The Metasmith

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      The Metasmith is a mob that takes Platinum and Experience and lets you convert them to Hit points, Moves, Stats, and various amazing things.

      PLATINUM (Plats) is just a more valuable currency than GOLD. 10,000 gold = 10 plats PLATS

      PLATS are not lost on player RDEATH.

      The Smith might look something like this:

      The Metasmith offers you the following selections: Plats Experience
      1) 10 Health Points 100 2,000,000
      2) 10 Endurance Points 100 2,000,000
      3) 1 Wisdom 500 20,000,000
      4) 1 Strength 500 20,000,000

      etc .. etc

      The Experience and PLATS needed should scale so that it costs more each time in PLATS and EXP each item is trained.

      This is great for endgame. Always wanted to solo Jotunheim? Well this is how you get there. This is how legends are created.

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