Character Build: Defensive Warrior

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      To create a balanced ‘tank’ character. Focus is on heavy armor instead of dexterity build.

      Race: Human – Balanced stats, extra feat
      Class: Warrior

      Starting Stats
      Strength: 14, Dexterity: 14, Constitution: 15, Intelligence: 14, Wisdom: 10, Charisma: 10
      Balance in Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Taking 14 intelligence for an extra skill mastery and access to the ‘combat expertise’ feat

      Feat selection at level 1:
      Combat Expertise
      Weapon focus (in a good 1 handed weapon, such as a long sword)

      Skills trained:
      Heal – for treatinjury, spot healing
      Intimidate – for ‘intimidate’ combat maneuver to reduce enemy damage
      Total defense – totaldefense mode
      Lore – item indentification
      Discipline – ability to resist combat meaneuvers

      Stat boost selection (7 total points at level 30):
      Con (4)
      Str (3)

      Feat progression [General (6) Class (10) Epic (4) Epic Class (7)]
      power attack
      improved shield punch
      improved critical (in the weapon you focused on)
      power critical (focused weapon)
      shield charge
      shield slam
      improved disarm
      great cleave
      greater disarm
      armor specialization (heavy)
      [after level 4] weapon specialization (focused weapon)
      [after level 8] greater weapon focus (focused weapon)
      [after level 12] greater weapon specialization (focused weapon)
      epic weapon specialization (focused weapon)
      armor skin
      epic toughness
      epic skill focus (intimidate)
      epic prowess
      great strength (x3)
      great constitution (x3)

      • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by mosheh.
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