to mem first. Its bad enough its 80seconds, they should all count down together.
Name Froste~
Notes PRIORITIZE command for mem queue!
IdNum 1420
Dated 1449883605
Level 7
Room 145204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Party level~
Body It would be nice for when using the concommand while in a group that it could calculate the combined party CR when advising how challenging it would be.
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1449951162
Level 20
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Party affects~
Body It would be ideal to be able to see what affects summons and other party member have active so that one can maintain proper protections and buffs.
Name Alduran~
IdNum 1379
Dated 1450227539
Level 8
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text wizard training mansion strength rune~
Body As much as I like the +8 strength bonus it means my newbie wizard can run with 18 str and do serious melee damage – should it be reduced to +4?
Name Marton~
IdNum 1431
Dated 1450249113
Level 5
Room 5930
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Need an event management view.~
Body As the MUD gets more complex, there is a need to be able to view the events on players, objects and rooms.I suggest we start with players, allowing an immortal to view the events that exist on a player, including details such as the string variable if it exists. Other important information is expiration time, remaining time, etc. Perhaps it would make sense to document events in the code as well so that when we view events on a player the description is readily available to view in the game.
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1450268692
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Titles~
Body So, currently if you set a custom title it is replaced once you go up a tier in the standard titling system. If there is a custom title set, it would be neat to not have it replaced unless the custom title was removed.
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1450401005
Level 23
Room 1906
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text compare command~
Body having a command to compare 2 items will be a quality of life improvement. thanks
Name Timang~
IdNum 1421
Dated 1450635145
Level 7
Room 145352
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text exp loss on death~
Body add a cap on how much exp is lost on subsequent deaths
Name Timang~
IdNum 1421
Dated 1450692312
Level 7
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text tutorial+mxp~
Body make all the help references clickable in the tutorial
Name Zusul~
IdNum 1475
Dated 1450706428
Level 1
Room 14124
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text character-builds~
Body Would it help to have a set of standard builds available that would give you
a canned set of feats etc.? You would get a choice each level to take the
canned build or a custom build when you are ready. For example, Defensive
Warrior, Offensive Warrior, Blaster Wizard, Control Wizard, Sneaky Rogue, Healer
Cleric, Battle Cleric. Etc..
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1450905182
Level 34
Room 27604
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spent light sources should be easy to ~
Body torch -> burned out torch etc.
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1450919874
Level 34
Room 126860
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Charmees~
Body Its a bit of a struggle to get charmees to follow. They do not seem to be summoned into already formed groups and sometimes they do not teleport with me.
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1450937880
Level 27
Room 196004
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add rescue feats~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1450947670
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text dgscripts – give feat via scripts~
Body For quests, etc. the ability to give feats to a player from dg would be awesome. Then we can make queats for epic spells for example.\/s
Name Ornir~
Notes note for implementation: we have to keep respec in mind, maybe have to have another
variable in char file that remembers what epic feats/spells/etc have been acquired
IdNum 162
Dated 1451261561
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text MAPKEY command~
Body we need this so new players can decipher the wilderness
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1451401973
Level 34
Room 800
Flags 2 0 0 0
Text Loot~
Body I’m not sure how the loot system works, or if it is controllable, but it seems that it is easy at low levels to find gear that you have to be high level to use and at high level, many of the enemies drop pretty useless things. I know that some things will have gear we don’t want etc. but it seems that the majority of the items found are sold for less than 200 gold (e.g. Pixie breast plate)
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1451455824
Level 30
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Bug,idea,typo editing~
Body This isn’t just for Imms, but for all players allowing players and Imms to edit their own submissions for fixing their mistakes when submitting.
Name Jordan~
IdNum 740
Dated 1451466893
Level 31
Room 11914
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Type of job permissions for staff~
Body From my mush experience this is just a thought… It relies on the job description rather than level like you be staff, but have some IMP access. It really depends on the job/role that they want to fill. For example, have an archetype/job that deals with building/the different bug, idea, and typo lists and the managing of them, but not really full access to everything that a God, Greater God, or IMP has.
Name Jordan~
IdNum 740
Dated 1451512847
Level 31
Room 11914
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Faster memorization/quick chant~
Body These feats are great. I’d love to see epic versions of them in help out even more. (unless this skews power too much)
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1451521078
Level 30
Room 25929
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text tutorial reward~
Body we should increase the reward for tutorial and really sell the importance
of completing it(player suggestion that has been hopping on many muds)
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1451910378
Level 34
Room 11914
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Training Halls~
Body For newcomer, they might don’t know that they need to type look sign. Suggest to add (Look sign)
at end of A wooden sign pointing in two directions is planted in the middle of the hallway.
Name Shadorn~
IdNum 621
Dated 1452025339
Level 4
Room 14103
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Feats sorting~
Body Make help feat allfor easier viewing to see what feats that I want/need based on stats.
Name Shadorn~
IdNum 621
Dated 1452182150
Level 12
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Collect idea~
Body Make autocollect stack with autoloot
Name Shadorn~
IdNum 621
Dated 1452187928
Level 13
Room 40409
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Help Stats~
Body Fix the help stats, it is outdated!
Name Nuen~
IdNum 638
Dated 1452263894
Level 20
Room 31116
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mercy abilities to add on Lay On Hands~
Body Mercy line for Lay On Hands, additional effect on Lay On Hands.
More info on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/paladin#TOC-Mercy-Su-
Name Mungu~
IdNum 653
Dated 1452283969
Level 17
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Manipulating Inventory in the dark~
Name Aerick~
IdNum 1530
Dated 1452301059
Level 2
Room 145340
Flags 2 0 0 0
Text Abilities timer~
Body Abilities should continue to tick down if offline, so paladin not crippled if logout with call mount still in 400s seconds
and can’t call mount for a while.. just an example
Name Mungu~
IdNum 653
Dated 1452396715
Level 19
Room 25104
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text wearing obj with aff-bits~
Body ornir wants a message to be given when aff-bit is worn
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1452440915
Level 34
Room 1908
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spellprogression command~
Body need this to show charts for when a given class gets their spells/etc
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1452506317
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Song refresh~
Body Songs should refresh timer if sang the perform, so can make use of lingering song better and weave songs.
Name Dallam~
IdNum 654
Dated 1452528494
Level 5
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text crafting~
Body revamp the crafting system. the way it is now it feels to me to be long to gain a level. is there a way to see how many exp to gain till next level? crafting takes 66 seconds to make something i had to craft around 6 times to gain a level. just my opinion thats to long and to much to gain level. its monotonous, i don’t believe many people will craft with current system. i have to be a lvl 61 to harvest a certain metal. and thats cool but how long would it take to get to 61. right now it seems unreachable.~
Name Dravalin~
IdNum 1367
Dated 1452579873
Level 30
Room 369
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Ranged Combat Maneuvers~
Body To finish archery up nicely, would be great to have some combat maneuvers linking with archery.
Maybe Pintpoint Targeting, Focused Shot, Bullseye Shot, Clustered Shots, and such
Name Shadorn~
IdNum 621
Dated 1452628080
Level 14
Room 25134
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Lore~
Body The lore system is nice, however for a character who does not have it, it can be problematic. Perhaps there could be an NPC that would lore and tell the player for a fee?
Name Tristan~
IdNum 1378
Dated 1452644072
Level 30
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Rage~
Body We should include a line of text to denote the end of a rage, just so the berzerker knows.
Name Blazanar~
IdNum 1374
Dated 1452664177
Level 18
Room 25108
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Tieing up your mount~
Body Ever go into a tavern and the bartender says that those kind aren’t welcome here. Well it would be cool to have a command that would allow for players to tie up their mounts in a stable or somewhere they can come back to it.
Name Jordan~
IdNum 740
Dated 1452677537
Level 31
Room 11917
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text half-troll arcane golem leveling~
Body just a suggestion. the half-troll and arcane golem leveling should be reduced. To me the races arent epic enough to justify the increase of xp needed to gain levels. the trelux and cystal dwarf are epic, awesome stats and justify the xp needed to gain levels. I suggest changing the half-troll and arcane golem to a 1.3 xp increase over the starting levels, trelux & crystal dwarf can be like 2x needed xp to level over starter races. i’m saying partly in ignorance cause i don’t know your formula for gaining~
Name Dravalin~
IdNum 1367
Dated 1453248044
Level 30
Room 6705
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Ammunition~
Body assist Dravalin
I’ve been all over the place and haven’t found anywhere to buy basic ammunition (except arrows in Mosswood). Although ammo is dropping at increased rates, at higher level with many shot you maybe get one round before you are out of ammo thus are not very efficient as a ranged support role.
Name Revik~
IdNum 1557
Dated 1453768511
Level 22
Room 372
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text monks~
Body will you please work on monk feats, to many slow fall 🙂 thanks
Name Relm~
IdNum 1580
Dated 1453937870
Level 20
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text stalward defender~
Body powers:
Revik chats, ‘fearless defense, immobile, increased DR, renewed defense and smash ‘
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1454397249
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Restring~
Body I think the gold cost should be removed from the restring command since it is merely a cosmetic/organizational thing.
Name Alduran~
IdNum 1379
Dated 1454552692
Level 10
Room 25735
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Spellbooks~
Body How about organizing spellbook spell lists by level then alphabetical.
Name Girbaldi~
IdNum 1619
Dated 1454882912
Level 1
Room 371
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spellbooks~
Body It would be nice if in the spellbook, you could see what school it is in.
Name Girbaldi~
IdNum 1619
Dated 1454884086
Level 1
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Color the weapon list (weaponlist)~
Body Simply add a color to each weapon name, it’ll make the list much more readable.
Name Kimithras~
IdNum 1625
Dated 1454971219
Level 3
Room 5928
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Stalwart Defender~
Body It would be a nice touch to have the class requirements listed on the help file and/or the class file for stalwart defender. It is currently only listed when trying to take the class, as far as I could find.
Name Wulgar~
IdNum 1628
Dated 1454982403
Level 5
Room 5931
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text St. Def. Class Skills~
Body According to 3.5 and pathfinder rules, the skills are correct! However there are a couple skills implemented here that maybe should be considered class skills for the stalwart defender, at your discretion. These are: Discipline and Total Defense.
Name Wulgar~
IdNum 1628
Dated 1454986413
Level 8
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Add Forget command to memorize help~
Body It would be good to include in the memorize help on how to forget memorized
Name Girbaldi~
IdNum 1619
Dated 1455063454
Level 2
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text brandon’s feedback~
Body I haven’t done much in it yet. Some initial thoughts I guess:
I like it.
It’s kind of odd how somethings are menu driven (study menu) but others are not.
I think there are ways you can improve MXP usage.
I think the study menu needs more explanation of what it can do and what players should do. Like, no where I’ve found yet does it talk to me about wizard specialization, familiars, domains, etc… Given how important those things can be, might be good to have some place.
I’ll play some more and let you know.~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1455099278
Level 34
Room 145263
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text command to view commands by action~
Body like you type ‘commands move’ and it would list all the commands that consume
a move action
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1455267700
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text sneaking with a lit torch works~
Body submitted by ornir:
That is a bit silly, dontcha think?
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1455537244
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text keyring~
Body It would be nice to have a keyring that stores individual keys you collect.
This would help organize all your keys. For example, if you have a dozen keys,
you can use the syntax “put key keyring” for all 12 keys. As long as the
keyring is in your inventory, then you can unlock the door with the matching
Name Thorgrim~
IdNum 1647
Dated 1456076234
Level 5
Room 145206
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Troll king calls for guards when attacked, if not cleared first they come in~
Body see title
Name Zendar~
IdNum 1005
Dated 1456152686
Level 12
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text traps~
Body Ward traps (alerts the user and/or wakes him/her up, arrow or poison traps, and pitfall (immobilize)
Name Kiro~
IdNum 1633
Dated 1456298673
Level 18
Room 25129
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text work on dragon plains~
Body might be a stock zone worth saving! (kiro suggestion)
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1456478290
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Epic feats~
Body Lingering Damage, Two-Weapon Rend, Epic Dodge, Improved Combat Reflexes, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting. Source: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm
Name Kiro~
IdNum 1633
Dated 1456481362
Level 21
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text groupcast/gcast~
Body Hey how about doing something totally different like this. Implimanting groupcast with combining different spells together. like fire and lightening from two persons. at the same time. one has lightning and other has fire. they can do something like “prep spell playername or prep spell player1-player2-player3 or maby prep spell player1-player2” if only two person wana cast in a group with more than two. then when prep, the first person will release the spell since he’s holding it. but it takes mana from~
Name Telarious~
IdNum 1069
Dated 1456694298
Level 31
Room 11000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Manafist magic~
Body Spells to raise offensive damage on unarmed or enchant with an element
Name Kiro~
IdNum 1633
Dated 1456819682
Level 24
Room 23879
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text show cost lev num?~
Body can we have “show cost”, or “cost lev” so we can see how much we need to lev to the next lev? like this.
user types “show cost” or “cost lev” or “lev cost”
“you have ‘xxx’ and need ‘xxx to reach level ‘xxx’
Name Telarious~
IdNum 1069
Dated 1456827719
Level 31
Room 11000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Abriveations in score screen~
Body In the score screen, we see,
Level : 1 CstrLvl : 1 DivLvl : 0 MgcLvl : 1
can we remove the abriveations and use the actually names? to help newbies understand better? because I even ask ornir and he didn’t know what is the last one fore.
Name Telarious~
IdNum 1069
Dated 1456828012
Level 31
Room 11000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text sol jar and soul capture~
Body I was thinking about adding two things. “cast soul capture” and adding a soul jar.
so, You can capture souls from mobs, then put them in a jar. After that, you can use those souls to create minions.
prep core ghoul
then do “bind soul core
preserve core to slow the corpse from going away.
then prep the corpse for the type of minion you want.
For this, we have different color souls.
you can use a green soul for a ghoul, while a blue for vampire or maby yello for a zombie.
you can also strip bones from corpses and create skelital minions.
to summon demons, we can use a summoning diagram.
say we have twelve levels of demons. which the last one being a demonic lord.
With these demons, we can gane wizdom by learning about other things by asking questions, or have them proforme basic tasks for us.
To control those demons, we have to have the wizdom to do it.
the idea is bassed of the kara gillion series by diana rowlin.
see https://www.goodreads.com/series/46544-kara-gillian
I can do the research and stuff for it just le me know.
since we’re looking for more content for the game,
Let me know what you think.
Name Telarious~
IdNum 1069
Dated 1456829393
Level 31
Room 11000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text points~
Body This is the idea for the point system.
First we have xp which experience points.
These points are generally used for leveling up.
If you die, you lose xp. When you kill, you gain xp.
This is for npcs around the game
Then we have combat points. You can gain by fighting alot. generally when you fight a mob, you get combat or fighting points.
You can use these to buy temp spells or temp mem slots to memmorise spells. These are not purmanant but can be regain by buying them when the time is up.
We have explorer points. Generally, we get these when we explore areas that we haven’t explored before. Like every 30 or 40 rooms we explore, we get 1 point.
This can be spent the same way as well.
Then we have Rank. Rank is determined by how much combat and explorer points you have.
The more explorer and combat/fighting points you have, the higher your rank.
If you spend the points after, your rank stays up, but just your points subtracted.
That’s to show how much you’ve done in the game and give you good ranks.
This is just the idea I have.
Name Telarious~
IdNum 1069
Dated 1456858303
Level 31
Room 1004001
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Modal menus: essentially, menus that allow the main commands to be executed alongside the menus. This would allow, say, a player asking for help on chat or protecting him/herself from surprise attacks.~
Body Modal menus: essentially, menus that allow the main commands to be executed alongside the menus. This would allow, say, a player asking for help on chat or protecting him/herself from surprise attacks.
Name Darbaga~
IdNum 1670
Dated 1457229580
Level 1
Room 14103
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text seeing how many images are left in the mirror image spell~
Body When typing affects, it might make sense to see how many mirror images are left
rather than just seeing that the spell is still active.
Name Arelaem~
IdNum 1671
Dated 1457244768
Level 3
Room 5924
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Better way of studying~
Body Hello!
I have a suggestion how studying system should work.
You have to find a fireplace, sit near it and then study
Name Gushasad~
IdNum 1679
Dated 1457299348
Level 2
Room 14109
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Whois command idle timer conversion~
Body Well this comes from seeing Zusuk’s idle timer. I thought that it might help people when this comes more than a constant hangout to have idle times that are greater than 60 minutes converted to 1 hr. If there are minutes then it shows 1 hour x minutes. Example: Last Logon: They’re playing now! (Idle 913 Minutes)
Name Jordan~
IdNum 740
Dated 1457762309
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spiff up Cardinal Wizards zone…~
Body Very very VERY cool zone, needs some tlc
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1457955691
Level 34
Room 17502
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Adding news to website~
Body It would be a nice feature to add the news to our website. I know it won’t look
as nice as the posts, but it will make the MUD look significantly more active.
I don’t know how the news is stored now, but I assume it is just a file, which
should be fairly easy to import.
Name Treyorn~
IdNum 706
Dated 1458043532
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Adding whois extended~
Body My idea is to have a command for staff that shows all the characters of the players account. This would save time with looking to see who’s account that is with the player. Or just redesign the whois command that shows the list of characters on the players account when they all were last online.
Name Jordan~
IdNum 740
Dated 1459351183
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text paladin mount~
Body Paladin mount rescues master while being ridden.
Causes an unnecessary break in combat.
Perhaps have a check to see if ridden before attempting rescue.
Name Idrial~
IdNum 1914
Dated 1466691061
Level 10
Room 6758
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text graven trolls~
Body Trolls are not evil, not sure if this is intentional.
Suggest trolls be made evil, as they work for a darkling.
Name Idrial~
IdNum 1914
Dated 1466692829
Level 10
Room 6774
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text crafting skills~
Body First, have help files added for each of the different crafting skills that would include instruction for how to go about raising them. Ex: fast crafter exp for doing any type of crafting. Knitting for harvesting cotton fields. The obscure ones that I’ve seen so far would be hunting and jewelry making, but that may just be me not figuring out what to do for those.
Name Kordon~
IdNum 1780
Dated 1472485656
Level 9
Room 266
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text bind command~
Body Well just tested out grapple and freegrapple, then grapple, pin, and freegrapple. Looks awesome! Can’t wait for bind, though I have reservations about that from another mud. I’ll be okay with it as long as it’s either a combat-initiating action that has a save for, and/or is something that you can use a command to free yourself. Plus if a non-combat command, then make it so that it’s not something that prevents all actions for the victim, like mainly more of an rp kind of thing.
Name Kordon~
IdNum 1780
Dated 1472671117
Level 9
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text carfting ii~
Body Just to remind you, dwarven crafting(inc), and 1 other one that I can’t remember now, which doesn’t show in the craft skill list.
Name Kordon~
IdNum 1780
Dated 1472671755
Level 9
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Add memorised spells to the compose dialog~
Body Could the spells which are already selected through STUDY appear in the COMPOSE menu?
Name Dewinter~
IdNum 1987
Dated 1472741424
Level 5
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Compose spells listing~
Body A note at the end of compose which directs people to SPELLS BARD for their known spells.
Name Dewinter~
IdNum 1987
Dated 1472861435
Level 6
Room 5907
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text more quest point shops…~
Body maybe set them up every few zones with appropriate leveled gear?
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1473237806
Level 34
Room 1206
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text improved intimidate feat chain~
Body do eet
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1473405253
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text prestige class missing info~
Body like for arcane archer, there is no info explaining how it
would enhance your bard/sorc/wizard levels
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1473535999
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Visible D20 ROLL mechanic~
Body A syntax to roll d20, possible with a modifier. For example ROLL could roll d20, ROLL PERSUASION could roll with the relevant modifier. This roll could be visible to everyone in the room (also in the group possibly).
Name Amir~
IdNum 2002
Dated 1473595450
Level 9
Room 103134
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Sneak modifier should apply to spells~
Body This might have been discussed but I am reasonably sure Pathfinder/3.5 gave a sneak modifier to spells for a hidden casters with sneak attack feats (wiz/rog, sor/rog etc)
Name Amir~
IdNum 2002
Dated 1473595700
Level 9
Room 103134
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Order spells in wizard spellbook by circle #~
Body Display spells in spellbook by spell circle number and then in alphabetical order
Name Dewinter~
IdNum 1987
Dated 1473648164
Level 7
Room 586
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text world command~
Body like show stats and gives info about the zone
you are in
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1473663625
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text I think a generally good idea for clerics with summoning creature abilities, should get specific types that are divine related and not common sorcerer ones. Divine planar beings like a cherub(i),deva(ii),angel(iii), archangel(iv), nephilim(vi)seraphim(vii) etc..etc..~
Name Gabraeon~
IdNum 2013
Dated 1473777080
Level 9
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Cleric creature summons~
Body I think a generally good idea for clerics with summoning creature abilities, should get specific types that are divine related and not common sorcerer ones. Divine planar beings like a cherub(i),deva(ii),angel(iii), archangel(iv), nephilim(vi)seraphim(vii) etc..etc..
Name Gabraeon~
IdNum 2013
Dated 1473777115
Level 9
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text autocrafting area~
Body After we were just talking, I think maybe moving the whole crafting area from
Sanctus to a different town that would be along the quest line route so new
people or anyone else could find it without having to teleport to Sanctus to
reach it.
Name Merron~
IdNum 2004
Dated 1473787726
Level 17
Room 6764
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text cleric summons idea~
Body I was just reading on the idea by Gabraeon and from what I can tell, clerics
get the same summon creatures that the arcane casters get. Unless he was trying
to make it a cleric only spell similar but substituting the summon creature
Name Pathos~
IdNum 124
Dated 1473788781
Level 31
Room 15400
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text epic spells~
Body This might sound nitpicky, but I know you have the epic spells listed under
feats, but since you cast them as a spell, what do you think about having it
listed under your spell circle instead?
Name Merron~
IdNum 2004
Dated 1473947368
Level 21
Room 4319
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text spell prep~
Body should be able to prep spells (select) while standing
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1474874662
Level 34
Room 6732
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text gaining new feats~
Body Hey Zusuk, what do you think about including something in the class helpfiles
to show the progression for when each class will receive a new feat, or boost
for that matter. That way people who aren’t familiar with D&D will have a
better idea for how to train their specific class(es)?
Name Conan~
IdNum 2040
Dated 1475926952
Level 9
Room 5900
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text 2H sword at npc in Mosswood~
Body The 2H sword you can buy in Mosswood is a +3 weapon, the quest weapons you
get are only +2. I think the npc stock weapon should have at least it’s hit
bonus lowered by at least 1 or 2, or maybe even take away the enchnatment on it
altogether? But if you do that, probably should lower the price of it to match
as well.
Name Conan~
IdNum 2040
Dated 1475958294
Level 10
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text pets~
Body I think there should be higher level pets that melee-types can buy instead of
just the wardog and bear sold in Mosswood. It’s problematic for a melee fighter
to try to kill Velna solo. Also it would allow melee types to be more on an
equal footing with casters at higher levels
Name Xarg~
IdNum 2045
Dated 1476774124
Level 14
Room 5917
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Velna~
Body Also, there are at least 14 spiders along with Velna.
Name Xarg~
IdNum 2045
Dated 1476774356
Level 14
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Postmaster~
Body I think it would probably be a good idea to add a postmaster in Mosswood
since that’s the first town new people will be operating out of. That way new
people can send and receive mail, especially helpful for answering questions
when a person isn’t online.
Name Xarg~
IdNum 2045
Dated 1477292867
Level 20
Room 11895
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Charmie behavior on death~
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507528748
Level 9
Room 3012
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Charmie behavior on player death~
Body Currently when player dies, the charmie (at least Midgen ones) just drop group and ignore you when you go back to their room.
Suggested either a) just remembering the player when they come back + staying in the group or b) them explicitly disbanding/scattering, dropping all carried items and despawning (this would kinda suck for group play though lol)
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507528755
Level 9
Room 3012
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text *note on mobs leaving group on death~
Body it seems group actually disbands and you have to do ‘group new’ again? so maybe fix that too :p
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507533221
Level 9
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text remove ‘combat maneuver’ help file~
Body all it does is point at ‘combat maneuvers’ and it intercepts ‘help combat man’ shorthand
Name Seraty~
IdNum 2293
Dated 1507592618
Level 6
Room 145211
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text respec race/align~
Body offer an option to change your race/align as well when respeccing
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507600330
Level 5
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text accessory list command (belts, rings, necklace, wristguard, cloaks etc)~
Body for stuff that doesn’t show up in armorlist
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507600447
Level 5
Room 371
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text pet notes~
Body Pets:
* order followers should only use one turn if you only have one pet (for convenience purposes in case of alias)
* pets should have a list of things they do listed in their ‘look lion’ or whatever. such as grapple or rage
* these specific known things are supposed to cost a move action
* if you order them to do things they don’t know (such as dirtkick), “pushing” it’s supposed to cost a full action
* it’s supposed to be a free action to order companions to do things they know
* pushing companions is supposed to be a move action
Name Seraty~
IdNum 2293
Dated 1507614643
Level 1
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text remove curse targetting a mob/player uncurses objects they’re wearing/carrying~
Body do itttttttttt.
Name Sarity~
IdNum 2294
Dated 1507628466
Level 6
Room 3004
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text disarm should ‘disarm’ held things too, not just wielded. + more~
Body also if your disarm roll exceeds enemy CMD by 10+ they’re supposed to have both hands disarmed (if they have two things held)
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507630626
Level 10
Room 6703
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text when in study menu give option to ‘help whatever’ without leaving~
Body For example:
9) clone 31) locate object 51) waterwalk
162) freezing sphere 163) acid fog 164) summon creature vi
165) transformation 166) eyebite 167) mass haste
168) greater heroism 169) anti magic field 170) greater mirror image
171) true seeing 172) globe of invuln 173) greater dispelling
Number of slots available: 1.
+ A plus sign marks your current selection(s).
Enter spell choice, to add or remove (Q to exit to main menu) : ? 51
Help Keywords : Waterwalk
Last Updated : 2014-09-25 07:41:57
Name Serity~
Notes Great idea! Thanks, will definitely be added to importan toDO list
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507691019
Level 12
Room 6721
Flags 2 0 0 0
Text put room state in ‘exits’ so you can tell if a room is acid-fogged or whatever before you waltz in~
Body Obvious exits:
north – North of the Village’s Center ( None )
east – Jurushka’s Clothing ( None )
south – Too dark to tell.
west – Center of the Village Square ( Acid-Fogged )
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1507692160
Level 12
Room 145205
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text let players write notes on bugs too lol~
Body just in case there’s followup info
‘bug note 4’
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1508276848
Level 30
Room 369
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text ‘teleport mail’/’teleport post’ :p~
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1508277298
Level 30
Room 369
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text seperate damage display toggle for combat~
Body coz that stuff’s important for all peeps even if you dont wanna see d20 rolls!
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1508277676
Level 30
Room 3005
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text have ‘faster memorization’ feat (50% faster spell mem) be reflected in the meditate/etc displays~
Body currently the seconds just tick down twice as fast (44 seconds will be done in 22) but it should display 22 seconds instead
Name Serity~
IdNum 2291
Dated 1508277952
Level 30
Room 3005
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Gui addition?~
Body Maybe have it have cooldowns shown for memorization/commune/meditate etc?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512116270
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Blank Line Removal Toggle?~
Body Hey would it be possible to make this a toggle somehow? I don’t really
like the way it looks with no blank lines, though I could see how some
would like it. For me it is too cramped and harder to read…
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512148177
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Combat Manuever Lists~
Body Be really sweet to have a command that shows all the combat manuevers
you can currently use. Your kicks and grapples and headbutts etc.
Name Fallenleaves~
IdNum 2344
Dated 1512279335
Level 7
Room 6702
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text recall til 10?~
Body Maybe make it so you can freely recall(maybe have ! Recall rooms, one, for
example, would be in lady ravens room in the wiz mansion, cuz when she gets low
you can just recall out, heal up, and come back and shes still at the health
level you left her at by the time you come back with full health…. ) until
level 10(maybe 7 or 8 actually…. Thoughts? ). Will give a little
forgiveness to new players exploring a little to hard?
Name Bochts~
IdNum 2337
Dated 1512326642
Level 7
Room 6766
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Follower damage?~
Body Would be nifty to see how much damage your followers are doing, and your group members?
or make it a toggle that shows either or both along with the normal combatroll tog?
<3 - Wolves
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1512344227
Level 3
Room 145290
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Permatitle while leveling?~
Body Could be a nifty toggle if people really want to have a cool title and not
have to change back every time they ding?....
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1512360771
Level 7
Room 6701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text cooldown duration timers~
Body When you type cooldowns, and see you have, say 563 seconds left on call familliar...
If that could maybe be displayed in minutes until the final minute it would be a lot more clear.
just a thought
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1512372517
Level 9
Room 6737
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mudside Alias and the Multi-Action Key...~
Body Would be super cool to either change the multi-action-key in the mudside
aliases to an asterisk, colon, tilde. I for one like to use a mix of clientside
aliases and mudside... Also lots of other people will be using mudlet or tintin
where the semicolon is already in use as the multi-action key, and it interferes
with any aliases you create mudside when you fire them inside of mudlet or
tintin... Wow i ramble sometimes
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1512372928
Level 9
Room 5905
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mob already off balance...~
Body Maybe make it so the mob emotes when it loses flat footed debuff?
Name Rolent~
IdNum 428
Dated 1512455416
Level 11
Room 6701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Very Rough Preffered stats speil in class select?~
Body In character creation menus it could be cool to have a little thing that says
like, "Sorcerers must be very charasmatic to be able to access their inner mojo
and they can get by on that without having to be the most intellegent peopleblah
... Or just have it say the 3 most important stats just in list form, or
something maybe? Save or do yall want people to form their own opinions on
that, hence free respecs for now?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512460094
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text When you just type meditate with no args....~
Body Its hard to pin down why I don't like the way this looks. I find it very
hard to read quickly for somereason. Maybe the colors, maybe the word "slots"
just reverberating all over my vision. I find i always have to think about the
info im trying to get from there. Not sure this fully makes sense, also I don't
really have a replacement system in mind whatsover yet, but I plan to think on
it as I level this sorc!
Name Sneth~
IdNum 2342
Dated 1512460560
Level 5
Room 6704
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Account-wide Aliases~
Body Make it so you could save some aliases across all accounts, and a way to make
it so you could also save character by character seperately. Def not a huge
priority, but a cool thing I just thought of.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512461072
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Maybe make a rooms explored counter?~
Body It could count the number of rooms you've mapped and place it in the score
sheet or something. Maybe get mud-side achievements or quest points for other
rewards(exp gold etc? )
Name Bochts~
IdNum 2337
Dated 1512520893
Level 9
Room 145216
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Increase history buffer size~
Body Would be cool if the history buffer was bumped up so I can catch all the
wiztalk while im sleeping and yall are talking about changes and other cool
things. No biggie if its a complex thing tho.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512759724
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Damage Meters~
Body How sick would that be! It's a very MMO-centric sort of feature, but that's
sort of the demographic we pull from these days. But yeah it would really
showcase the hard work yall have put into the combat system so far, and will
give players who really want to min-max an invaluable tool. I'm pretty sure
this would be a ton of work, and there's probably bigger fish to fry at the
moment. But, like, a sick UI with all the bells and whistles, AND a built in
damage meter. Have you ever heard of a mud that had damage meters? I guess the only
issue really is, is that going to far? Taking away anything of the mudding
spirit of yore? I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!
Name Praxil~
IdNum 2363
Dated 1512802893
Level 2
Room 145373
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Drow start with a handcrossbow instead of a shortbow?~
Body Would that jive?
Name Praxil~
IdNum 2363
Dated 1512803569
Level 2
Room 145372
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text A wizcommand to correct room name and description typos without entering olc~
Body That would be hella cool right?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1512804018
Level 31
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Dying doesnt kick you out of groups~
Body Sometimes, maybe in a tense hard fight people will die, having to re-group
can be annoying or time consuming? Hmmm
Name Praxil~
IdNum 2363
Dated 1512812188
Level 4
Room 145357
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text levitate~
Body missing mechanic - need to create it and swap out waterwalk from drow
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1512885667
Level 34
Room 196011
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Area(zone)Name in prompt, instead of room name?~
Body You can see room name every time you enter a room, but
Area name would be useful to show players where they are
while exploring etc.
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1512932017
Level 14
Room 9031
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Ranged Combat ammo collection....~
Body Can we make it so arrows gained from corpses after mob dies to go directly
into the ammo container, similar to how collect works? Killed a few mobs that
took ALOT of arrows and have no space to put them in inventory...
Name Fallenleaf~
IdNum 2368
Dated 1513054773
Level 1
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text craft ammo from ore and fallen tree nodes?~
Body Yes please! 🙂
Name Fallenleaf~
IdNum 2368
Dated 1513055018
Level 1
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text maybe take away ability to load ranged weps? Arrows dont seem to need~
Body To be loaded, but in actuality you do need to grab the arrow, knock it, then
pull back for your shot. It could be argued, and with some actual legit youtube
videos, that an experienced bow-person can shoot arrows from their quiver
pretty darn fast. Waiting for a movement action to reload each crossbow bolt
seems a bit much maybe? Unless the crossbow isnt really meant for continual
barage, like how bow combat currently feels. Ah just thoughts really, less an
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEG-ly9tQGkThis guy is crazy btw.
Name Hizek~
IdNum 2367
Dated 1513055240
Level 1
Room 145209
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Faerie fire maybe shouldnt be affected by spellfail~
Body Drow warriors for example, wont be casting, and wearing heavy gear,
but will constantly be hampered when using drow racial faerie fire.
Name Hizek~
IdNum 2367
Dated 1513060677
Level 1
Room 145379
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Ammo in prompt/gui~
Body Cool if this were a thing! 🙂
Name Fallenleaf~
IdNum 2368
Dated 1513062902
Level 1
Room 145207
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text wizhelp show what level your commands are?~
Body Like this maybe
goto rlist purge echo
recent show snoop stat
this that the other
*************Senior Staff***************
Commands that senior staff
get at level 32and when you are level 33, it has those , and 34 them.
level 34 people could see what level each imm level
gets things, and could visualize better if needed to add
commands to lower levels, or remove them etc?~
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1513131889
Level 32
Room 7771
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Show when intimidate wears off?~
Body This'd be a nice QOL addition IMO.
Name Bochts~
IdNum 2337
Dated 1513226224
Level 9
Room 6738
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Lore show size of mob?~
Body Would be neat to show size when you lore mobs, makes sense, right? You can
already tell what align the mob is and damage types etc, shows to go you should
be able to determine the mobs size yes?
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1513233564
Level 15
Room 40402
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text when mobs transfer you, make all your pets come with you~
Body see title
Name Glim~
IdNum 2371
Dated 1513323179
Level 7
Room 6716
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text show level of mobs next to vnum if enabled~
Body Would be useful to get a feel for mob levels of areas
when adapting zones.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1513410975
Level 32
Room 101711
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text mob kill counters?~
Body Save would be a neat feature, and have potential interactions with dg scripts
and quests. Maybe award things to people with high mobkills on hardrr mobs.
Even has some pk implications, could be sweet to keep track of warring clans
pkills etc...?
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1513655351
Level 20
Room 5917
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text somehow show a value of total time it will take you to mem all your spells~
Body That
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1513753040
Level 12
Room 101765
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Have wear all equip your light~
Body This would be a nice touch.
Name Praxil~
IdNum 2363
Dated 1513832863
Level 9
Room 40431
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text option to award account exp as quest reward?~
Body yes?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1513912763
Level 32
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
January 18, 2018 at 6:31 pm #2582
KeymasterText ideas have been moved~
Body to the forums
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1513945318
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 3 0 0 0
Text be able to see your mount in the room?~
Body Hard to tell if ive left him behind when you “look” and can’t see it.
Name Aen~
IdNum 2351
Dated 1514014525
Level 8
Room 6703
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text The poofin and poofout has a variable set that makes it always start with your name no matter what sort of message you wish it to be. Maybe change it so the variable can be called anywhere in a sentence instead of being set~
Body The poofin and poofout has a variable set that makes it always start with your name no matter what sort of message you wish it to be. Maybe change it so the variable can be called anywhere in a sentence instead of being set
Name Mithas~
IdNum 1017
Dated 1514069311
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Poofin and Out~
Body Poofin and Poofout has a variable set right now that forces your name to be called before any custom poof.
Name Mithas~
IdNum 1017
Dated 1514069413
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text somehow make wizard mobs not cast invis on themselves~
Body Lots of these buggers just plum go un-noticed and un-killed
due to not many people poppin see invis all the while…?
Name Aen~
IdNum 2351
Dated 1514102329
Level 10
Room 40431
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text maybe make it so your horse doesnt rescue you~
Body Or at least he doesnt rescue you until your at a certain percentage of hp
Name Aen~
IdNum 2351
Dated 1514102518
Level 10
Room 40431
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text maybe get armor for your mount somehow?~
Body see title
Name Aen~
IdNum 2351
Dated 1514102674
Level 10
Room 40431
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text wilderness caravans!~
Body yes!
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514174636
Level 32
Room 1004000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Styles for monks!~
Body Reading on rpgbot.net about different monk styles they have. Would be
super cool to put those in! Tiger style sounds fun, as does pummelling style
panther style, mantis, jabbing style, the list goes on!
Name Fallenleaves~
IdNum 2344
Dated 1514352340
Level 12
Room 6706
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Please allow users to use the who command when mining/harvesting~
Body Please allow users to use the who command when mining/crafting/harvesting
Name Ebete~
IdNum 2388
Dated 1514434913
Level 1
Room 14122
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text unconciousness~
Body it feels strange when you have an unconcious foe and you either miss or they dodge etc
Name Vyk~
IdNum 2386
Dated 1514441864
Level 4
Room 145379
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add a group disband command~
Body That.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514609142
Level 32
Room 101783
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text a newbie helper flag in who list?~
Body Save maybe like ( CNH n) at the end of the title. Could give to ornir myself
and zusuk. And also to thewk, hes been super helpful to new people. Maybe
mention the flag in the opening tutorial etc.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514612299
Level 32
Room 28400
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text hitting rage while under rage shouldnt end your current rage~
Body Would be nice if there was a de-rage command, or something similar
to acheive this….? 🙂
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1514614798
Level 21
Room 23808
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text maybe instead of fully spliting the exp in a party….~
Body Split it then add a litle bit based on how many people are in the group and
add a bit more the more people are in the group, as an incentive to group?
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1514620126
Level 22
Room 23826
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text In game cmd for translating world map coords to wilderness coords~
Body GO!
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514660927
Level 32
Room 1004001
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Stepwalk!!!~
Body Would be super cool if there could be a command like stepwalk, that walks you
through a zone number by number sequentialy, forewards or backwards. Like type
stepwalk to enter step walk mode in room 7700. Now all you can move is north or
south(but not south in the first room). North will take you to room 7701
regardless of exits etc. Once in room 7701 north again takes you to 7702, and
now south will take you to room 7700! How sweet would that be? Would make
going through zones needing revamps a lot easier, especially these massive
complex homeland zones.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514739093
Level 32
Room 127500
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Group promote command~
Body Make it so the leader can just pass leader off to another
party member(not charmies of course)
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1514914254
Level 21
Room 23818
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Archmage prc~
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1514925031
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text show player names of shapeshifted folks for imms~
Body yes?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514925330
Level 32
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text order who list by level~
Body yes?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1514928930
Level 32
Room 7717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Clarify feats in ‘Study’ tutorial room~
Body The ‘STUDY’ room in the tutorial should either suggest not choosing any feats immediately, or should tell the user that they can see more feats by assigning their stat points, exit/saving, and then re-entering the study menu.
Alternatively, the RESPEC command ought to be available in that room, to try different things without having to level up to 2 first.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1514997648
Level 1
Room 14105
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text help file submit feature~
Body A command or place to send player written help files that could go to a place to be approved or edited.
Name Yuu~
IdNum 2224
Dated 1515024999
Level 10
Room 103154
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text order group view to show most hurt people on top~
Body this would be nifty fo healers.
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1515030457
Level 25
Room 23812
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text show room vnums next to exits for imms~
Body nice qol upgrade imho
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515032321
Level 32
Room 109268
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text donate~
Body donate, junk, etc… should be in the tutorial
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1515049835
Level 34
Room 159102
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Dismiss Spells~
Body Add the ability to dismiss ongoing beneficial effects with
the dismiss command or another command similar.
Let me clear off battletide/transformation when I need to
heal and then re-cast it if I want to re-use the spell slots.
Name Cephalus~
IdNum 2401
Dated 1515095948
Level 19
Room 24717
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text make it so players can toggle the frequency of hints~
Body Be neat to do this due to the spam the xurrent speed of hint display is at.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515104199
Level 32
Room 180271
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Charmee’s – No Rescue Preference~
Name Cephalus~
IdNum 2401
Dated 1515112157
Level 20
Room 24763
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Charmee – No Rescue~
Body A toggle or preference to disable charmee’s from rescuing me in combat would
be nice. I’m a better tank than they are and it costs me a couple
hits in combat as I drop out of the fight and re-enter.
Name Cephalus~
IdNum 2401
Dated 1515112188
Level 20
Room 24763
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mudlet GUI – Tank HP Bar~
Body Would it be possible to add a second Tank HP bar in a fight? Preferably only
when the game detects you aren’t the tank. But even if it just mimics your
own HP, I think that’d be worth it for the times when charmee’s are in front.
Name Cephalus~
IdNum 2401
Dated 1515112424
Level 20
Room 24767
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Hint Feed~
Body Make this so they are numbered at the top of each hint, and give players the
opertunity to stop seeing certain hints that they don’t want to see anymore.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515121684
Level 32
Room 810
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text GUI idea~
Body Maybe makeit so you can pop out the chat tabs into a resizeable window? (mini
console? )
and that would also make the map fill in the empty space?
maybe make all the windows have that functionality?
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515180824
Level 32
Room 145216
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add capability to access spell helpfiles in spell selection menus~
Body this
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515261142
Level 32
Room 40426
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text it’d be nice if kills by summoned followers counted as kills by me for quest purposes~
Body It’d be nice if kills by summoned followers counted as kills by me for quest purposes.
Not a high priority but it’d be useful.
Name Conradin~
IdNum 2392
Dated 1515336412
Level 10
Room 5942
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text armory gear swapping system thing stuff~
Body yes
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515359040
Level 32
Room 101775
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mirror Image~
Body A way to show how many mirror images remain (either in aff or one of the other stat screens)
Name Cephalus~
IdNum 2401
Dated 1515455251
Level 25
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Add either a new spell to detect chaos/order or add functionality to the Detect Alignment spell to do so. It makes sense.~
Name Arturo~
IdNum 2445
Dated 1515568585
Level 5
Room 6777
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Detecting chaos/order~
Body Add either a new spell to detect chaos/order or add functionality to the Detect Alignment spell to do so. It makes sense.
Name Arturo~
IdNum 2445
Dated 1515568615
Level 5
Room 6777
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text An option to toggle on the ‘time’ to be visible next to health/mana/movement on the prompt~
Body An option to toggle on the ‘time’ to be visible next to health/mana/movement on the prompt
Name Landeil~
IdNum 2441
Dated 1515683927
Level 7
Room 6725
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text an in game todo list, like bug or idea, that we can grab by person, would be nice.~
Body todo ornir submit Tell Zusuk about my todo list!
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1515832060
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text cleric creatures~
Body I think it would be a unique idea for any class that has the ability to summon creatures, should have some flavor in differentiating the types of creatures. Such example would be clerics summoning angel types, like cherub(i), deva(ii), archangel(v), seraphim, etc..
Name Gabraeon~
IdNum 2013
Dated 1515856587
Level 10
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text The Mudlet script is great and it’s a fantastic way to ease new people into the game! Here’s an idea for it: how about showing the action and attack queues somehow? It is one of the most novel aspects of combat and it would help manipulating them. Something similar could be said of spell slots/memorization, but I haven’t played a caster class yet so not sure how useful it would be. Thanks!~
Body The Mudlet script is great and it’s a fantastic way to ease new people into the game! Here’s an idea for it: how about showing the action and attack queues somehow? It is one of the most novel aspects of combat and it would help manipulating them. Something similar could be said of spell slots/memorization, but I haven’t played a caster class yet so not sure how useful it would be. Thanks!
Name Mass~
IdNum 2452
Dated 1515858726
Level 10
Room 40431
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text when using detect align spell~
Body Make it so when things are neutral, it says like (grey aura) instead of showing
no aura. Makes people’s first thought that the spell isn’t working if there are
only neutral mobs about them(which is often the case as theres tons of neutral
mobs in the starting areas it seems.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1515869424
Level 32
Room 40429
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Extremely offputting affections~
Body I gotta say, so far blindness, poison and disease have been by far the most offputting elements of the game. Poison and disease last an extremely long time. ‘Blindness is basically equivalent to having to sit out for 3 minutes. I’d recommend drastically reducing the duration of them all, specifically blindness. You’d still get as much combat nuance, and they won’t be as offputting.
Name Mass~
IdNum 2452
Dated 1515873437
Level 11
Room 6746
Flags 1 0 0 0
Text Grouping incentive suggestions~
Body Considering as it is, grouping halves the experience you gain per kill and may drop it further if there’s more than one additional player in the party… Why not make it give you the base experience you’d get, then apply a small bonus per player in the party for everyone in it, something like +10% to +20% bonus exp per player within level range in the party? That’d give a lot of incentive to group up for the purpose of getting experience. As far as level range for the benefit goes, I’d say make it within~
Name Roran~
IdNum 2451
Dated 1515889193
Level 15
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Riposte cleaves~
Body It appears that riposte attacks (from total defense) are not capable of cleaving. Please consider allowing it to buff tanks damage output in multitarget tanking situations, thanks!
Name Mass~
IdNum 2452
Dated 1515890222
Level 12
Room 40602
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add a prefedit option to hide combat info, such as your hp and position, and target’s hp and position. Desirable by those using the MUDlet GUI, as this info is shown in the GUI. A second toggle that shows only who the current target is, or perhaps show that text as an overlay on the enemy hp bar if not already there.~
Name Gicker~
IdNum 184
Dated 1515893880
Level 32
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text PrefEdit Prompt Suggestion~
Body Add a prefedit option to hide combat info, such as your hp and position, and
target’s hp and position. Desirable by those using the MUDlet GUI, as this info
is shown in the GUI. A second toggle that shows only who the current target is,
or perhaps show that text as an overlay on the enemy hp bar if not already
Name Gicker~
IdNum 184
Dated 1515893896
Level 32
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text eqrating~
Body eqrating damroll 5 – show all items 5 damroll or higher in game
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1515909083
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text if you already have too many summoned creatures….~
Body save
when you cast mummy dust, it shouldnt incur the spell cooldown if the mob
isnt summoned….
Name Querl~
IdNum 2341
Dated 1515922173
Level 23
Room 23802
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text MAX HP/MV Spells~
Body These spells, like expeditious retreat and false life, should also increase
current HP/MV when they are cast so the person doesn’t have to rest
and recuperate the added MX HP/MV. Especially important for expeditious
retreat as the duration is pretty short to begin with.
Name Valos~
IdNum 2444
Dated 1515967203
Level 10
Room 40400
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text mosaic cave~
Body gibbering moutherx2 casters x2 by drop down stone doors
ravener behemoth by lock, with minions. guardian statue engages ravenerearly in cave, can find crystals to activate statue. clues to command words for release at alerion, in the cave, at troll king, etc.
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1515978789
Level 34
Room 40600
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Should have an icon in the GUI when you get knocked down.~
Body Should have an icon to show you are not standing.
Name Bruntis~
IdNum 2482
Dated 1515980053
Level 7
Room 145339
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Spell: Disintegrate~
Body Disintegrate, for Wizards, is one of my all time favorite spells, and is probably the best attack spell for transmutation wizards.
Name Terris~
IdNum 2487
Dated 1515989304
Level 1
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text PrC suggestion~
Body Gotta say, I’ve always loved the Mystic Theurge, in theory-crafting, but I’ve never been able to play one high enough to see it come to all its full and glorious power. I think a MUD environment would be a much more conducive place to that class. =)
Name Terris~
IdNum 2487
Dated 1516002654
Level 3
Room 145209
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Treat~
Body Treat is currently a swift action, apparently. Seems this is a bit ‘strong’.
Name Terris~
IdNum 2487
Dated 1516009337
Level 4
Room 145335
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text For the game’s provided GUI, having a tab that shows casters how many spell slots/spells prepared that they have left would be nifty.~
Name Svenul~
IdNum 2418
Dated 1516038589
Level 4
Room 5928
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text bard song in prompt~
Body that
Name Brin~
IdNum 2499
Dated 1516039601
Level 7
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text GUI Suggestion~
Body On the affects tab, perhaps include cooldowns.
Name Valos~
IdNum 2444
Dated 1516142508
Level 12
Room 6759
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Improved consider~
Body It would be great if the ‘consider’ command (or a new ‘lorecon’ one) would compare your attack values to the monster’s defenses and vice versa.
For example, my attack bonus is 8 with my primary weapon and the rat has an AC of 12: “It will be trivial for you to hit this monster”. Its hitroll is 1 and my AC is 21: “It can barely scratch you.”
For other combinations, it could be something like “You will have a hard time landing a blow.” and “It will hit you all the time.”
It’s still not as detailed as using lore to actually look at the raw numbers, but more useful than just comparing levels.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516146289
Level 6
Room 115508
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Daily Bonuses~
Body I saw some discussion on daily tasks yesterday or the day before. Perhaps
completing daily tasks could award a random magic item or something for your
level. And another idea (I stole from Dungeons and Dragons Online MMO) is to
have like a daily dice thing, where each day you can roll for some free bonuses,
like an exp orb that you can use for some free exp, some helpful potiuons maybe,
some gold, with the higher rolls giving better goodies.
Name Gicker~
IdNum 184
Dated 1516206864
Level 32
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text banking~
Body Would be nice to have access to a vault in bank to store crafting items and or items wishing to be saved, perhaps a set number of items with a stack limit
Name Thewk~
IdNum 2377
Dated 1516207683
Level 30
Room 103021
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text room flag~
Body no death room flag, to build arena’s for characters to duel in without losing xp
Name Thewk~
IdNum 2377
Dated 1516207782
Level 30
Room 103021
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Some hate this, I love this. Ability to toggle a reminder to vote for the MUD. Like Aardwolf (i know…). If someone wants to support the MUD, why not give them the option to be reminded, right? Just add *VOTE* in the prompt. This is not on by default. Once they voted, they type “ivoted” and it disappears for 13 hours.~
Body Some hate this, I love this. Ability to toggle a reminder to vote for the MUD. Like Aardwolf (i know…). If someone wants to support the MUD, why not give them the option to be reminded, right? Just add *VOTE* in the prompt. This is not on by default. Once they voted, they type “ivoted” and it disappears for 13 hours.
Name Opie~
IdNum 1086
Dated 1516210529
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Voting~
Body When voting, have people go to Luminarimud.com/vote and just have a simple splash page where they can push the vote buttons instead of having them go to each individual website. Also looks better to have “Vote for LuminariMUD: http://www.LuminariMUD.com/vote” then other website links.
Name Opie~
IdNum 1086
Dated 1516210554
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text housing~
Body Instead of just coins, perhaps using crafting materials as well to purchase houses
Ie: 1 room house 2 million gold, 100 logs, 50 iron, 25 hemp
2 room house 3 million gold , 200 logs, 75 iron, 50 hemp
3 room house 5 million gold, 400 logs, 150 iron, 100 hemp
etc etc etc
Name Thewk~
IdNum 2377
Dated 1516210629
Level 30
Room 120801
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Who List~
Body Combine imms and mortals. Just makes it look cleaner. Also the spacing. If there’s deadspace, remove it.Just making it one big who list may seem more appealing.
Name Opie~
IdNum 1086
Dated 1516220488
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Hints~
Body Those are some very big hints.. Maybe a hints tab on MUDLet? I know hints are toggle, but still…
Name Opie~
IdNum 1086
Dated 1516221341
Level 31
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Cleric level 1 spells~
Body Seems like there should be a level 1 light spell for clerics. I’m pretty sure in tabletop, this is actually a level -0- spell. Which we don’t have at all. Also, bless is level 3 I understand? That should -definitely- be in the cleric’s level 1 repetoir. Thanks!
Name Xelar~
IdNum 2536
Dated 1516256808
Level 3
Room 145377
Flags 0 0 0 0
End -
April 8, 2018 at 9:34 pm #2719
KeymasterText ideas moved to forum~
Body http://www.luminarimud.com/forums/topic/full-import-of-in-game-idea-submissions/#post-2582
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1516300360
Level 34
Room 30558
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Taunt and Intimidate~
Body Perhaps once you reach a certain rank in the skill, perhaps 20, the
action type it uses is decreased to a move action. Or add a feat maybe that let’s you do so,
even performing it as a free action once per minute or something.
Name Caide~
IdNum 2519
Dated 1516314285
Level 9
Room 6762
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text shortening armor/weapon messages~
Body During combat, sometimes the full short description of a weapon or armor is displayed.
[R:17]A cave troll assassin’s attack glances off a suit of spiked jade and amber steel chainmail
armor with a falcon crest!That’s a fair bit of text to show. My suggestions would be to simply show the armor
or weapon type instead of the full short desc.
Such as:
[R:17]A cave troll assassin’s attack glances off your chainmail armor.
Name Caide~
IdNum 2519
Dated 1516327750
Level 10
Room 6743
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text !JUNK Flag~
Body Urg pick up lots of stuff.
Urg gets too much stuff.
Urg lazy and not want to figure out what to keep.
Urg junks all. .. looses teleport and raft and stuff.Add new flag to items, NO_JUNK or !JUNK.
Urg say “nojunk teleporter”
Now junk and donate won’t work on teleporter until Urg say nojunk again
Urg can kill more things and not worry about junkingLove, Urg
Name Urg~
IdNum 2433
Dated 1516353367
Level 15
Room 1903
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Usable combat maneuver list~
Body It would be very useful if there were a command that listed all combat manuevers you were capable of. Or (better) those that were worth doing.
For example – I’m trained in bluff, so it would list ‘feint’. But I don’t have improved trip, so it wouldn’t list ‘trip’ (or it’d list it with an AOO indicator). And I’m not yet 20th level, so it wouldn’t show ‘dirtkick’ at all.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516375009
Level 7
Room 6755
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text autodoor~
Body Instead of open door, when a character tries to go through the door (let’s say it’s to the north)
instead of have to keep typing open door, have the game check to see first if the person has the
key, and if they do, then they automatically unlock, open, and go through the door.
If the door isn’t locked, have it automatically open the door if autodoor is on. If not, I can
always just make a trigger for this. I’m just shopping the idea to you guys first.-Potato Power
Name MashedPotato~
IdNum 2525
Dated 1516413954
Level 1
Room 14105
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Feat for additional Imbue Arrow uses~
Body As the title says, I think it’d be cool to have a feat for Arcane Archers who want to invest in it that ups your Imbue Arrow slots. Maybe give it a stacking feature so if someone REALLY wants to drop extra general feats onto it, they can specialize in spell-discharging arrows?
Name Roran~
IdNum 2451
Dated 1516465482
Level 26
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Get help files on the website?~
Body That would be sweet ya?
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1516571691
Level 26
Room 23875
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text poofinpoofout be able to~
Body Put your name in the middle or end of line, or not at all
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1516662045
Level 32
Room 40670
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text olcable spells/skills/feats/races/classes?~
Body Would be super cool to include before yall do another public release of the
codebase? Hah prob way more work than i think tho… Just a thought
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1516670698
Level 32
Room 145364
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text scrolls mem~
Body wolves want adjustments to the mem/scroll system that
cast ‘iron skin’ more
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1516729717
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text haste and crafting~
Body if you’re affected by haste, crafting and other actions like harvesting should complete faster to reflect it 😉
Name FriedPotato~
IdNum 2534
Dated 1516756096
Level 9
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text colla spell system ideas~
Body * * * * LuminariMUD Mail System * * * *
Date: Tue Jan 23 18:27:52 2018
To : zusuk
From: colla
Further thoughts on spellcasting:
* Aliases make a lot of the typing problem go away, but they’re not obviously linked to spells. Spells are used as examples in the alias help file, but not vice versa.
* It would be useful if people (spont-casters at least) could define their own shortcuts for spells when they learn them. The shortcut wouldn’t have spaces, be at least two characters, and could be used instead of quotes. ‘cast mm at foo’ ‘cast q m mis at foo’ if my ‘magic missile’ alias were “mm” or “mis” (whatever’s easier for me).
* Also, you could require ‘at’ as the separator between spell and target – if it’s not there, you need to use quotes.
* I didn’t check if prepared casters can add metamagic while casting or not. Assuming they can’t, you could just assign a number to each spell slot, and they can just cast the spell in that slot by number.
Separately, having used the sorcerer spell-learning UI and the druid spell selection UI, the latter is nicer because it doesn’t interfere with access to the help files. To see what a sorc spell does, I have to exit out of the study session, look it up, then go back in.
Not sure how to fix that in the context of a number-only input system. Maybe typing the spell number negative? Or as a decimal? So spell 12 would be looked up with “-12” or “.12” or “0.12”… Feels clunky.
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1516781527
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text colla: shopkeeper buy abbrev items~
Body colla submitted in bugs:
When selling to a shopkeeper using a short form of the item name (such as ‘shining’ for a ‘shining wood arrow’), the emote you get back is “The shopkeeper now has a shining”. This should probably be the full item name so you know if you just accidentally sold the wrong thing.
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1516781978
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text adding spell info to class helpfiles~
Body These should include the main ability they use for spells.
ie. Memorize for Wizard, Chant for Paladin, Pray for Cleric etc…
Name Treyorn~
IdNum 706
Dated 1516826446
Level 34
Room 9204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text crafting vs gathering~
Body Gathering skills are seperate from crafting skills. Knitting, foresting,
mining, and hunting are “Gathering professions” and don’t increase during supply
order jobs. This needs to be a helpfile or people will complain about it being
a bug almost like I did. Chemistry, weapon smithing, jewelery making, leather
working, are trade skills or Crafting skills, which should actually increase
during supply jobs. Which brings me to my next idea. Have seperate autocraft
quests. One that fuels the supplyorder quest, the other that people can hunt
nodes to gain their respective abilities at gathering with. This way, when you
have to actually craft a velvet robe for yourself, but you can’t because your
knitting is too low, (if it’s going to be a gathering skill, cloth collection
might be better, then have knitting, weaving, or tailoring as the name of the
crafting skill) or [even better] if you can tear/reverse engineer cloth items
into rags of x materials to get cloth, because cloth “nodes” just don’t make
sense really. Unless there’s a way to actually have to shear sheep for wool,
pick cotton for cotton, find silkworms for silk, etc. Which can then disguise
themselves as nodes, makes more sense.Ok, you’ve juiced my brain enough here. I hope you can make vodka out of it.
Name FriedPotato~
IdNum 2534
Dated 1516826651
Level 11
Room 369
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text a craftlist (similar to zlist rlist mlist olist etc~
Body Made a craft and i cant remember the vnum lol.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1516846054
Level 32
Room 7701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Better weight information~
Body It would be really useful to have a way to figure out what-all is weighing so much, without having to take every item out of my backpack and ‘lore’ it.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516849025
Level 8
Room 145
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Better weight information~
Body It would be really useful to have a way to figure out what-all is weighing so much, without having to take every item out of my backpack and ‘lore’ it.
Ideally, it would be one command that gives you the weight of an item, and if it’s a container, all the items in the container.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516849245
Level 8
Room 145
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text New player documentation~
Body It would be useful to have the policy command (and thus its information) mentioned in the new player area somewhere.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516852157
Level 8
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text New player documentation~
Body It would be useful to have the ‘policy’ command (and thus its information) mentioned in the new player area somewhere.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1516852233
Level 8
Room 370
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text olc next//previous~
Body Step to next vnums…..or previous…..from within each olc
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1516867150
Level 32
Room 101701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text have imm command last be able to last account names too~
Body that.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1516937227
Level 32
Room 11330
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Quest Log~
Body Be able to bank up to 10(or however many) quests at once. Will make it so
players can constantly be grabbing side quests when they see them, and not have
to run back to each questmaster to pick up each quest one at a time and what
not. Could be a sweet QoL upgrade IMHO.
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517081329
Level 32
Room 101701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Quest Types~
Body Unlock a door. Unlock a chest. Find a hidden exit with search.
Unlock a chest would be the most useful to me right now, with the swinton event.
Will idea more quest types when i think of them!
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517081432
Level 32
Room 101701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text light bar~
Body The Tron lightcycle. This should be a held item that summons a mountable lightcycle.
Please implement this somehow.-Potato
Name FriedPotato~
IdNum 2534
Dated 1517086634
Level 17
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text rumors~
Body You know it would be cool if you activate listen mode in the bars and hear
rumors when you buy drinks there. Some of these rumors can trigger autoquests
or this “a nearby lair” that you seem to find everything in (I know I’m
horrible, since I know you hate that, you know who you are, but I’m not telling
😉 and maybe even get you secret information about where to find the best items
for your level, etc.-=Potato=-
Name FriedPotato~
IdNum 2534
Dated 1517173345
Level 21
Room 369
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text quest type ideas continued~
Body craft an item,
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517214510
Level 33
Room 11620
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text maybe we shouldnt include imms in ranks….~
Body just for claritys sake
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517249012
Level 33
Room 101701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Better teleport zone list~
Body The current help for the teleporter directs people at ‘help zones’, which seems full of standard tbaMUD zones.
The ‘areas’ command does a better job of listing the ones that are custom for Luminari, but the teleport keywords (if any) aren’t always clear.
I don’t know if the ‘zones’ file should be updated to indicate all the unique zones *first*, or whether the help that points there should be changed, but its very hard to tell what’s custom and what’s stock.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1517261195
Level 11
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Clans~
Body Have each racial city have a City Clan ie Pesh, Ashenport etc etc, then have player based subclans attached to them
Name Thazull~
IdNum 2378
Dated 1517268039
Level 32
Room 376
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text a way to see all the characters on someones accnt~
Body like stat accoubt or something….
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517275519
Level 33
Room 14105
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text be able to identify items in player shops~
Body see title
Name Mailg~
IdNum 450
Dated 1517299865
Level 26
Room 812
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Changes hits to HP~
Body Simple, change hits (is that hits per round???) to HP or hitpoints. It’s much clearer.
Name Mak~
IdNum 2576
Dated 1517321516
Level 5
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Fly using less movement~
Body Since we can’t make the character movement faster, it’d be nice if Fly could make you use less Mv points, or even not use them at all, so that the spell is useful outside combat.
Name Nerizenya~
IdNum 2641
Dated 1517331726
Level 8
Room 115541
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Update AC help file for averaging~
Body Apparently, enhancement bonus to AC is averaged between the four main slots: Body, legs, arms, and head. This is *not at all* clear from ‘help ac’, and there’s no other relevant help file I could find.
This is a perfectly reasonable system, it’s just very obscure.
Also, apparently 2.5 rounds down to an enhancement bonus of 2, which is mildly odd and probably also ought to be clarified.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1517598205
Level 17
Room 103006
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text add an option tp award axcount exp as quest reward~
Body rhat
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517602879
Level 33
Room 101701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text floor~
Body When examining the floor that is of no interest, you get a message that “You do not see that here.” It might be better to just change that to something like “There is nothing of interest on the floor.”
Name Voehman~
IdNum 2662
Dated 1517657743
Level 1
Room 14112
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text flee~
Body Zusuk wanted a fix to flee, so I suggested that all you gotta do is once combat
starts implement a flee timer based on where they’re at in the attack round.
If it’s the mob’s round to attack, have it check against the player’s escape
artist. If the mob makes a reflex save vs player’s escape artist, have a
message that notifies the playernotices you trying to run away and blocks
your exit!This action may even trigger AOO and continues the combat round. Once this round is up,
the player can attempt to flee again and if escape artist * dexterity mod > mob reflex save
then selfecho You flee from combat! If (critical success) selfecho You spin around and land
a suprise break-off attack (AOO) that disorients! -Potato
Name MashedPotato~
IdNum 2525
Dated 1517749402
Level 1
Room 145377
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text custom caster mob type~
Body set to custom caster, then add spells the same way youd add feats
or what have you…..that way you could make like mobs that just cast ice spells, so players
might figure that out and come to the fight decked in ice resist gear etc
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1517761222
Level 33
Room 14109
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text warn people about mobiles not saving gear~
Body reasonable expectation: mobiles will save all the gear they are holding
between copyover and reboot and crashes
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1517817291
Level 34
Room 1000184
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text imbue~
Body Imbue would be an attempt to imbue an essence/crystal on an item to give it more
buffs, but at the cost of potentially ruining the item if you get too ambitious.
Zusuk’s example: someone finds a +3 sword, uses a +3 crystal (both of relative
ease and low level to get) and can make a +6 sword which is super valuable and
rare if their chemistry is high enough to do it, and then if they don’t fail
their roll. But, if they fail the roll, the sword stays +3 and the crystal gets
deleted. If they CRITICALLY fail the roll, the sword becomes junk, back to base
stats.In addition, imbue can be used to add elemental damage to a weapon, or elemental
resistance to an armor, via disenchanting a weapon that already has something
like that on it already. A good example would be the flaming sword from the
troll king quest. The flaming orb being the base to imbue fire damage on a
favorite weapon, or protection from fire to a piece of armor.Either way, the roll would get progressively harder and harder to do if an
item has been imbued with something already, and you’d run the risk of
overimbuing said item which increases the risk of the dreaded critical failure
that wipes away all your hard work at trying to cheat and get the best thing
since sliced bread in the game.There, I did it! Whew! *potatosweat*
Name MashedPotato~
IdNum 2525
Dated 1517854912
Level 6
Room 3103
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Refresh spells by recasting~
Body When you cast a spell on a target that is already affected by the same spell, the new one should overwrite the old with the new duration (assuming equal power).
Ideally, if they were not of the same power, they’d both stay, with the stronger one as the only one to provide any benefit until it wore off, when it’d fall back to the weaker one (assuming it hadn’t expired, too).
Failing that, either the longer-duration one or the higher-caster-level one should win, consistently, with the shorter/weaker one being replaced.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1517874701
Level 1
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text simplify bard mechanic~
Body feedback about bard:
it is tedious having to keep track of what instrument
you need for performances, etc… some way to
automate this would be helpful
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1517916478
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Speed up feat progression~
Body D&D 3.0 and 3.5 gave feats every 3 levels. Pathfinder sped it up to every other level, because Feats Are Fun!(tm)
There are definitely boring stretches with the current classes. Giving out feats more often might help with that.
On the other hand, I don’t know if there’s enough feats to handle giving out that many more, yet, so this might be a “later on” change.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1517958382
Level 20
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Coup de grace would be a lot of fun.~
Body Easy to implement, if something’s unconcious it’s probably dead anyway, so it’d be very satisfying to coup de grace.
Name Goway~
IdNum 2688
Dated 1517959831
Level 11
Room 40410
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Respec level warning~
Body Low priority idea: In the edge case where you don’t have enough experience to get to your current level (probably through death), pop a warning if someone tries to respec.
Let them do it, but just make sure they know they’re not going to be able to get back to where they currently are.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1517965759
Level 20
Room 24764
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Selling items~
Body I’d love to be able to save my items, but there’s very few obvious places to do so. I’ve mostly sacrificed things, but that’s given me some really poor returns. (1gp for a 1k item)
A general store with lots of money in an obvious place would be great. Or an npc who buys all kinds of things. Otherwise I feel like the loot I get doesn’t mean anything since it’s getting sac’d for pennies or dropped because of space constraints.
Name Goway~
IdNum 2688
Dated 1517974983
Level 12
Room 103057
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Categories in inventory~
Body Inventories at the moment are very messy, being able to sort your inventory into categories (or have some automatically defined) would make them slightly longer but better to navigate.
Name Goway~
IdNum 2688
Dated 1517976138
Level 12
Room 103000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text HappyHour~
Body Have a static daily HappyHour. Find out when most people play and set a daily HappyHour close to that time period. If people know for sure that there will be one, then you may get more people logging on at same time, more interaction
Name Thazull~
IdNum 2378
Dated 1518046808
Level 32
Room 11395
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Score sheet/command contradiction – Paladin.~
Body Score sheet says : Type ‘chant’ to see your Paladin spell interface
typing chant says:
Try changing professions (type score to view respective preparation commands for your class(es)!I’m assuming this is due to Paladins not yet having spells at first level, however the command should reflect that.
I’d also assume this is broken on other late spell learning classes.
Name Barthas~
IdNum 2734
Dated 1518054110
Level 1
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Either fix or remove the “class staff” command its FUBAR~
Body Either fix or remove the “class staff” command its FUBAR
Name Barthas~
IdNum 2734
Dated 1518055396
Level 1
Room 145208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text survey~
Body survey = scan , for crafting materials
Name Thazull~
IdNum 2378
Dated 1518091447
Level 32
Room 11399
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text preq quests~
Body it is uninformative what quest the player is missing. sjow them what quest theu miss and where they can find it~
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1518193840
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Warn about charmee limit before casting~
Body When you would cast a spell that would bypass the charmee limit, it would be nice if it just refused to cast rather than going through the whole casting time and only *then* failing.
Once you know which spells are incompatible, it’s not a big deal, but it’s annoying to figure out.
Altenratively, the help files for each spell should explicitly specify what type of charmee it summons, and point to the help file with the limits.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1518457939
Level 23
Room 3001
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text feats menu ~
Body ‘can you make it so if you take a feat and it makes you choose something that you can choose to also decline the feat still’ instead of forced to select something you could still back out without choosing.
Name DeepfriedPotato~
IdNum 2553
Dated 1518475898
Level 4
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Alignment change for ACCEXP~
Body it would be awesome if you could buy an alignment change (which would come with a respec to avoid loopholes).
Name Khellendros~
IdNum 2704
Dated 1518569422
Level 30
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text rank command~
Body This should be limited to an immortal command or broken down into only certain keywords being mortal usable.
Name Darvin~
IdNum 2727
Dated 1518588569
Level 31
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Blackguard~
Body We need an opposite to these frikkin Paladins
Name Thewk~
IdNum 2377
Dated 1518625961
Level 30
Room 1857
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Use Pathfinder skill points~
Body I like the PF style of skill points much better than 3.5’s. Instead of 4x skills at 1st level, and a cap of level+4, every level (including first) gives you the same number of skill points, and you get a +3 bonus if you have points in a class skill.
For those who put points only into class skills, this is much easier at first level (which is the most confusing time for a newbie), because you only have a quarter of the points to spend (and the math works out the same). For those who want cross class skills, it’s less punishing. Especially when multiclassing.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1518644874
Level 4
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Teleporter~
Body get all.gold all.corpse
Should possibly have a small cooldown, I was able to take down a mob by attacking, recalling before getting hit, recalling back and repeat
Name Treblin~
IdNum 2723
Dated 1518653788
Level 5
Room 6701
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Greater magic fang should be castable upon myself if im wildshapped into an animal base and using natural spell~
Body Greater magic fang should be castable upon myself if im wildshapped into an animal base and using natural spell
Name Treblin~
IdNum 2723
Dated 1518663153
Level 8
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text wildshape – Croc/Giant Croc~
Body Neither seem to be able to swim very well ðŸ™
Name Treblin~
IdNum 2723
Dated 1518793745
Level 9
Room 6750
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text put bloodline if applicable when statting players~
Body yes
Name Wolves~
IdNum 430
Dated 1518807016
Level 33
Room 11611
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text allow half elves to pick their elvish parent~
Body Drow, Regular elf, etc..
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1518976873
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text redit extra descs~
Body I heard changes were being made to the “look around” command. My suggestion
is to update it so that the ‘search’ command reveals the extra descs and you
have to pass a perception dc to see something extra about the room you’re in.
Then, if you’re sneaky enough, you may find a trapped chest of goodies in one of
my zones that you would have walked past ordinarily!
Name Solomon~
IdNum 2786
Dated 1519075827
Level 31
Room 15800
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text diminutive~
Body If you’re size == diminutive, and a container is large enough, then you can
be put into the container! The way this works is that the item has a special
room vnum to go with it so that if you manage to get inside one, you see the
contents of the container along with the special description of the inside.so mote it be!
Name Solomon~
IdNum 2786
Dated 1519079412
Level 31
Room 15800
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text account exp~
Body 10 acc exp per every hour played. Even idlers makes the mud look busier
Name Thazull~
IdNum 2378
Dated 1519136590
Level 32
Room 11399
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Monks and TWF~
Body Following on bug 100 (monk TWF) and 102 (monk gloves with off-hand weapons), I’d like to see the help files updated to point monks away from TWF altogether, at the very least. It doesn’t help them at all, and quite actively harms them, but it *feels* like it should work – or at least isn’t at all obvious that it won’t.The PF monk is explicitly discouraged from taking the TWF feats, by stating that flurry doesn’t stack with them. (There’s no equivalent to the monk glove issue.)
Logically, it doesn’t make sense either – it’s two *weapon* fighting: why should the off hand get more fist attacks, or a fist (even a monk fist) which is “unarmed” count as half of a pair of weapons?
The problem is that game mechanics don’t always follow “sense”, so it seems like it should *mechanically* work, even if it’s silly.Since it doesn’t, that should just be made clear somewhere (the flurry help?).
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519277555
Level 27
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Lore command cleanup~
Body Change hits to MAX HP, Hitroll from “1” to “+1”, Damroll to “1” to “+1”
It would make it clearer.
Name Mak~
IdNum 2576
Dated 1519310942
Level 8
Room 103277
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Economy and Charisma stacking~
Body Eventually Charisma stacking could lead to a very broken economy.
Modify purchase costs from vendors by base charisma before equipment and spell alterations.
Name Darvin~
IdNum 2727
Dated 1519333267
Level 31
Room 374
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Monk unarmed table~
Body One of the monk-related help files (maybe ‘unarmed strike’) should display the progression of a monk’s unarmed damage.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519395367
Level 27
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text rp flag~
Body so players know you want to rp.
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1519522662
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text rp dtarters~
Body kTrishana tells you, ‘Another thing that you might already have and I haven’t found yet, is
a basic list of RP’ed ‘class starters’ so like for monks, we tend to come from cloisters
or monastaries, so if there were some listed somewhere, we could kinda know where we come
from in the world RP wise.’
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1519523053
Level 34
Room 145207
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Dollhouse Mirror Trigger used for Vanity Smurf’s Mirror~
Body There is a mirror in the bathroom of Dollhouse that reflects back a brief description
of the character (including gear). I loved it! Please find other places to use that
trigger. I suggest Vanity Smurf’s mirror in Smurf Village. Perhaps make the ‘reflection’
extremely flattering (since it is Vanity Smurf’s mirror…)Just thought it would be a funny and fun bit. Even inspiring for actual descriptions.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1519547890
Level 23
Room 6737
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Quest gap: Spider swamp~
Body There’s currently a gap in the questing sequence after killing the troll king and before going to the dollhouse.
This seems like a good place to build off of Velna the darkling spider, by sending the player to the Spider Swamp.
There may be a bit of a problem with the flow if the character skips getting the Orb Guardian key from Velna, either due to being helped by someone else with the key, or by picking the lock, but there’s probably some way around that.
I think the spider swamp is approximiately the right level, although I forgot to check before starting this idea submission. I assume it would be feasible to tweak, if not.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519566203
Level 26
Room 40425
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Labelling items~
Body It would be really useful if there were a way to apply a custom label to an item.
There’s two separate ways I can see this being useful, depending on whether the label can be used for targeting with commands like ‘get’ and ‘wear’.
First, if it *can* be used for targeting, then it can be used to create ‘sets’ of items. (“get all.roguegear from bp;wear all.roguegear, “sell all.junk”, “take curewand from bp”)
Alternativly, if it can’t (or if it can, but this may be less useful), this can be used to keep track of what items have been identified and what their bonuses/abilities are.This can sortof be done now with the ‘restring’ command, but that costs gold and destroys the actual name of the item.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519568599
Level 26
Room 1959
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text nat 1 on skills and perform and such?~
Body I don’t think it is really good to have nat 1 be an automatic failure for skills
or perform or ride. If we need to adjust difficulty, lets change the DC a bit
for different terrain (ride) or for different performances (perform).
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1519634033
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text RP stuff and things~
Body 1. A flag that shows up in the room and on the WHO list that shows you are in
‘roleplay’ or ‘IC’ mode, works both as an advertisement of ‘I want RP’ and also
lets other players know you are in-character and thus are unlikely to respond to
their OOC responses while on the grid. 2. It depends, some folks like to Rp
character growth through their levels (which is much more fun with an active
plot GM) other folks (like me on MUDs) like to just have the character we want
mechanically and cosmetically, and then just artifically do progression, either
via gearing or personality development
Name Trishana~
IdNum 2866
Dated 1519681425
Level 15
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Random musings for more RP~
Body =One good way to view a textbased OTT (online tabletop) especially one done in
code rather than dice, is that you gotta look at things like an MMO. Right now,
and probably how most games are, your actual storytelling and events and ‘fun
community stuff’ comes in at ‘end game’ (lvl 30 here) but that makes it hard to
keep newer players bc then they are seeing tuff done for highbies while they
have to slog thru the grind and learn the game. The only way I can think of
combating this is to have a dedicated GM that can (if a player wants such
things) read their bio and do stuff based around that to help get them invested
into the ‘larger picture’ of the end game content, and at the very least if they
are just here for the game, run lil mini-events either solo or for a small group
of pre-endgame characters at a time just to show love and support for those that
are trying to go thru the slog and stick around for the endgame.
Name Trishana~
IdNum 2866
Dated 1519682151
Level 15
Room 14100
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Pose/Pmote command~
Body Please put in a Pose or Pmote command to have a lasting/lingering emote.
ex. pose sits on a mushroom. Others entering will see ‘so-and-so sits on a mushroom.’
ex. pmote languidly snores in the corner. Others see ‘so-and-so languidly snores in the corner.’
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1519721150
Level 24
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Eye gear slot~
Body Create an equipment slot for ‘eyes’. There are eyepieces, monocles, glasses in game that (most) are geared for ‘head’.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1519771217
Level 24
Room 7559
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Ability to target an item using multiple keywords~
Body As best as I can tell, you are only able to use a single keyword to refer to an item. Random items are generated with a lot of keywords, but if there’s overlap (such as many hemp robes and many things with diamond symbols), there’s no way to specify that I only want the hemp robe with diamonds.
I’d like to propose a way to link several keywords, and an item will only match if it matches all of them. This could be with quotes (look “hemp robe diamond”), with underscores (look hemp_robe_diamond), dashes, etc.
But conceptually, it’s “Match all these keywords”, however that’s specified.I’m aware this would probably be a change to the underlying C codebase, rather than something scriptable, so I don’t have any expectations of this being handled soon, but I wanted to propose it in case Fizban or someone else wants to tackle it.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519789749
Level 28
Room 145200
Flags 1 0 0 0
Text Ability to amend existing typo/bug/idea submissions~
Body It would be nice if there was an explicit way to amend an existing bug or idea submission. This would be helpful as more details are discovered or thought of, rather than submitting a new one and simply describing them as linked.
For various reasons, it should only be possible to add to an existing submission – not change the content previously submitted. Maybe it could also auto-separate sections, such as by adding a line like ” —– Added 0000-00-00: —– ” automatically before the new content.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1519791703
Level 28
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Crafting: Adding description option~
Body The option to add a full description to a crafted item.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1519808838
Level 24
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Think command (not social)~
Body This is from some RPI’s (Roleplay Intensive). ‘think’ as a command not a social.
ex. ‘think I hate the way that troll is smirking at me.’
ex. ‘think what was that sound????’
ex. ‘think the crowd hated my song.. I suck.’think command is a channel command ONLY available to IMM’s
it gives IMM’s an insight to inner thinking of the various characters.
It is totally optional to players. Players never need to ‘think’.
but if they do…. then IMM’s know their IC (in-character) thoughts. IMM’s can then
make plots or animate mobs accordingly.I have played RPI’s with ‘think’. I love it. As a player, when a mob ‘wakes up’ and
starts talking/interacting with my character… total immersion.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1519813461
Level 24
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Improved-Crit, Rays~
Body “Ray” should be a selectable option for improved crit for targeted ranged spells
Name Darvin~
IdNum 2727
Dated 1519913573
Level 31
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Make teleporters un-container-able~
Body I know that the teleporters will eventually be removed or replaced. In the meantime, it’s always a pain when you put everything in a container, then need to retreive the teleporter back out.
Can whatever flags are on the “SoulKnife” and “shadow stealer” daggers from the quest-point vender in Sanctus which keep telling me “you fail to drop…” also be applied to teleporters, too?
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1520144339
Level 28
Room 499
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text RP idea: Think command~
Body Don’t know if I already suggested this so…
Think command. Basically a ‘Think’ channel that only Imm’s can hear.
ex. think I really don’t like this haunted mansion.
would ONLY channel to the IMMs as ‘Player thinks I realy don’t like this haunted mansion.’This is a command that is common in RPIs (Roleplay Intensive MUDs).
It gives IMMs an opportunity to basically get the inner thinkings of the characters.
IMMs can then interact accordingly if they wish.
The above example, perhaps an IMM sends a spooky room echo that makes the Player go… wtf?
or the IMM creates a mob that interacts with the Player to heighten the mood.perhaps to clarify difference btwn ‘think’ social and ‘think’ command maybe… ‘rpthink’ command?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1520329869
Level 27
Room 373
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Potential Underdark City Names~
Body Shavrak Z’hind, Velkyn Velve, Mith’randa, Teyrvasellah, Vishna T’ein’de.
Name Hestim~
IdNum 1821
Dated 1520602205
Level 24
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Name generation~
Body Just dropping this link, for name generation purposes: https://worldspinner.com
It’s a really cool tool, but you obviously don’t need it for the world generation features. It
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1520602258
Level 29
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text the area under the floor in the wizard mansion with the mutated children has no indication that going up is an option once you descend~
Body the area in the wizard masion as part of the main quest has an area under the floor with mutated children in it. There is no indication that going up is an option once you descend down.
Name Braek~
IdNum 2873
Dated 1520607700
Level 7
Room 5925
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text lvl 30 achievements~
Body hestim. nuf said.
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1520611342
Level 34
Room 1204
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text quivering multiple ammo types~
Body Apparently, when there are multiple types of ammo in a quiver, only the one that was put in last is considered for use.
For example, I have 31 arrows and 31 bolts in my quiver. If the last thing I put in was a bolt, then my bow is useless. If I take out one arrow and put it back in, then all the arrows are usable, and the bolts no longer are.
I don’t have any magical arrows to test with, but I assume that my bow would use the last *type* of arrow put in, too.
Ideally, ranged weapons would check everything in the quiver for viability. Alternatively, if the quiver rejected different types of ammo once it was prepared with one type, the way it rejects non-ammo items, then it would at least avoid confusion.~
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1520838036
Level 34
Room 1208
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Merman, conch sell~
Body the conch shell that a merman holds. Make it an insturment for bards?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1520902366
Level 29
Room 32124
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mutated Children~
Body An alternate way to deal with the mutated children in the Wizard’s Mansion might be a good idea. One of the rooms in the basement dungeon lists a hole having been made in the wall, maybe have that be expandable so that healing/feeding the children can give you another way of completing it.
Name Durakh~
IdNum 2924
Dated 1520980967
Level 5
Room 5935
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Warning on Lady Raven quest~
Body Given how many people run painfully and unexpectedly into Lady Raven, it might be a good idea to add a line to the quest warning people to bring friends.
Something like adding to Veralis’ text: “If so, she is likely to be far more powerful than any normal wizard. You may wish to secure backup before confronting her.” or words to that effect.
That way, people aren’t so taken aback when they try the first time and fail.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1520982562
Level 30
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text XP Shop~
Body Currently, there doesn’t seem to be much of a point to gaining XP once you hit level 30. I think a shop that allows you to buy top level items with stockpiled XP would give people one more thing to work towards once they hit max level.
Name Hestim~
Notes How about creating/researching/crafting epic spells and equipment?
IdNum 1821
Dated 1520993014
Level 29
Room 23830
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Prevent attacks against group members~
Body There should be some protection against accidentally attacking a group member and having the entire group automatically turn on you.
Kalran just died because he attacked the “elf”, which is also a keyword for Ellyanor’s pet pixie.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1520995675
Level 30
Room 109266
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Chionthar Ferry, auto charmee follow on disembark~
Body charmees auto enter ferry, but do not disembark with leader. One must order charmee disembark.
maybe make a way that the charmees will auto-disembark with leader?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521006008
Level 30
Room 104266
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Neat rope/bucket feature~
Body kinda like this rope/bucket feature. Maybe can use elsewhere too?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521013245
Level 30
Room 1188
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text top player feats~
Body player with most kills: “butcher” feat, get bonus to stats, but only if you kill
at a certain rate daily 😛
player with most chats: “loose-lips” feat, randomly (rarely) a ‘say’ will become
a ‘chat’ – same time you get healedbwahahah
-z, ellyanor contributed to this idea
Name Zusuk~
IdNum 1
Dated 1521021324
Level 34
Room 1004000
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Wilderness coordinates without map~
Body There should be a command or toggle that will give you your coordinates in the wilderness without giving you the whole mini-map.
This is something that people who use screenreaders need in order to navigate the wilderness successfully.
I recommend “toggle coords”.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1521062226
Level 30
Room 1004002
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Group googledocs thing~
Body put the link to the Group google docs or even the help doc in HINTS.
the opening spam info stuff I think most players skip.
maybe in HINTS folks will see it?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521192076
Level 30
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text List known epic spells somewhere~
Body I have several epic spells from choosing those feats, but nowhere in the spell interface does it actually tell me that I have them available.
Things I’ve tried, all of which would be a reasonable place to put them:
* “spells cleric epic” – goes with the “xth circle cleric spells” -> “epic cleric spells” feat progression
* “pray” – Not listed with other prepared/castable spells
* “abilities” – Not listed as a 1/day ability to cast it.
I know that once it’s cast, it’ll show up on “cooldowns”, and the feats that grant the spells show up in “feats”, but neither one is an intuitive place to find this information.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1521201862
Level 30
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Keyring~
Body Would it be possible to have a keyring feature for each player, rather than being granted individual keys? When you come to unlock a door it would check if you had the right key assigned on your keyring, rather than checking if you own an individual key. I was thinking of using the same system as is used for noting which bosses have been defeated for the first time (displayed via the Info announcements), in that once a user has obtained a key it’s marked on his character account. This would mean the user~
Name Durakh~
IdNum 2924
Dated 1521213078
Level 9
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text ATTN: Thazull. Ellyanor, Ashenport house potential location~
Body I hope this location records the room number!
ok, so I am thinking of a house at this location.. but up from it.
In the tree. A treehouse.Please let me know if this is doable. And let me know if I should… just
post office in game mail you about further inquiries.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521366350
Level 30
Room 103064
Flags 1 0 0 0
Text Cleric spell: cast ‘sober’~
Body This spell will immediately make the target sober.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521447982
Level 30
Room 145214
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Wizard or Cleric skill/spell: imbue~
Body With this skill/spell, a person can ‘imbue’ a food or drink with magical properties.
example: imbue ‘cure crit’ waterskin; each drink will cure crit.
imbue ‘cure disease’ fountain; each sip will cure disease.
imbure ‘eyebite’ pond; each drink will cause eyebiteof course, these are timed and the food/drink source reverts back to ‘normal’.
poisons always stay.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521454377
Level 30
Room 368
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Spell Help files~
Body It would be great if the help files for spells listed the spell level at which they can be cast.
Name Thimblethorp~
IdNum 2975
Dated 1521518978
Level 9
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text A ‘look room‘ command~
Body A command to help parse out a room filled with a lot of inventory.
example: look room crystal
lists all items tagged as ‘crystal’
1. a blue crystal
2. a red crystal
3. a crystalline staffget 2.crystal will pick up a red crystal
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521527382
Level 30
Room 820
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Bell at Jasters Ring of Bells~
Body maybe make it an Instrument type?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521533356
Level 30
Room 106850
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Writable books~
Body These would allow players to write their own books of lore, either for public libraries or player homes.
Name Durakh~
IdNum 2924
Dated 1521587045
Level 14
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Wilderness mobs and bosses~
Body Monsters tied to certain areas or terrain types (for example a sea-monster in the Lake of Tears or a named Earth Elemental in the mountains). This would make the wilderness seem less empty and hunting bosses would give more reason to explore.
Name Durakh~
IdNum 2924
Dated 1521587118
Level 14
Room 251
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Hills Edge; lonely young man; potential quest~
Body I can absolutely see this mob as a part of a quest. Perhaps a lovers quest or something of that line.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521608492
Level 30
Room 120509
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text orbs that drop can be used for epic crafting of staves~
Body for wizard foci
Name Ornir~
IdNum 162
Dated 1521617113
Level 34
Room 110017
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Look in Portal~
Body look in portal will show the room description to where the portal leads.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521649279
Level 30
Room 144081
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Mini Quest idea: Ardeep Forest, crying fairy~
Body if it does not exist yet, there should be a mini quest for the crying fairy in Ardeep forest.
Also, this looks like a place that Fullstaff might show up.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1521649951
Level 30
Room 144083
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Spell refreshing~
Body It would be utterly fantastic if buffing spells could be coded in such a way that they could refresh/overwrite same spell types of the same or lower level. Currently ‘Circle against Evil’ will refresh itself, or Protection from Evil. Haven’t found many others that work
chat Alrighty I did
Name Thimblethorp~
IdNum 2975
Dated 1521674525
Level 16
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Commands while crafting~
Body please add the who list to the list of available commands usable while crafting
Name FriedPotato~
IdNum 2534
Dated 1522193746
Level 27
Room 145201
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Broom instead of Phantom Steed for casters~
Body Instead of Phantom Steed, perhaps a Broom for casters. maybe it is only for a specific class? Like sorcerers, or wizards.
I am not sure a druid or cleric would ride a broom. maybe something specific for each caster class?
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1522222469
Level 30
Room 30954
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Post-30 temporary boosts~
Body Rather than having some kind of *progression* post-30, it would be really cool to have temporary boosts that can be unlocked with xp.
This could be in the nature of flat buffs, superpowerful feats, or “mythic tiers”, but the key is that they’re temporary.
The player would be able to buff up in order to tackle end-game content, if they think that the xp cost is balanced by the potential gains. And if it isn’t, they can save up for another time. But because they’re all temporary, it avoids the problem of unlocking everything and then being out of new progression again.
As a rough ballpark, I’d suggest having them last for an hour, and persist through death. But it could also make sense to have them clear on death, or last longer, or X number of combat rounds, or something like that. If going with the mythic tier concept, costs could be exponential, so getting tier 2 costs more than getting tier 1 twice, but would provide either more than twice the boosts or access to two differenet stacking boosts at once.
Name Colla~
IdNum 2404
Dated 1522279771
Level 30
Room 145200
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Craft: instrument molds~
Body Instrument molds for bards to create their own insturments.
perhaps diff categories? Percussion, strings, woodwinds, etc.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1522487213
Level 30
Room 30900
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Logs into receipts into planks of wood~
Body Trade logs to Sazzy to get a receipt.
trade receipt to Mike? at logger camp near Ardeep Forest to get planks of wood.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1522573352
Level 30
Room 109051
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Feedback: Epic Crafting Robes of Ah’magan.~
Body VERY cool epic craft.
The actual process gives only 3 echoes.
You start to craft…
You almost fail.. (or something similiar)
You craftIt was SCARY. I was fearful that I would mess up and lose all ingredients and blueprint.
This is kinda good! It felt like the pressure was on.
When I was succesful, the item itself added to the reward of simply accomplishing the craft.
And it took about 60 seconds. With just three echoes. I was afraid to touch the keyboard lest I killed the process.
I love that.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1522573772
Level 30
Room 125881
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Feedback: Tower quest~
Body I loved the straightforward method of it. Dungeon crawl with clear goals.
clear and simple map with maybe one room off the path to explore.
This is good. No red herrings, no distractions from the main goal.I loved the journal. The group actually RP’ed in that room. Questioning the mission and ultimately who this Fullstaff was.
the combat challenges were really nice. Strategy, teamwork, patience. good stuff.
The lore… interesting. Made some group members rethink who they stood besides.
As a sorcerer with draconic bloodline… I felt angry. I felt like an outsider. And I almost felt like walking away and joining dragons somewhere.
some very cool personal RP stuff. I love it.
bravo! and thanks to all who helped construct it.ps. Would love to see the crashed tower in game somewhere. SOOO much to explore that I’m sure we missed.
Name Ellyanor~
IdNum 2739
Dated 1522581571
Level 30
Room 373
Flags 0 0 0 0
Body It would be lovely if we could set custom colors via PREFEDIT for different things that exist in the game world: EMOTES, SOCIALS, CHAT, GRATS, etc. As an explanatory example, I would like all emotes to appear in white and all socials to appear in light blue.
Name Navi~
IdNum 3052
Dated 1522646699
Level 1
Room 14114
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Make Charmees Unattackable~
Body As a Druid, one has to manage many CHARMEES, such as our animal companion. Using CON CAT in Mosswood targets the enemy mobile in the room, however, using KILL CAT targets our own CHARMEE animal companion LION. Would it be possible to make it so we can’t kill our own CHARMEES? Perhaps a message from the MUD to the affect of, “Why would you want to kill one of your own?” so that we know the targeting is off.
Name Navi~
IdNum 3052
Dated 1522660900
Level 2
Room 145202
Flags 0 0 0 0
Body When a CHARMEE kills a mob on their own, such as via ORDER FOLLOWERS KILL mob, the toggles for autosac and autoloot are not respected. Is it possible to have this changed so that they still take place automatically if the charmees do the killing?
Name Navi~
IdNum 3052
Dated 1522661233
Level 2
Room 145379
Flags 0 0 0 0
Text Level caps on groups~
Body at some point it would be good to have level caps for grouping. perhaps a 7 level gap would be fair
ie: you have to be at least 23rd to group with a 30th level character
Name Thazull~
IdNum 2378
Dated 1522684408
Level 33
Room 11415
Flags 0 0 0 0
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