While endless adventure awaits out in the game—there are other worlds beyond these.
Yet even beyond this existence of countless planets exist more worlds—entirely different dimensions of reality known as the planes of existence.
Except for rare linking points that allow travel between them, each plane is effectively its own universe with its own natural laws.
Collectively, the entirety of these other dimensions and planes is known as the Great Beyond.
Although the number of planes is limited only by imagination, they can all be categorized into five general types:
the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the countless demiplanes.
The Great Beyond
The planes are collectively known as the Great Beyond, and form a vast, nesting sphere.
At the heart of the sphere lie the Material Plane and its twisted reflection, the Shadow Plane, bridged by the mists of the Ethereal Plane.
The elemental planes of the Inner Sphere surround this heart.
Farther out, beyond the void of the Astral Plane, sits the unimaginably vast Outer Sphere, which is itself surrounded and contained by the innumerable layers of the Abyss.
What is a Plane?
The planes of existence are different realities with interwoven connections.
Except for rare linking points, each plane is effectively its own universe, with its own natural laws.
The planes break down into a number of general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the demiplanes.
Although the number of planes is limited only by imagination, they can all be categorized into five general types: the Material Plane, the transitive planes, the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, and the countless demiplanes.
(Source: Pathfinder Open Gaming)
Related Links: | Worldmap | Underworld or Underdark | The Great Beyond or Planes of Existence | Seaports & Swiftpaths |