Trigger-of-the-week Training Combat

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      In this Trigger-of-the-Week, we are looking at two trigger that is in the Training Hall for the new players to go through. This is going to give you a little insight to what is behind the mob ‘Garen’ combat tutorial. This is going to have 2 triggers to give you a complete overview. I also would like to thank Treyvon for creating the Training Hall and allowing me to post some of the behind-the-scenes of the Training Hall. These are both Treyvon’s triggers.

      The first one starts an initial greeting to you, checking if your character has the variable of combattutorial_complete. If you do then it jumps down to the next check, which welcomes you back to the room and gives you a reminder of help combat-maneuvers and help consider help files. All the variables are saved to the character. It is also to note that to continue with the meat of the tutorial is when you type the command ‘say ready’ you are going on to the next trigger. This leads to the next part of the triggers.

      Name: '(combat) initial GREET',  VNum: [14146], RNum: [ 1324]
      Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
      Trigger Type: Greet-All , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: None
      if !%actor.varexists(combattutorial_complete)%
        wait 1 sec 
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Welcome, %actor.class%, my name is Garen and I am here to teach you how combat works in Lumia.'
        wait 1 sec 
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'There are many things that can happen before and during combat that can affect whether you stay alive.'
        wait 1 sec 
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'If you would like to learn about combat, just SAY READY and we will get started.'
      elseif !%actor.varexists(combat_lastwarning)%
        wait 1 sec
        say, a combatant extraordinaire!  Welcome back.  Remeber to refer to HELP COMBAT-MANEUVERS and HELP CONSIDER for extra combat information.
        set combat_lastwarning 1
        remote combat_lastwarning

      The next trigger gives you the meat of the tutorial/information that is needed to play the game effectively. The way that this trigger is fired is in the arg list. The arugment ‘string’ that when a player types ‘say ready’ it will execute the trigger. Lower in reading both triggers, you will also notice that both triggers have a wait command, this helps for a more natural reading and not giving all the text all at once, also cuts down on ‘wall-of-text’. Similarly, the way that both triggers use the %send% %actor% is like emote or action to be recieved by each individual player. This helps A) cut down on the spam of other players just wanting to review it or new players that are reading it for the first time.

      Name: '(combat) complete',  VNum: [14158], RNum: [ 1336]
      Trigger Intended Assignment: Mobiles
      Trigger Type: Speech , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: ready
      if !%actor.varexists(combattutorial_start)% && %actor.is_pc%
        wait .5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Your awareness in combat is what can enable you to win or lose a battle.'
        wait 1 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'There are many abilities that are available called Combat Maneuvers that can be used to affect yourself or your opponent.  HELP COMBAT MANEUVERS for more information.'
        wait 1.5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Let's take TRIP for example.  During combat if you use the TRIP ability, there is a chance that you will trip your opponent knocking them to the ground.  While they are on the ground, they are more likely to be hit, and less likely to hit others.'
        wait 1.5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'The enemies that you face also have access to these Combat Maneuvers.  In the case that you have been tripped.  You will need to use the STAND command to stand back up so you are not at a major disadvantage in combat.'
        wait 1.5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Going through the help files and learning about each Combat Maneuver will help you succeed in combat.  These maneuvers are not required to win combat battles but they can give you a major advantage.'
        wait 1.5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'One last thing...In order to gauge the difficulty of your opponent use the command CONSIDER <victim> or CON <victim> for short.'
        wait 1.5 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Good luck on your adventure.  If you are struggling with this concept please do not hesitate to ask on chat or ask an Immortal.  There is almost always someone willing to help.'
        set combattutorial_complete 1
        remote combattutorial_complete
      elseif %actor.varexists(combattutorial_start)% && %actor.is_pc%
        wait 1 sec
        %send% %actor% Garen says, 'Ahh, I always welcome a good friend back.  Remember to refer to HELP COMBAT and HELP COMBAT MANEUVERS for more information about what we learned here.'
      else   return 0

      For different types of speaking in triggers you can also look at:

      Til next Trigger-of-the-Week,


      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by jordan.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by jordan.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by jordan.
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