Build: Siangham Dervy

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    • #2723

      Goal: Lots of attacks! 🙂 12 attacks, no buffs


      ——————————-Score Information——————————–
      Name : Speedy Title : the Unmatched Weapon
      Race : Humn Classes : 5 War / 15 Mon / 10 WpM
      Sex : Male Alignment : Lawful Good
      Age : 103 yrs / 1 mths Played : 16 days / 22 hrs
      Size : Medium Load : 17/1500 lbs
      Hit points: 321(321) Moves: 161(161)
      Level : 30 CstrLvl : 0 DivLvl : 0 MgcLvl : 0
      Exp : 52329245 ExpTNL : -30954245
      ————-Ability Scores————————–Saving Throws————–
      Str: 30[10] Dex: 31[10] Con: 13[ 1] | Fort : 14 Will : 19
      Int: 18[ 4] Wis: 25[ 7] Cha: 18[ 4] | Reflex : 28
      BAB: 26 # of Attacks: 12 ArmorClass: 38 Wimpy: 0 Pos: Standing
      ———————————–Quest Info———————————–
      Quests completed : 4, Quest points : 4
      On quest : None
      Gold: 23806 Gold in Bank: 0
      You are sober.
      You are NOT summonable by other players.
      Type ‘attacks’ or ‘defenses’ to see your melee offense and defense
      Type ‘affects’ to see what you are affected by


      Combat Maneuver Bonus: 36, Combat Maneuver Defense: 55.

      Mainhand, Attack Bonus: 44; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Offhand, Attack Bonus: 42; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 15

      Mainhand (Haste), Attack Bonus: 44; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 1, Attack Bonus: 44; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 2, Attack Bonus: 44; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 3, Attack Bonus: 44; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 4, Attack Bonus: 39; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 5, Attack Bonus: 34; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Mainhand Bonus 6, Attack Bonus: 29; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 20

      Offhand (Improved 2 Weapon Fighting), Attack Bonus: 41; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 15

      Offhand (Great 2 Weapon Fighting), Attack Bonus: 36; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 15

      Offhand (Epic 2 Weapon Fighting), Attack Bonus: 46; a siangham
      Threat Range: 16, Critical Multiplier: 3, Damage Dice: 1D6, Dam Bonus: 15


      ———————————-Known Feats———————————–
      abundant step armor training (+1 ranks)
      blinding speed combat expertise
      critical specialist (-2 threat) diamond body
      diamond soul dodge
      evasion flurry of blows
      greater flurry greater two weapon fighting
      heavy armor proficiency improved critical (siangham)
      improved evasion
      improved two weapon fighting improved unarmed strike
      increased multiplier ki strike
      light armor proficiency martial weapon proficiency
      medium armor proficiency mobility
      perfect two weapon fighting power critical (siangham)
      purity of body
      quick to master quivering palm
      shield armor proficiency simple weapon proficiency
      skilled slow fall (+70 feet)
      spring attack still mind
      stunning fist superior weapon focus
      tower shield proficiency two weapon fighting
      unarmed strike unstoppable strike (+25 percent)
      weapon finesse weapon focus (siangham)
      weapon proficiency – monks
      weapon specialization (siangham)
      weapon training (+1 ranks) weapons of choice
      whirlwind attack wholeness of body
      Syntax: feats < known|available|all >
      Type ‘feat info ‘ to get specific information about a particular feat.
      Type ‘class feats
      ‘ to get a list of free feats that class gets.

    • #2867

      I’m curious how this work with help combat (I just copy and paste the specific content from help combat, not the whole thing):

      Combat Rounds:
      The combat round lasts 6 seconds, divided into 3 2-second phases. The attacks
      in your attack rotation (help ATTACKS) are divided up between these phases in
      the following way:

      Phase 1: attacks 1, 4, 7
      Phase 2: attacks 2, 5, 8
      Phase 3: attacks 3, 6, 9

      You may not have more than 9 attacks in a single combat round. You can
      check the number of attacks you have in your rotation by using the ATTACKS
      command. The number of attacks available is directly based on your Base Attack
      Bonus (BAB), which increases based on your class and level.

      As you can see, it says can’t have more than 9 attacks, so how do 12 attacks work in this system?

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