Ornir Elunari
Forum Replies Created
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterThanks Ellyanor!
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterThis is excellent Dewinter, thank you so much for putting this together!
– O
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterYou can submit them however – Maybe send me a Facebook message (Ornir Elunari) or an email (contact me in-game) for a start. I would love to hear your ideas!
– O
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterOne issue is that splitting up the already small playerbase by spreading them throughout the world has a chilling effect on forming groups, etc. This will be compounded further with the removal of the teleporter.
If the playerbase increased significantly then this is a good idea!
– O
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterHi Enyuu –
This is some very helpful feedback, thank you so much for doing the research.
It would be interesting to see if the higher level spells are more useful in a raiding situation, since it may last longer, provide less opportunity for regen and have much more powerful targets. It seems to me like speed and ‘getting back to the game’ were both important aspects to your playing style. It would take an awful lot of scorching rays and magic missiles to take down some of the beefier bosses.
I am interested if you have any insights for how to better balance the spells that are implemented, since you are so familiar with them.
– O
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterHi Enyuu, and thanks for the feedback!
Feedback like this is very helpful for us to see where we are lacking in the design of the classes.
We will most definitely check out the things you mentioned in the post, and I am really glad you found the class to be fun.
See you in the game.
– Ornir Elunari
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterHere is my take on crafting –
I would like to have patterns/blueprints/what have you that define the different things i can make in a GENERAL way. F
For example:
Item: Studded Leather Jerkin
Materials: 5 Hard Metal, 50 HideThis description means that I can use any type of hard metal and any type of hide for this armor. What I use is entirely up to me. I could use regular tanned leather and iron for a standard studded leather jerkin. Assuming I do this, the description would be:
An iron studded leather jerkin lies here. > look jerkin This jerkin is made of tanned leather, studded with iron studs.
Were I to use, for example, Adamantine and Dragonhide, the description might be:
An adamantine studded dragonhide jerkin lies here. > look jerkin this jerkin is made of dragonhide, studded with adamantine studs.
In addition, the materials used would impact the final product in a meaningful way – Dragonhide might provide resistances, adamantine would give additional DR, etc.
Patterns could be placed as loot and would be valuable in their own right. They could be collected in a pattern journal and kept safe. Additionally, some patterns might allow mixing of materials, for example, banded mail.
Item: Banded Mail Hauberk
Materials: 50 Hard Metal, 50 Hard Metal, 50 Hard MetalSo this would require 150 hard metal – but that metal can come from up to three types. Thus, you could combine effects in this way.
Adding enchantments would require one of two things:
1.) The crafter memorizes the required spells, which are then used during crafting.
2.) The crafter provides scrolls of the required spells, which are then consumed during crafting.I would not apply the restrictions to reciting scrolls to crafting with scrolls. Having the ‘craft magic *’ feats implies that you are able to transfer the spell from the scroll directly into the item. Creating magic items requires the use of crystalline arcanite to bind the magic with the materials. The grade of arcanite will determine the maximum power (and level) of the item. This is similar to the use of crafting crystals in the current crafting system and ties crafting in with the lore.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
– O
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterThanks for the replies guys.
I am not married to this idea, although I would like to see some way to show spatiality at some point.
With regards to changing the room order, there is one very easy way to do that – Leave and reenter. If the entire group left and reentered, the mobs would be grouped together and would be easier to target.
Awh, thanks for the comment. I think that that grouping of mobs is a good idea for spam reduction, but it makes targeting and diagnosing a pain. Say I drop one of the darklings prone with a trip, would we thin split them out of the group for the time it takes for that mob to stand up again? The idea is very interesting and might even be workable.
This would no be implemented soon in any case, we have bigger fish to fry. 🙂
– Ornir Elunari
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterJust a clarification – the Dwarven, Draconic, Elven, etc feats DO do something, but it has nothing to do with the actual name.
d20mud uses a class to unlock crafting skills – You need to take levels of ‘Artisan’ to get the crafting feats mentioned above. We could go a similar route and force a char who is serious about crafting to take class levels, but I am a bit wary of this – I would rather control everything via feats. The crafting feats, like Draconic, Elven, Dwarven crafting could be the result of a quest that the player must complete – The giver of the quest could teach the pc the secrets of their crafting technique, for example.
If we control the access to crafting via the Item creation feats (Create magic weapons and armor, create wonderous item, create potion, create poison, etc.) then that should be sufficient. Item creation feats are bonus feats for wizards, by the way.
For weapon special abilities, they require a number of spells to be added to the item during creation – Those spells need to either be in scroll form or memorized beforehand and the scroll or the memorized spell is spent at creation time. I would like to see special crystals that contain everything needed for special abilities to be available as epic rewards, for example as a very rare load on powerful supermobs. A white dragon holding a crystal of cold burst would be pretty cool, for example.
This is just some of my ideas, any others?
– Ornir Elunari
Ornir Elunari
Keymaster@Treyorn wrote:
I think it looks pretty good. Can we please fix dragon in who though. Everything lines up perfect except Dragon.
Yes, I will fix dragon. Char creation will get an overhaul.
Ornir Elunari
Keymaster@Shadorn wrote:
Having a custom GUI for mud clients would go far for some players as well. Such as health bar, separate window for chat or maybe even group/buffs and such?
I am actually working on a client script for Mudlet – it has the ability to auto download client scripts on connect. Mudlet is my favorite client for graphical environments, tintin++ is my favorite for text-only.
The script will have chat windows, buffs, spell slots (and auto mem), targeting, health/move/xp bars, group management, quick bindings, icons, visual timers, etc. If I can easily do it I will also make a graphical minimap, but I would rather have it be solid and robust than have that feature.
That being said, I want to focus on the default text interface in this thread. One thing we lack, actually, is consistency. This is a result of thr development process if nothing else. I would really like to decide on a standard ‘look and feel’, like: Do menus have a frame around them? What does it mean if text is in ALL CAPS? What about cyan vs blue vs yellow text? Or red? If I have an argument to a command, does the receiver of the command always come first? Do spell names always require quotes? Do we use the same terminology in the output of all commands?
We have some standards – Help files are pretty uniform for example. I would like to expand this across the UI.
Any opinions or offers to test or help are much appreciated. Thanks!
– Ornir Elunari
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterHi Shadorn, thanks for the comment!
Could you please drop by the ideas forum and describe, in the user interface thread, what would be the best way to select feats, in your opinion?
Trey and Shadorn – Agreed. Help files are super important and I have started writing them up locally. Unfortunately, the help system seems unstable atm and I think that it needs to be reworked. Ideally, I would like to store help in the database, that way we can make it easily accessible/editable from the web. Once I am ready to go live, I will spend a few days at least fixing up the helpfiles. Good points all around.
Any other combat related comments?
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterHappy New Year! I’ll be back around Jan 7th.
– Ornir Elunari
Ornir Elunari
KeymasterMost passive abilities will be combat modes. Some, of course, will just be ‘always-on’, but most combat related passive abilities will be modes.
December 11, 2013 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Upcoming Changes – Enhancement bonus, stacking bonuses, etc. #1704Ornir Elunari
Keymaster@Treyorn wrote:
How much of this is complete and do you know when we would expect to see it on the live port?
Regarding weapon changes, I assume we will have to manually edit the weapons that exist in the MUD now or will there be a massive converter of some sort?
The skeletal feat system is complete, study is 98% complete. Skills are about 80% converted – still working on converting the special attacks. Actual feat implementations, about oh, 35%. Most skills that translate to feats have been converted so that number is kinda misleading, we will go live way before that hits 90%.
The bonus stacking stuff has been implemented in all new code and will be added as we go. Retrofitting is a bit of a task and will be done in stages. This is something that will be an ongoing process, but it should be relatively low impact (until the types are in and your uber spell of uberness doesn’t stack with your uber armor of even more uberness anymore :P).
As far as moving to live port, as soon as I can make skills go away, as in, no more pracs, no more references to skills in the code for user commands. My goal is by Jan 1. That date is for feats, although everything is pretty tied together.
There will be a converter. It will be rough but I will automate as much as I possibly can. for EB, that is easy, it is just MIN(5, MAX(hitroll, damroll)) for non epic weapons. There will, of course, be a lot of conversion. Adding weapon types will be a pain, but I plan on using keywords in the sdesc to try to automate as much as possible. There WILL be a ton of work to do the conversion, but I will be helping with that. I will be implementing various reporting tools in game to show information on weapons as well, to make the job easier – Also a way to set weapon type without going into olc will be added, in the interest of speed.
Thanks for the questions.
– Ornir Elunari