This is the first of probably many to come, originally it was just a tbamud forum thing that Rumble started and I liked so much that I suggested it to Zusuk and Ornir to see what they thought of this idea of posting triggers that they would like to highlight in the game. I hope this is going to be helpful to other builders and people that would like to see what is behind-the-scenes of what it takes to make an area come to life. Without much other to say let’s get down to business of the trigger.
Ok, I was tasked with developing a trigger for the German GamerCon Festival with the idea of the trigger coming from Zusuk and some help with the trigger; With also help from: Treyorn(made it work), Ornir, and Rumble(original design). This was for people of the German GamerCon festival to find an object that would give them something for reading the description. The trigger purpose is to check to see if people read the description of the room and have done what it says, giving them a little experience points for the trouble of ringing the bell for the whole zone to hear and try to find where the bell ring is coming from.
Name: 'Bell ringer achievement', VNum: [145200], RNum: [ 1660]
Trigger Intended Assignment: Rooms
Trigger Type: Command , Numeric Arg: 100, Arg list: *
if == ring
if bell /= %arg%
* Checks to see if the bell has been rang by the player
if %actor.varexists(bell_ringer)%
%echoaround% struggles as %actor.heshe% pushes on the button.
%send% %actor% You push the button putting all your weight into it, and it slowly gives.
wait 1 sec
%zoneecho% The bell rings.
%send% %actor% You have the bell achievement.
* If it hasn't then it runs the first-time bell-ringer.
%echoaround% struggles as %actor.heshe% pushes on the button.
%send% %actor% You push the button putting all your weight into it, and it slowly gives.
wait 1 sec
%zoneecho% The bell rings.
%send% %actor% Congratulations: You have rung the bell. You receive 100 exp for ringing the bell.
nop %actor.exp(100)%
set bell_ringer 1
remote bell_ringer
%send% %actor% You have to choose something to ring.
return 0