The Adventurers Guild comes to Ashenport.
A heavy set, grizzled man garbed in heavy chainmail strides into the Jade Jug Tavern, slamming his fist down on the table.
“Right you lazy bunch of good for nothings, who’s up for a job!”
The Adventurers Guild have opened a branch in the Jade Jug Tavern in Ashenport. Players can now take on Missions (Help Mission in game) which will reward gold, exp and reputation with the Adventurers Guild. A range of missions are available, so this will both help new players get started, and give experienced players excellent rewards for challenging missions at end game.
The Adventurers Guild also offers a range of Mercenaries that will join you on your own adventures, for a price! Which will help players with content that might otherwise require additional group members.
More News:
May continues the fantastic work done in April – and we celebrate the appointment of Havamal to the role of Head Builder. Hav has started in typical fashion, fixing a multitude of Typos, Color mis-use and other room description related issues.
Major Change:
Missions and Mercenaries are available via the Adventurers Guild representatives in Ashenport. This new system from Gicker really fleshes out the gameplay experience, ensuring there is always something to be done, no matter the character level. This also lays the groundwork for faction reputation, and a whole host of other features coming soon.
Other Changes:
Arcane Bloodline for Sorcerer has seen a tweak along with an updated helpfile.
A mob has been added in the Northern side of the Mosswood village who will identify all worn equipment for a cost
Skill checks and skillrolls added to dg Scripts, allowing builders to include content that checks specific skills
A variety of bug fixes for Alchemists
A huge amount of typos and color problems fixed by Havamal
Changes to MSDP to help with the new Mudlet GUI
Full Change log for May below:
[May 28 2020] – Gicker
Added the arcane bloodline help file.
Moved the staff commands: restore and set up to World Forger and Forger only.
Added a mob in northern mosswood village that will identify all of your worn equipment for a cost
in gold based on character level.
Added in a total exp cap, and a per-mob-kill exp cap for levels 5 and below. (previouwhoper kill
cap only started at level 6).
Added in a total exp cap, and a per-mob-kill exp cap for levels 5 and below. (previous per kill
cap only started at level 6).
[May 19 2020] – English
Moved Ashenport Mercenaries into the Appropriate Vnum zone.
[May 14 2020] – Gicker
Fixed a bug with Fullstaff’s horn (and other item’s with wear affect messages) so that the wear
message won’t trigger when saving your character.
Bombs that use existing spell effects (ie. poison bomb, dispelling bomb) will no longer fail
because of armor worn.
Bombs can be thrown at players now without requiring the pvp flag turned on, consistent with other
current pvp-related code.
Staff can now throw any bomb at any time.
Dispelling bombs can now be thrown at self of party members.
Dispelling bombs now cast greater dispelling when alchemist level is 14 or higher.
Added a check to ensure preserve organs doesn’t proc twice in one attack (from a crit and a sneak
Added poison resistances and bonuses to the poison spell, cloudkill spell, poison bombs and weapon
[May 13 2020] – Gicker
Added skillroll variable to dg scripts system. Will return skill value plus a d20 roll
Elemental mutagen now stacks based on greater/grand mutagen instead of inspiring cognatogen.
Fixed proper modifiers for true mutagen, congatogen and inspiring cognatogen.
Fixed poisontouch bug that granted constitution instead of reducing it.
Fixed a bug with ethereal shift which allowed you to shift mobs and players not grouped with you.
Added ability for staff to cast any spell.
Fixed clairvoyance spell to properly target mobs, not rooms.
[May 12 2020] – Gicker
Fixed dg scripts so they can now properly access player skill values
Added additional duration on poisons when malignant poison alchemist discovery known.
Fixed a bug where malignant poison would apply it’s modifier twice
Fixed sunlight bombs not setting dodge ac penalty on primary target
Fixed extend potion to double normal potion duration. Enhance potion was accidentally doing this,
and has had that functionality removed.
Added exit direction keyword for opening doors. Eg. open east
[May 11 2020] – Gicker
Fixed a bug when sometimes taking a new mission did not take effect.
Changed the spawn location for mission targets in Memlin Caverns
[May 11 2020] – Havamal
Eagle Tower door locks fixed up – thanks to Kaez for reporting
[May 11 2020] – Gicker
Added history for gsay.
Made item size an issue only with weapons and fireweapons (ranged weapons).
[May 11 2020] – Havamal
In the cases where I saw them in Mossword, armour and armor (British and US spellings) can both be
The Ashenportian encampment in Mosswood has seen a much-needed colour pass.
All of the various fence gates in Mosswood should now be open-able by prodding the direction, ie
if the gate is east, you can now OPEN EAST.
Paths in Mosswood are now actually path room types. The square is now ‘city’ representing the
village proper. The fields are now properly, well, fields. Many houses had rooms that were not
indoors, and are now marked as thus.
A lot of colour cleanup in Mosswood’s further reaches
Continuing to implement the player suggestion, the Mosswood vendors are now marked with orange
text to differentiate them from normal quest-givers, as well as the elder and the Wizard.
[May 10 2020] – Gicker
Confused mobs that kill another mob will properly award experience to the person that confused
them, if in the same room upon killing the other mob.
Fixed description on poison bombs
[May 10 2020] – Havamal
Patched up a hlquest that grants dragonscale armour. It will need converted to the proper system
eventually, however.
The Mosswood bean fields and the gnome’s house have been cleaned up.
The remaining Mosswood objects that needed a colour pass have been cleaned up.
The gate into the Mosswood forest where the mushrooms are collected now also responsds to the
direction the gate the gate is barring. ie, OPEN EAST
Some further colour cleanup in Mosswood fields
About half the items in Mosswood have gotten a colour pass.
[May 09 2020] – Havamal
Blindbreak Rest has been given a colour pass. Velna and the Protector of the orb are now coloured
as boss encounters. Aggro enemies are marked in bright red, hostile but not aggressive critters are
marked in dark red.
The mobiles in Wizard Training Mansion have all gotten a colour pass now. I’ve let the orbs be
for now, as a stylistic choice.
[May 09 2020] – Gicker
Require real race for class prereqs. Previously allowed polymorphed races to bypass this
Fixed poison bombs properly casting cloudkill now
Added ability for pvp to happen in the arena without needing pvp flags turned on.
Cleared currently made bombs on respec.
Require real race for class prereqs. Previously allowed polymorphed races to bypass this
Fixed poison bombs properly casting cloudkill now
Added ability for pvp to happen in the arena without needing pvp flags turned on.
Cleared currently made bombs on respec.
[May 09 2020] – Havamal
BOSS monsters are now signified with violet names to distinguish them from others. Right now
that’s Lady Raven and the Troll King. More to come as I get to them.
The cave trolls near Graven have been given a colour pass
Mr. Marorin now has his name in the room description.
Most of the camp proper in Graven Hollow has now gotten a colour pass.
[May 08 2020] – Havamal
The Graven Hollow fields, forest, and campsite have gotten a colour pass.
[May 08 2020] – Gicker
Added NoCharmieRescue peference in prefedit. If turned on your charmies won’t try to rescue you.
Added gold option to prompt
Added race and subrace to lore <mob> command.
[May 08 2020] – Havamal
Typo 181 resolved – the cows in the half-orc town pasture have been cleaned up colour-wise.
Typo 179 resolved – the professional soldier mercenary now is coloured in such a way in its
description the keyword is obvious
Typo 174 resolved – the undead adventurers have had their keywords cleaned up and room descs
cleaned up to make them more apparent. I did that while trying to maintain the ‘surprise’ as best
as I could – though I doubt many people are truly surprised by it.
Typo 175 resolved – Lady Raven now has her name in her room description, so it’s easier for new
players to recognize her
Typo 88 resolved – this emote has been fixed.
Typo 111 resolved – I have rewritten the text for this quest, so this typo is moot.
Typo 17 resolved – this was fixed long ago, as far as I can see, and I cannot reproduce that typo
in the kick messages now. If it comes up again, please create a new typo with particulars.
Typo 15 resolved – While this is technically true, MUDs have referred to the command as ‘affects’
for as long as MUDs have been a thing, so its probably unhelpful to change it.
[May 07 2020] – Havamal
The Jade Jug bar and its patrons have been given a colour pass to make them more legible, and
consistent with other areas.
The Elfstone Tavern and its patrons have gotten a colour pass to make colour more consistent and
Ashenport Way in Ashenport has had the colour cleaned up.
Typo 68 resolved – cannot get this typo to come up in combat, presumably it was previously fixed
and the typo just not closed properly
Typo 12 resolved – typos are not the venue to report game bugs. This has been reported in bugs,
so I have resolved the typo.
Typo 30 resolved – this room in Ashenport has been cleaned up of illegible colour.
Typo 45 resolved – this item has been removed from the game, so fixing the typo in it is
Typo 85 resolved – This was a duplicate report of typos in the treasure key quest.
Typo 64 resolved – the text for the treasure key in the newbie tutorial has been rehauled,
including fixing this reported typo.
Typo 79 resolved – the descriptions here have since been rewritten, so this typo has been
Typo 6 resolved – “Stum” in these messages means you or the enemy stumbled. It is intentional.
Typo 5 resolved – the spring colourcodes were previously fixed, this is a duplicate typo.
Typo 3 resolved – The acid arrow messages got looked at by Ornir – thanks!
Typos 1 and 2 resolved – this backstab message has long since been fixed, but hadn’t been marked
as resolved.
[May 07 2020] – Gicker
Increased gold rewards for missions
[May 07 2020] – Havamal
Typo 162 resolved – The Mosswood well has been cleaned up colour-wise. Also fixed the streetlamp
while I was in here.
Typo list 161 – The gate into the Mosswood forest bit where mushrooms are gathered now properly
[May 07 2020] – Gicker
added a summon command that will allow you to bring all your charmies to where you are
Added a flag to prevent purchasing more than one mob follower
[May 07 2020] – Havamal
Typo 160 resolved – This door existed on one side, but not the other. That has been fixed. It
also now has a description. The field before the barracks now also has a much easier on the eyes
Typo 159 resolved – This spring in Mosswood has been cleaned up so the colour is less of a mess.
Typo 158 resolved – Demic now has his name in the room description, so it’s more obvious.
[May 07 2020] – English
A Representative of the Guild of Adventurers has opened up in the upstairs room of the Jade Jug.
Denizens of the lands can hire Mercenaries from Fredrick to help them in their journies.
[May 06 2020] – Gicker
Added check for spell help files within study so certain broken help file refernces will now
target the correct help file.
Disalowed crafting skill gains when resizing something to your own race size, since said resizes
don’t cost gold
Added types to some ac and attack roll bonuses
Added favoredenemies command.
[May 06 2020] – Zusuk
i -think- i fixed the issue with duplicate account xp when multiplaying
fixed springleap from not working in some appropriate positions
Odotho Vodur: Add one_argument_c (buffer safe version of one_argument) along with
Odotho Vodur: Merge remote-tracking branch ‘origin/master’
Odotho Vodur: Add buffer safe any_one_arg_c, half_chop_c, and unit tests.
Odotho Vodur: Allow warnings in rtree for now.
Odotho Vodur: Begin migrating ACMDs to use const/buffer safe string functions.
Odotho Vodur: more migrating ACMDs to use const/buffer safe string functions.
Odotho Vodur: Fix autowiz.c
Odotho Vodur: Remove unused rtree code.
Rrebrick Valde (GUI): adding exit door keyword information to msdp for mapper/speedwalk fun
Rrebrick Valde (GUI): smarter speedwalk and general client module improvements
Rrebrick Valde (GUI): experience needed to level fix
fixed a display issue with ‘class info’ not showing proper base attack bonus
[May 05 2020] – Havamal
Riautar’s Weaponry in Ashenport has been cleaned up
Soothsayer’s Way in Ashenport and its playground have had the colour cleaned up.
[May 05 2020] – Gicker
added a toggle command for smash defense. See HELP SMASH DEFENSE
Removed exp caps from mission rewards
[May 05 2020] – Havamal
The High Road and Southern Gates of Ashenport have had their colour cleaned up.
[May 05 2020] – Gicker
Added to psychokinetic tincture help file that it caps at 5 spirits.
Made it so mission mobs from another person’s mission cannot assist mission mobs of a different
Adjusted mob hps for missions.
[May 05 2020] – Ornir
Paths are fixed!
[May 05 2020] – Havamal
The River Gates and River Street of Ashenport have had their colour cleaned up.
[May 05 2020] – Zusuk
epic mage armor, as designed, can now only be cast on oneself
xp group bug, thanks serity for finding it!
[May 05 2020] – English
Added Signs outside of Ashenport Gates to introduce Survey
Fixed a missing trigger in Alerion’s Outer Planes Quest line
[May 05 2020] – Zusuk
the auto-shutdown won’t execute during staff-ran events or happyhours
… a token that players can acquire that create happyhours?! wha?! ….
[May 05 2020] – Havamal
Typo 49 resolved – the typo in the Western Gate of Rankit has been fixed.
Typo 48 resolved – the typo in the description of the Eastern Gate of Rankit has been fixed.
I also took the liberty of cleaning up the foyer of the night club while I was there.
Typo 132 resolved – The incorrectly-named direction in the backroom of the Three Pearls Night Club
has been corrected. The description and colour are also cleaned up, and it has been correctly
marked as indoors.
Typo 133 resolved – this description in Wizard’s Training Mansion has been cleaned up of a few
things, including the mentioned typo.
Typo 150 resolved – abbreviating races in the SCORE is intentional.
Typo 29 resolved – fixed up the colour in this room.
Typo 16 resolved – there is no such wand that would spawn here. Please be sure to include the
short description of items in typos if it is for an item, so we can try to track it down if it
doesn’t spawn in the room you are reporting from.
Typo 42 resolved – the colour in this room has been cleaned up.
Typo 58 resolved – duplicate report of already-resolved typo
Typo 97 resolved – Not sure what might have been wrong here but the description has been cleaned
up in the Mosswood pass, so this is likely an obsoleted report.
[May 04 2020] – Gicker
Fixed a but with mutagens starting cooldown when certain parameters missing from the command.
Fixed a bug with psychokinetic tincture armor adjustment
mission cooldown reduced to 10 mins. Rewards adjusted commensurately.
Increased hps on mission mobs. Properly scaled hps on harder than normal mission mobs.
Added easy difficulty to missions
[May 04 2020] – Havamal
Severely toned down the frequency of several mob echoes in Llanwryn Keep – we’ll still need to go
through and re-evaluate many.
The Mug and Mutton in Llanwryn Keep has been cleaned up, colour-wise.
Rak’s Apothecary has been cleaned up in terms of colours.
The trade center of Llanwryn Keep has been cleaned up.
[May 04 2020] – Zusuk
fixed a crash bug with unfinish class kit-quests from hl zones
[May 04 2020] – Havamal
Typo 135 resolved – For this room in Blindbreak Rest, the ‘they’ was not so much superfluous as
the grammar of the first and second sentences were confused. I have cleaned them up to be more
Typo 134 resolved – I see no missing text in this room, likely it was resolved previously without
marking the typo as resolved.
Typo 75 resolved – the thief in the tutorial has had their gender corrected.
Typo 34 resolved – while the use of colour in this room on Skull Street was very creative, I agree
it caused legibility issues and as such have removed it. We will likely have to go over Ashenport
in general.
Typo 40 resolved – the colour in the Royal Chamber in the Ruined Keep has been cleaned up.
Typo 35 resolved – the Mosswood barracks has been re-organized slightly so that the grid layout is correct and without overlap.
Typo 145 – When referring to the forest surrounding the village, “the Mosswood” is correct.
Typo 143 resolved – this was addressed in my Mosswood cleanups, I believe.
Typo 77 resolved – This room in Blindbreak Rest now has a description.
Typo 114 resolved – HELP MAGIC MISSILE looks alright. Whatever problem it had was probably fixed
prior without this typo being resolved.
[May 04 2020] – Zusuk
added a very brief arena helpfile
added some code so you can slay each other in arena without xp loss
there is now a portal to the arena from ashenport
there is now a portal to the arena from the duergar hometown
new arena zone, vnum 1386
fixed mob bouncing flee off attacks of opportunities (i hope)
you need a move action to flee now
[May 04 2020] – Havamal
Typo 32 and 33 resolved – these were resolved when I went over Mosswood colour, but I didn’t know there were typos over them!
Typo 73 resolved – not being able to have spaces in a doors keyword is a technical limitation of
the engine. However, the description of it has no limitation, so I fixed that much!
Typo 92 resolved – this was fixed previously, but the typo was not marked as resolved. Oops on
our part!
Typo 91 resolved – I am unclear what this typo is meaning to communicate, however, what I read
suggests this is a mechanical complaint … TYPO is not the venue for complaints, suggestions, or
comments about mechanics. If you meant that some help file or other information *about* a mechanic
is incorrect, please resubmit a typo with more information, thanks!
Typo 138 resolved – while there are other problems with Alerion that we need to fix such as typos
reported in the quest, in this case of his description, both as it is now and what was suggested are
correct – the difference between the two is a matter of stylistic preference in writing.
Typo 90 resolved – The duplicated descriptions of some towels in the Dollhouse have been removed.
Typo 89 resolved – test successful?
Typo 147 resolved – the offending room description in the Wizard Training Mansion has been cleaned
Typo 151 resolved – this description looks fine.
Typo 131 resolved – Muleskull Tavern’s description has been cleaned up.
Typo 25 resolved – description in the entrance to the Training Halls has been fixed.
The bridge in Llanwryn Keep renamed to Llan Bridge. All the rooms in it now have unique
descriptions. Fancy!
[May 04 2020] – Zusuk
xp bonus based on level fixed, thanks serity
[May 04 2020] – Havamal
The keep has been renamed to Llanwryn Keep. The bridge traversing between north and south city
has been renamed the Llan bridge. Descriptions of the bridge have been rewritten to be more accurate and diverse.
Several more rooms in the Keep have had their titles cleaned up.
[May 04 2020] – Zusuk
you should now slowly de-regen when over max hps as per design
more tweaks to berserker rage hps bonus/clear
[May 03 2020] – Zusuk
calming down from rage will now drain the proper amount of hitpoints
starting to build a restriction list of spells that a stave can have on it 😛
mounts should have (temporarily) unlimited movement points (to help with wilderness travel)
trying to move while fighting gives a message (like it use to)
[May 03 2020] – English
Upped Load numbers of some mobs in Ardeep to bring it more in line with the Loads in Graven Hollow
[May 03 2020] – Zusuk
fixed some more wear off messages
[May 02 2020] – Zusuk
fixed all the reported missing wear off messages (so far)
added to the sign in mosaic that the zone only resets on exit
[May 01 2020] – Gicker
Added the mission system, which allows players to take NPC bounty missions at the adventurer’s
guild representitive near Alerion in Ashenport. See HELP MISSIONS for more details. Rewards need
to be tested and are likely to be adjusted.
[May 01 2020] – Havamal
The room descriptions in several of the Mosswood fields have been given more variety
200 rooms in the Keep now the titles’ colours cleaned up
[May 01 2020] – Zusuk
some tweaks and bug fixes to staff event system
RRebrick Valde: Support for sending character position via MSDP
RRebrick Valde: fix for msdp position value not setting right
Odoth Vodur: Add performance monitoring code.
Odoth Vodur: Increase embed_build_version size to avoid truncation.
Odoth Vodur: Fix crash bug in do_players.
Odoth Vodur: First pass strcpy -> strlcpy
Odoth Vodur: Remove .accepted in Makefile.
Odoth Vodur: Always rebuild constants.c with other files so that luminari_build is
Odoth Vodur: Reduce perfmon log spam by only dumping when high water mark increases.