Since our last major update in October 2022 we’ve done a lot of work, both code-side and world-side.
The code side has seen a large number of new spells and races added to the game, of special note being the Lich and Vampire races. Quite powerful, they require the completion of a challenging quest line (one for each of the two races), and upon successful completion, your character will change their race to Vampire/Lich.
The world side has seen the additon of sea ports as a fast travel option between continents and other sea ports on your current continent. A large number of zones were added to our world map including a new end game zone deep in the under dark: the Fire Giant Keep.
Our main end game challenge remains the battle against ‘The Prisoner’. This battle has been made more difficult, been given more phases and unique boss-AI, and the possible list of equipment drops has increased hugely. Most of these items are the best in the game, and some even have unique behaviour tied to that item alone.
Staff-triggered events have been added for both the Prisoner battle and the Fire Giants Keep, which, when active, increased the challenge and drop rate of items, and even some additional items only obtainable during the event.
Here’s a list of the major changes:
- Buffing system, allowing you to set up a list of spells and psionic powers to buff yourself with a single command… no need to create aliases in your MUD clients.
- Prisoner battle gear additions
- Vampire and Lich Epic races and quest lines
- 13 new races: High Elf, Wood Elf, Half Drow, Dragonborn, Tiefling, Stout Halfling, Forest Gnome, Gold Dwarf, Aasimar, Tabaxi, Goliath, Shade , Fae
- A large number of new zone additions, including a new end game zone: Fire Giant Keep
- Food and drink can now be bought, which have different buffing affects when consumed.
- 39 New Spells: Minor Illusion, Moonbeam, Hellish Rebuke, Ant Haul, Mass Ant Haul, Corrosive Touch, Planar Healing, Cushioning Bands, Ghost Wolf, Gird Allies, Glitterdust, Protection From Arrows, Spider Climb, Warding Weapon, Aqueous Orb, Mount, Communal Mount, Human Potential, Mass Human Potential, Black Tentacles , Greater Black Tentacles, Control Summoned Creature, Charm Monster, Mass Enlarge Person, Mass Reduce Person, Communal Protection From Arrows, Rage, Communal Resist Energy, Siphon Might, Communal Spider Climb, Caustic Blood, Greater Planar Healing, Mass Daze, Hold Monster, Overland Flight, Communal Stoneskin, Hostile Juxtaposition, Greater Hostile Juxtaposition, and Banishing Blade.
- A large number of bug fixes and miscellaneous game play improvements
And, the full changelist:
[Jan 20 2023] - Gicker
Added the banishing blade spell.
[Jan 16 2023] - Zusuk
upgraded axe of calamity, negetive energy ray fires at 500% and now has chance to fire 'symbol of pain' spell
[Jan 12 2023] - Gicker
Added communal stoneskin, hostile juxtaposition, and greater hostile juxtaposition spells.
[Dec 22 2022] - Gicker
Added the flightlist command.
Added the overland flight spell.
[Dec 19 2022] - Gicker
Added the hold monster spell.
Added the greater planar healing and mass daze spells.
Added communal spider climb and caustic acid spells.
[Dec 16 2022] - Gicker
Added the communal resist energy and siphon might spells
Added the communal protection from arrows and rage spells.
[Dec 15 2022] - Gicker
Add mass enlarge person and mass reduce person spells.
Fixed a bug with masterlist command.
Hopefully fixed a bug with bardic song of flight.
[Dec 13 2022] - Gicker
Added the charm monster and control summoned creature spell.
Blood drain willnow restore more 'time' for recently fed and will negate 'blood starved' more quickly.
Threshold for recently fed and blood starved increased.change Should result in longer periods for 'recently fed' when actively and strategically using blood drain, and high unlikelihood of being blood starved in similar circumstance
The following commands now longer break 'hide': mark, race, class, cooldowns, abilities, resistances, lore, ooc, osay, rest, say
Added the following new spells: human potential, mass human potential, black tentacles, greater black tentacles
Also added the following to not break hide: chat, powerattck, expertise.
Chat messages will now be seen in study and prefedit menus
Chat messages will now be seen in study and prefedit menus
Added the following new spells: human potential, mass human potential, black tentacles, greater black tentacles
The following commands now longer break 'hide': mark, race, class, cooldowns, abilities, resistances, lore, ooc, osay, rest
Threshold for recently fed and blood starved increased. Should result in longer periods for 'recently fed' when actively and strategically using blood drain, and high unlikelihood of being blood starved in similar circumstance
Blood drain willnow restore more 'time' for recently fed and will negate 'blood starved' more quickly.
[Dec 12 2022] - Gicker
Blood drain should stave off blood starved status much more efficiently now.
Blood drain will now properly start a fight with the target if not fighting already.
[Dec 12 2022] - Zusuk
fixed the doors in the astral part of soubar underhalls
[Dec 11 2022] - Gicker
Changed the vampire blood drain ability to use the blooddrain command now, and no longer requires grappling. See HELP BLOOD DRAIN.
[Dec 09 2022] - Gicker
Added spell: communal mount
Added spells: aqueous orb and mount
[Dec 08 2022] - Gicker
Added the spider climb and warding weapon spells
Added the protection from arrows spell
[Dec 07 2022] - Gicker
Added the gird allies and glitterdust spells.
[Dec 05 2022] - Zusuk
added cone of cold to frost blade proc
[Dec 04 2022] - Zusuk
the prisoner drop (non event) increase from 7 to 8 items
new prisoner trove item: a titans heavy-pick
new prisoner trove item: a double-headed battle axe of calamity
new prisoner trove item: a shock lance of brilliant adamantine
new prisoner trove item: a dragon-hide whip tipped with arcanite
new prisoner trove item: a portable hole
new prisoner trove item: a vertiginous hoop of vitality
new prisoner trove item: a brightly ornamented shawl of the artist
new prisoner trove item: floating arcanite of psionic power
new prisoner trove item: a hound-skull helm of the divine warrior
[Dec 03 2022] - Pathos
Fixed Demic quests issue with zone resetting. Now players will be able to do quests easier.
[Dec 02 2022] - Zusuk
new prisoner trove item: animated eyes of a pit demon
new prisoner trove item: a winged titanium open-faced helm
new prisoner trove item: the transcendental boots of the voyager
[Dec 01 2022] - Zusuk
new prisoner trove item: a grandidierite amulet of resistance
new prisoner trove item: an aspect of a hideous scoundrel
new prisoner trove item: a scale mail helm of dragonkin
[Nov 30 2022] - Zusuk
15 more items added to the prisoner treasure trove... details to follow
[Nov 29 2022] - Zusuk
fixed elven ice sword
[Nov 28 2022] - Gicker
Added these new spells: corrosive touch, planar healing, cushioning bands, ant haul, mass ant haul.
[Nov 27 2022] - Zusuk
attached 'pelleors praire' at (-886, 65)
attached 'snake pit' at (-111, 776)
attached 'stag forest' at (-129, -557)
[Nov 26 2022] - Zusuk
attached 'bugbear caverns' at (-163, -505)
attached 'serpent path' at (-432, -136)
[Nov 25 2022] - Zusuk
attached 'battle of bones' at (-409, -83)
attached 'yellow snake pass' at (-203, -440)
[Nov 24 2022] - Zusuk
attached abbey of lost tears at -269, -86
attached scorched forest at -331, -321
[Nov 23 2022] - Zusuk
attached the lost vale zone, reachable via portal on tethyamar trail
attached 'tethyamar trail' at (174, 414)
[Nov 22 2022] - Zusuk
corm orp caverns moved to proper sublink sheet for internal notes/mapping
[Nov 21 2022] - Zusuk
arath zuul attached to crystal caverns (underdark 1184)
crystal caverns attached to deep caverns (underdark 1369)
changed the website map of the underdark from an exported image of the diagram to a dynamic link, so changes to the diagram will dynamically update on the website
updated the diagram-map of the underdark
attached Daurgothoth's Domain at 786, -377
[Nov 20 2022] - Zusuk
connected zone amenth'g'narr to the labby (1281) [underdark]
connected zone 'serene forest' at 625, -653
connected zone 'the lurkwood' at -522, 440
connected zone outcast encampment at 342, -198
[Nov 19 2022] - Zusuk
more auditting of zones
[Nov 18 2022] - Zusuk
more auditting of zones
[Nov 17 2022] - Zusuk
the new gear constructions continues
[Nov 16 2022] - Zusuk
new gear for random load in prisoner battle is being constructed *drool*
[Nov 15 2022] - Zusuk
attached the marble pyramids to the wilderness (end game)
imix can no longer wander between planes like some sort of hobo
fixed hallway door in soubar underhalls vnum: 114104
[Nov 14 2022] - Pathos
fixed a couple keywords on some mobs at Crystal Castle
[Nov 13 2022] - Zusuk
timestop should reduce your buffself time
added a mechanic so you won't try to ironskin if you got an epic ward/or a treshold+ left on your current ironskin
fixed a handful of bugs in the bug list, sort of lost track of all the details :P
fixed blind fight feat info so it matches the code
fixed the crude dagger in zone 44
fixed it so a unique portal is set up for both the mosswood connection to the training hall and the training hall exit portal
fixed and added soem protocol data per player submission
fixed a broken potion per player bug submission
per a player request, when grappling and unable to attack, the message is more detailed
liches are supposed to only get acrobatics as a free racial ability, they were getting stealth/perception as well which isn't correct
mental barrier now has bonus-type of deflection instead of enhancement
[Nov 13 2022] - Gicker
Added food and drink to revoke list.
hp, mv and psp regen affects are now working properly.
[Nov 12 2022] - Zusuk
fixed another sail crash bug
sailing crash has been fixed (certain destainations would crashs it because it was trying to access something outside of the carriage array)
mobiles will no longer use pc corpses to animate
[Nov 11 2022] - Zusuk
added 2 more ascii art pieces for copyover :)
changed it so unlock status/cost for races is taken from race_list[]
[Nov 11 2022] - Courtesy of our beloved Gicker:
new epic race at 50k account xp unlock cost: fae - tiny, dextrous, resilient tricksters
new helpfile: help fae
new feat: fae flight
new feat: fae senses
new feat: fae resistance
new feat: fae magic
new feat: fae racial adjustments
[Nov 11 2022] - Zusuk
alignment restrictions for race are now being implemented at character creation
[Nov 10 2022] - Zusuk
psionic power 'psionic vigor' alias was just 'vigor' - changed it so its more intuitive for players
fixed emote inserted into 'help use' file
per player request, added a little ascii art to the copyover message
[Nov 09 2022] - Zusuk
added fear-immunity check to frightful presence mob skill
added a duration to endorphin surge so it won't just run out the instant invoke it
fixed an overlap in spellnums starting with levitate
another fix for tinker
fixed burly dwarf + slaver problem (mixed up quest)
[Nov 09 2022] - Gicker
Added the monkey grip feat.
Added the following new races: High Elf, Goliath, Shade
[Nov 09 2022] - Zusuk
fixed some mislabeled cooldowns
the professor of spellcasting in the tutorial would default to talking to you as if you were a monk as a default class - changed that
made it so demic gives you the amulet back in the tutorial
temporary change to num_races to try to avoid crash with accexp-race command
fixed tinker (had no daily feats assigned)
zone audits continue, another 40 remaining... most of them are connecting/road-like zones that we likely won't be using
replaced some general infra/ultra checks with the ultil.s alias that is more encompassing
halfdrow now get ultravision
a multitude of undocumented world fixes/tweaks/connections (mostly portals/switches/script doors)
attached 'the trade way' and 'the way inn' zones
[Nov 08 2022] - Zusuk
new zones evening star, haunted halls and deeper halls attached (check survey!)
modified help scribe to include scrolls (thanks naul!)
improved the hint to open the altar in thunderholme
gear item fixed: a ring of blood letting
gear item fixed: a mask of rippling flame
gear item fixed: the broken wings of an erinyes
gear item fixed: a jeweled platinum necklace
gear item fixed: a sapphire studded silver bracelet
gear item fixed: a shiny golden ruby ring
gear item fixed: a beautifully carved jade dragon
gear item fixed: a fine throwing boulder
gear item fixed: a hood of swirling clouds
gear item fixed: a petrified spider earring
gear item fixed: a suit of remorhaz scale armor
gear item fixed: an amulet with a fiendish face
gear item fixed: an amulet inscribed with dwarven runes
gear item fixed: a scarab of death
gear item fixed: a jeweled sword scabard
gear item fixed: the Gown of the Mother ..It emits a faint humming sound!
gear item fixed: a black hood and cloak
gear item fixed: the ring of unlimited wishes
the value for act() condense combat toggle was replaced with a define in the code
some tweaks to ironskin/epic warding to hopefully improve their effectiveness/efficiency
let me know your thoughts on this change: i made it so you can't ironskin someone who still has over a configurable threshold left on your ward (value set at 151 right now)... this way you can sort of spam ironskin casting without being wasteful of the spell
[Nov 07 2022] - Zusuk
new staff command: aqref, works like qref but for the autoquest system
[Nov 07 2022] - Pathos
Fixed some typo and bug submissions.
[Nov 07 2022] - Zusuk
began more zone audits
started replacing some strcpy with strlcpy
adding init calls in the code for buffers
fixed the shadow master saving throw check
another fix attempt to concentration issue with shadow dancers
there was a bug in the code that all mobs level 31+ could cast spells instantly, fixed that, its meant for staff, not NPCs
fixed the order followers bug that kept crashing us
[Nov 06 2022] - Pathos
Fixed more typos in rooms, mobs, and quests.
[Nov 06 2022] - Gicker
Added the following races: tiefling, stout halfling, forest gnome, gold dwarf, aasimar and tabaxi
Added the dragonborn race.
Improved stats on liches, vampires and trelux
Fixed some out-of-date racial help files.
Added the Half Drow Race
[Nov 05 2022] - Zusuk
removed minimum level requirement for gear, plans to implement system that will hide the gears powers unless certain level/stat/etc requirements aren't met
shadow dancer spells don't require concentration checks
deafness should not interupt the cure deafness spell now
[Nov 04 2022] - Zusuk
gear item fixed: an elven longsword engulfed in swirling flames
gear item fixed: a fiery amber bracelet
gear item fixed: an ancient biting duergar battleaxe
gear item fixed: a mithril badge etched with the symbol of the thieves guild
gear item fixed: a penanggalan tooth earring
gear item fixed: a thin black mask
gear item fixed: a pair of emerald encrusted silver slippers
gear item fixed: an ethereal sack
gear item fixed: a stoppered vial of crystal
fixed a couple typo's reported by MonsterBoy
[Nov 03 2022] - Gicker
Gave mountain dwarves another +1 to strength to offset weak racial feats.
[Nov 03 2022] - Zusuk
tinker was using can_mastermind instead of can_tinker
added key for room 157648
[Nov 02 2022] - Gicker
-Updated the help files on most races.
-Elves are now known as moon elves. They no longer have a -2 penalty to strength and gain +1 to wisdom now in addition to the +2 to dex. They now gain the lunar magic and bathed in moonlight feats.
-Dwarves are now known as mountain dwarves. They no longer have a -2 to charisma, and gain a +2 to strength in addition to the +2 to con. They gain light and medium armor profieciency and the encumbered resilience feat.
-Halflings are now known as lightfoot halflings. They no longer suffer a -2 penalty to strength and gain a +1 to cha in addition to the +2 to dex they have. They gain the naturally stealthy and shadow hopper feats.
-Half elves now get +2 to cha and the adaptability feat.
-Half Orcs no longer suffer -2 penalties to int and cha, and now get a +1 to con in addition to their +2 to str. They gain the menacing, savage attacks and relentless endurance feats.
-Gnomes are now known as rock gnomes. They no longer suffer a -2 to str, and now have a +1 to con and +2 to int instead of +2 to con. They gain the tinker and artificer's lore feats.
-Half Trolls have gained an additional +2 to cha, int, wis and con.
-Arcana Golems have gained an additional +1 to cha, int and wis, and +2 to con and str.
-Drow Elves have gained an additional +2 to int and con. They also gain the drow innate magic feat.
-Duergar have gained an additional +2 to cha and str. They also gain the duergar magic feat.
-Crystal Dwarves have gained an additional +2 to dex and wis.
-Added a new race: wild elf. They gain +2 to dex and +1 to str. In addition to racial feats all elves get, they get wood elf fleetness and mask of the wild feats.
-Added the RACEFIX command. This will allow you to gain the new racial stats and feats without hav
ing to respec.
-The race numbers for lich and vampire changed in the code. If you log in with your lich or vampire character and their race has changed, please contact a staff member to correct the issue for you.
-Added the tinker command.
-Added the following new spells: moonbeam, minor illusion, hellish rebuke.
[Nov 02 2022] - Zusuk
tweaked down the need for ironskin to help with end-game content
added a new helpfile: undead-race ... this helpfile will share the details of bonus/penalties of being undead
2nd attempt at corpse-key bug fix :P
[Nov 01 2022] - Zusuk
you can no longer open keyless locks with corpses
fixed the door at the great black altar (keyword lock)
[Oct 31 2022] - Pathos
More typos fixed for rooms, mobs, and objects.
[Oct 31 2022] - Zusuk
fixed angel feather leggings
put an indication in group display whether your members are in the same room as you or not
added some dummy checks in code that has caused crashes
[Oct 30 2022] - Zusuk
added a hint indicating the starting location of the vampire race quest
[Oct 30 2022] - Pathos
Items on the typo list being resolved and obsolete items cleared out of list.
[Oct 29 2022] - Zusuk
new group command - group appoint <target in group>, this will change leadership of the group
made the group kick command work for people who aren't in the same room
[Oct 29 2022] - Pathos
Fixed broken keys for Daurgothoth's Domain
[Oct 28 2022] - Gicker
Fixed a crash issue with NPC rescues.
[Oct 27 2022] - Gicker
Removed the llog system for tracking lastb login info. Replaced with the former 'last complete' functionality.
[Oct 27 2022] - Zusuk
fixed the gate keyword in luskan
re-wrote gate code so it'll be a --laaaawwwwwwwwtttt-- less likely to fail for the caster
slight increase to prep time based on relevant class stat
cedit (game config) reduced the prep time by 17% on top of other improvements in general prep time
class based prep time variable has been reduced a bit
base circle-based prep time has been reduced by a factor
finally, a quest to kill the Prisoner :) Alerion has it, you must complete the main quest line to access it
[Oct 26 2022] - Zusuk
locate object will now give a lot more results back, level + your highest mental stat (charisma vs wisdom vs intelligence)
locate object will now handle multiple keywords via dash, i.e. cast 'locate object' long-sword
[Oct 26 2022] - Pathos
Mage shield spell helpfile changed to reflect the name change of the spell.
[Oct 25 2022] - Gicker
Added extra manifesting time in buffself when using extra augment psp on the buffed power.
Added a little more time between castings for the buffself command.
[Oct 25 2022] - Zusuk
found multiple spots in the code where bringing a mobile/pc to a location lacked adequate wilderness checks - should be good now!
summon command will now work in wilderness
summon command now costs 500 moves
fixed a weird extra entrance to dwarven mines in the wrong spot - thanks for repoting arcavius
had to trim down the news file, was too big!
[Oct 24 2022] - Zusuk
added diagnol directions to the 'not break hide' list of commands
renamed wiz/sorc shield spell to 'mage shield'
trelux can now wear items on their feat and hands
added a sign advising that the tutorial zone is still under construction and may have missing/broken issues while we work on it :)
[Oct 24 2022] - Gicker
Added new class names to the game tutorial.
vampire cloaks can now have color symbols in their description, using the key for color codes.
[Oct 24 2022] - Zusuk
dropped fire giant invasion efreeti mercs hps quite a bit
armplates of valor for opposite alignment somewhere per requests
added a sign post for newbies next to the elder to point out the importance of hopping onto the main quest line :)
added an ooc note in the training hall quest that mosswood elder starts the main quest line
some reason demic wasn't giving the amulet back, he does now
[Oct 23 2022] - Zusuk
duration to rage is increased to 12 + con-bonus * 3
shadowshield will override shield spell (same bonus type of shielding)
shield of faith is deflection type, so has no restrictions for stacking
armor spell has been rebraned as 'shield of faith!'
epic mage armor will override mage armor
bark skin can now be stacked with any protection spell
blur attack procs (like malevolnce and rune scimitar) are limited to 1x/6 seconds (1 round)
40% reduction in king guards, halved the jarl loads in fire giant invasion, and 20% reduction in efreeti mercs... added an extra item to the treasury.. enjoy!!
new feat for shield specialists: epic shield user, 10% to avoid damage from incoming attacks per rank (max 2 ranks) - this is NOT concealment and will protect from any form of incoming physical damage
some more layers of protection have been added to the new 'careful with pet' toggle
uptime command now can be accessed by anybody (used to be staff only)
[Oct 22 2022] - Gicker
Sea ports working as intended now.
[Oct 22 2022] - Zusuk
new toggle: careful with pets.. this will add some dummy checks to reduce the chance of you aggroing your pet or your pet aggroing you
[Oct 21 2022] - Gicker
Added Sea ports around the world map and the sail command.
[Oct 19 2022] - Gicker
Added a buffing system to allow for easy self-buffing without needing to set up aliases and timers. See HELP BUFFING for more info.