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Luminari Weekly Update: 01/25/2013


-did even more tweaks with possible memory issues, having record uptimes since initial issues
-cleared a couple of small color bleeds
-transferred ideas to web forum for discussion, resolved a few critical ones
-cleaned typo and bug queue
-you now see when someone finishes posting a idea/bug/typo (thanks ambanya)
-also added some other OLC logs that were missing
-clan code has been split into two files and reformatted/reorganized
-added perform_shapechange for sharing mechanic between spell and druid skill
-nofight mobs don’t show up as fighting when you look at the room (orme request)
-nofight mobs shouldn’t hit under any circumstance now (orme request)
-added a char struct in race.c for cool polymorph messages (ripley idea)
*added dragon shapechange message (thanks Ripley)
-added new skills:
*use magic
*improved evasion
*crippling strike
*slippery mind
*defensive roll
*divine grace
*divine health
*lay on hands
-added new wizard/sorc spells:
*locate object
*freezing sphere
*acid fog
*summon creature vi
*mass haste
*greater heroism
*anti magic field
*greater mirror image
*true seeing
*globe of invuln
*greater dispelling
-added new helpfiles:
*use magic
*improved evasion
*crippling strike
*slippery mind
*defensive roll
*divine grace
*divine health
*lay on hands
*locate object
*freezing sphere
*acid fog
*summon creature vi
*mass haste
*greater heroism
*anti magic field
*greater mirror image
*true seeing
*globe of invuln
*greater dispelling
-modified rooms/help files related to tutorial zone
-added ambanya’s building-rules to help files
-added ambanya’s building-rules and stylistics help files to tutorial
-added some builder rerefence links to the ‘link’ page on the website
-changed ‘sorc’ command to ‘meditate’
-new class: PALADIN!
-added some minor new mem mechanics for paladins
-added new commands for paladins memming: petition/omit
-added new affect: disease
*initial temporary disease mechanic: you can’t go above 60% health
-modulized perform_affects so the ‘stat’ and ‘affect’ commands can share it
-turned report into greport (group only) and added new report command for sharing status to room
-fixed color in room names in prompt (thanks Ripley)
-made exits show up last in prompt (if you have them on)
-your hit points on your prompt will now change colors based on health percent
-added a conversion system for alignment, so now it resembles DnD
-added alignment changes to medit as requested by ambanya
-changed mlist as requested by ambanya
-for rooms requiring climbing, flight qualifies you
-fixed mag_summon messages, they were off by an index
-added summong messages that the caster can see too
-made sure a respec character un-toggles any staff flags
-made sure immort_vis got rid of greater invis
-changed MAGIC-USER/MAGE into WIZARD in help files (thanks ambanya)
-changed THIEF into ROGUE in help files (thanks ambanya)
-mob no-fight flag wasn’t called fightmtrigger(), fixed that (thanks orme)
-added restrictions to portal destinations:
*private rooms
*death rooms
*zone – closed
*zone – noastral

Luminari MUD Weekly 01/18/2013


-SPLIT WORKLIST, old worklist (news and changelog) is archived now
-bug in group system fixed (thanks Vatiken)
-added sorcedit.c for spells known for sorcerers
-added a strip_colors() function to modify.c
-added parse_tab() to comm.c make_prompt until i fix it right
-changed lots of functions in memorize.c to accomodate sorcerer-type memorization system
-undid bakarus changes to do_affects, you can view a victims affects with ‘stat aff’ command
-made sure resistances were checking that proper race of ch, and not mistaking it for pc
-had some crash issues, added some buffer-limit-checks to the prompt code to try and prevent it
-added some more inits to init_char function in db.c
-updated some missing constants in constants.c
-added a few more utility macros to util.h
-spent a lot of time trying to find memory leaks and other issues
-added a new function perform_help which is callable by a non-char
-added class help files to char creation process
-added a few more NUM_x and MAX_x in structs.h (mostly unused so far)
-hand-patched kavir’s protocol code version 6 -> 8
-added some more colors for AT-SIGN support
-updated help file for ansi/color
-added ‘sorc’ command for sorcerer spell interface
-we now have linked help assistance if you get the keyword wrong
-got rid of the ‘regen’ event
-replaced regen event with with regen_update in limits.c
-welcome the newest class to the game!! SORCERER!!
-changed ‘sorcedit’ command to ‘study’
-added a check in lists.c as recommended by Ripley, thanks!
-added portal object patch, thanks Jamdog
-added ‘decay’ flag, exclusive for portals to add a timer
-added some more (free) mud advertisements, check out our links page
-added new spell based on new portal mechanic: portal, 8th circle mage/sorc spell

Weekly Update: 01/11/13


HAND-PATCHED TBA3.63 Revision 312 -=-> Revision 354
new mob-flag “classless” in case you want the mob not to perform class-related skills
fixed stunning fist bug in peace rooms (thanks miran)
Finished porting over msgedit, seems to test fine
added help MSGEDIT
increased default tick damage for poison to 1d4
added dire spider mob for summon creature iv (thanks Orme)
modified animate dead mob: zombie (vnum 11)
Tweaked all animate dead mobiles (11, 35, 36, 37)
Finished Spell(s) 4th circle mage (sorry about redundancy):
-fire shield
-cold shield
-wizard eye
-stone skin
-remove curse
-ice storm
-animate dead
-greater invis
-rainbow pattern
-summon creature iv
-minor globe
-billowing cloud
-locate creature
-shrink person
-enlarge person
Finished Spell(s) 5th circle mage:
-acid sheath
-interposing hand
-wall of force
-ball of lightning
-summon creature v
-waves of fatigue
-symbol of pain
-dominate person
-mind fog
-faithful hound
-cone of cold
Added help files:
-acid sheath
-interposing hand
-wall of force
-ball of lightning
-summon creature v
-waves of fatigue
-symbol of pain
-dominate person
-mind fog
-faithful hound
-cone of cold
rewrote the code for list_spells to include paging
the “spells” command with no argument defaults to a char’s current class (per ambanya request)
the “spelllist” command with no argument defaults to a char’s current class (per ambanya request)
reformatted who list to add an extra space for elves
object 3098, room 1204 bulletin board officially designated as ‘help’ board
IS_BADGER converted to IS_ANIMAL
added IS_UNDEAD macro for “halt undead” spell
added the mechanic for billowing cloud in comm.c
added room affections to “look” command, its next to the room title ()
found/fixed a small bug if you were too high level to be affected with stinking cloud, it would send you spam
disabled ‘acid splash’
disabled ‘ray of frost’
added ‘does-not-fight’ flag for mobiles, mobile won’t do melee attacks
added mechanic for cloudkill spell
added mechanic for magical walls (blocking exit)
added “Fatigued” effect: -2 hit/dam/armor-class, no movement regen
Added “regenning” effect: double regeneration of hps/moves/mana
Added “regenning” room flag: doubles regen in room
gnomes now get +2 save bonus versus illusion damage saves (in addition to effects)
added mechanics for faithful hound
added dismissal mechanic

Luminari MUD Weekly: 01/04/2013


{DONE – this past week}
updated some help files relfecting changes to trigs/scripting:
-help saving
-help self
stunning fist will now interrupt casting (and STUN affects)
display/prompt commands: when you select “all” or “none” it will automatically disable “auto” mode if its on
fixed some colors in a prefedit menu
added some more checks in combat to stop fighting where its appropriate
*added default DnD race-types:
-MAG_BEAST // magical beast
-MONSTER_HMN // monsterous humanoid
-(behaviour NOT coded yet)
got rid of annoying NPC race messages
added class-array to whois command
added racial-morph-check to whois command
if you have new mail, it’ll show (mail) on your prompt
added 3 sub-race slots in medit
added sub-races
-(behaviour NOT coded yet)
Well sick again, brain is too fried to code so well, so added luminari listings:
-*added these links to our website if anyone wants to view or vote:


According to Vatiken’s Recommendations and our code, marked “Internal” zones <*>
-Added notification in zlist of this new information, and help file: RESERVED

Update: 12/28/2012


new updated helpfiles content taken/inspired from neverwinter nights manual:
-magic user
updated help file influenced by toril:
added a little info and updated some of the help files on the epic races
trolls are classified now as advanced races and require 2x exp
trolls are now vulnerable to acid, but resistant to poison and disease
fixed duplicate info in ‘innates’ command with trolls
half elf gained ‘half-blood’ innate
halfling gained ‘shadow hopper’ innate
halfling gained ‘lucky’ innate
gnome gained ‘illusion affinity’ innate
gnome gained ‘tinker focus’ innate
fixed typo with poison
fixed conflict with poison and trelux leap
fixed typo in leap
made it so trelux attack with both pincers now (they suffer dual wield penalties)
made it so you can double backstab with pincers now
added a ‘dismiss’ command that gets rid of all followers not in the same room as you
added skill-improvement system framework
you can now, through usage, increase skills from learned to mastered (75 -> 99)
if fighting in room, should show “… fighting X.” a change in code by me got rid of this
applied different check in act.informative to address “… fighting X.”
transferred all the relevant old forum content to the new one
restored zone 248 due to error issues
fixed peace command when dealing with npc casters
updated switch opponents to deal with new position code, fixing a bug in the process
added some help files:
-armor apply
-*and many others i simply don’t remember now
added new zone: QUAGMIRE, thanks to Vaprak
QUAGMIRE is now a valid teleport target
help zones now shows QUAGMIRE
added carrier return to do_scan as per ambanya request
SENSE_LIFE now only allows you to sense hidden things, not fully see them
rewrote the utility function in utils.h to handle DnD type hide checks
hide system hasa been redone, its now a spot check versus hide
added a ‘spot-mode’ to actively attempt to find hidden mobs/players
backstab gets a small bonus if hidden/sneaking when attempted
allowing a small list of commands performable while hidden:
-*it also requires you are sneaking before you attempt to hide
-(move any direction)
-gtell/gsay (for scouting)
moved hide/invis appear() in damage() down towards bottom of function
-*keep an eye on this for ok behaviour
POS_FIGHTING became deprecated with the new position system
-so replaced POS_FIGHTING with FIGHTING() macro
spellbook framework begun, taking it from CWG (see CREDITS)

Update: 12/21/2012


New Epic Race: Trelux (idea from Crez)
new mechanic: natural weapons
fly ability
land (gets rid of fly)
trelux leap
wizard eye spell mechanics implemented
added some more dummy checks to perform_attacks
fixed some stock zone problems (thanks eleusis)
cleaned out the idea que
cleaned out the bug que
cleaned out the typo que
fixed some reported typos
the pc racial indicator has been moved to before the chars name
zone level recommendations will only be given to newbies (6th or lower)
display command is deprecated, so added that notice to prompt/display command
help display notes deprecation of the command
adding more info to scan by request (thanks ambanya)
got rid of some weather messages to stop annoying ambanya so much
did some clean up in skill_messages() function
moved todo list from on here to the forum
simplified stock title system: no longer sex-dependent
Add new titles for:
added a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LuminariMud
created framework for damage-shields (like fireshield)
about halfway done with 4th circle mage spells
removed empty zones: