Piecemeal Armor

Home Forums Mechanics Piecemeal Armor

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      I can’t post the actual tables here for each individual piece. However this is simple. Only arms and legs and torso give actual armor saves. Arms ans legs armor saves never go above +1 to the total armor. Where as the chest piece is the rest of the armor. So say you have full plate. For example. Full plate torso would give a +6 to ac, where as the arms and leg pieces would give an additional +2 total to the save. Which would give the full plate a +8 total ac bonus. All other modifiers would be split up the same way. For example The armor check penalty for full plate is -1 for arms, -1 legs, -4 torso. Which would then be a full -6 armor check penalty. And for Arcane Spell failure chance seeing as this failure chance is only applied to arcane spells and is supposed to represent how hard it is to perform somatic components to a spell. Such as waving your arms around to do a fire ball spell. Legs don’t apply to spell failure chance, However keeping with the full plate as my example. Arms piece would be 10% chance and the torso would be 25% chance to arcane spell failure.

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