We are proud to announce the release of our newest class – Warlocks. This release is courtesy of biscuitWizard (https://github.com/biscuitWizard) who generously created the code for the class.
Description: Blessed with a supernatural heritage, a Warlock endeavors to master the perilous magic that courses through their veins. Unlike Sorcerers and Wizards who rely on spells to wield arcane magic, Warlocks possess the ability to invoke powerful magic through sheer force of will. The burning font of dark magic within them grants them resistance to many forms of attack and empowers them with formidable strength. Through rigorous training, Warlocks learn to harness their power to perform a select number of specialized attacks and techniques known as invocations. Though they may lack the versatility of sorcerers or wizards, Warlocks make up for it with their superior toughness and resilience. By tapping into their innate magical abilities with unyielding determination and willpower, a Warlock can accomplish feats such as supernatural stealth, beguiling the weak-minded, and unleashing blasts of Eldritch power upon their foes.
Class Name : warlock
Prestige Class? : No
Maximum Levels : 30
Unlock Cost : 0 Account XP
BAB Progression : Medium
Hitpoint Gain : 3-6 plus constitution bonus
Movement Gain : 0-1
Training Sessions: 2 plus Intelligence Mod (4x this value at 1st level)
Epic Feat Prog : Gain an epic feat every 5 levels
Class in Game? : Yes
Prestige Spell : none

Primary Attribute: Charisma, Con/Dex for survivability, Str for combat
Willpower Save Progression: Good | Fortitude Save Progression: Poor | Reflex Save Progression : Poor
Class Skills: Heal, Intimidate, Concentration, Spellcraft, Appraise, Discipline, Lore, Bluff, Diplomacy, Use Magic Device, Linguistics
Prerequisites : none
Class Feats:
Level: 30, Stacks: Yes, Feat: energy resistance
Level: 30, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 28, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 27, Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 26, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 24, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 23, Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 22, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 20, Stacks: Yes, Feat: energy resistance
Level: 20, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 19, Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 18, Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilience
Level: 18, Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilience
Level: 18, Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilience
Level: 17, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 15, Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 14, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 13, Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilience
Level: 11, Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 11, Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 8 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: energy resistance
Level: 9 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 8 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: fiendish resilience
Level: 7 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 7 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 5 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 4 , Stacks: No , Feat: deceive item
Level: 3 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: damage reduction – warlock
Level: 3 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 2 , Stacks: No , Feat: eldritch lore
Level: 1 , Stacks: Yes, Feat: eldritch blast
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: light armor proficiency
Level: 1 , Stacks: No , Feat: simple weapon proficiency
The complete changelog is as follows:
[Mar 08 2023] - Gicker
Feat info command now shows: feats that this feat is a prerequisite for, races that get the feat, classes that get the feat, classes for which the feat is a class feat.
[Mar 06 2023] - Zusuk
adjusted the respec helpfile so its more clear
[Mar 04 2023] - Gicker
Added the grand destiny spell.
Double weapon feats are now class feats for warriors and eldritch knights.
Added room and zone flags for random treasure chests.
Rooms flagged as random chests will load a random treasure chest each zone reset,
as long as there isn't already one in the room.
Zones flagged random chests will load a chest in a random room within the zone, each time the
zone resets.
Random chests can also be hidden or locked. Hidden chests can be uncovered with the search
command, and locked chests can be opened with the picklock command.
[Mar 02 2023] - Gicker
Fixed the planar soul surge ability.
[Mar 01 2023] - Gicker
Added the following feats: double weapon focus, double weapon specialization, double weapon defense, double weapon critical
Fixed the following criticals, which are now selectable: bleeding critical, stunning critical, staggering critical, censoring critical, sickening critical, critical mastery
[Feb 28 2023] - Gicker
Fixed a bug that was causing new characters to crash the mud.
Attempted fix on threat range for unarmed combatants
[Feb 27 2023] - Gicker
Added +2 weapon and armor vendors to ashenport weapon and armor shops.
[Feb 26 2023] - Gicker
Vampire blood drain should no longer crash the mud
[Feb 24 2023] - Gicker
Added a 20 round daze immunity timer whenever someone is dazed. Also added HELP DAZED.
[Feb 24 2023] - Zusuk
huge thanks to Gicker for facilitating the server move
apologies for the week of game instability, hopefully we're good now and on a new server that will give us more space for backups/coredumps!
[Feb 15 2023] - Gicker
Added the 'damagereduction' command which breaks down your DR for you.
[Feb 14 2023] - Gicker
APPLY_DR now works.
Removed repulsion spell for the time being.
Warlock DR will now show amount of DR from the feats in the feats display.
Added a new aff flag: flame blade. Will treat melee attacks by affected character as flaming.
Added ability to add specific feats to mobs.
Added ability to add specific spells to mobs, even if they aren't casters.
Added ability to add damage reduction to a mob.
Added geniekind spell.
[Feb 09 2023] - Gicker
Chat will now be seen in study menus (and some other game states)
Warlock powers can now be used with the buff command.
Eldritch blast shapes and essences now save over play sessions.
[Feb 08 2023] - Gicker
Added help files for all warlock spells, blast shapes and blast essences.
Had Chilling tentacles take priority over greater black tentacles.
Reduced duration on noxious blast.
Fixed a bug where hideous blow wasn't applying the eldritch blast.
[Feb 07 2023] - Zusuk
fixed key at [118394] At a Long Abandoned Altar
[Feb 07 2023] - Gicker
Eldritch blast shapes and essenses are no longer listed with spell command. Instead they can be both viewed and toggled with the 'eldritch' command.
Fixed more bugs with using consumables.
[Feb 06 2023] - Gicker
(Malkleth) Fixed a bug where communal stoneskin was not working properly.
fixed a typo with using consumables.
If character has only one spellcasting class, they don't need to specify the class when using the spells command.
Fixed warlock spell list.
[Feb 06 2023] - Zusuk
new staff member Grumblecakes!
[Feb 03 2023] - Zusuk
restored corrupted pfile (asandir)
the variable for carry weight max has been changed to integer
the strength array has been expanded to 99 strength
[Feb 02 2023] - Zusuk
fixed a cut off in the vampire quest line (text)
[Feb 02 2023] - Gicker
Moved some of the eldritch blast messages from hard code into the spell messages file.
[Feb 01 2023] - Gicker
Fixed a bug that was causing crashes with high level paladins.
[Jan 31 2023] - Zusuk
new quest item sold by logan in sanctus
new quest item added to the sanctus quest shop
fixed typo in yuanti quest
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 8. Added oversized two weapon fighting
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 7. Added bleeding critical, stunning critical, staggering critical, censoring critical, sickening critical, critical mastery
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 6. Added dazzling display feat and abil
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 5. Added battle caster, arcane armor training, arcane armor mastery
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 4. Added vital strike, improved vital strike, greater vital strike
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 3. Added repulsion
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 2. Added mass charm monster
Courtesy of biscuitWizard - 1. Added mass invis to sorc/wiz/summoner/etc
fixed stats on black runed eyepatch
[Jan 30 2023] - Zusuk
fixed the hidden / locked door in serpent hills - it is opened with a spoken password
[Jan 28 2023] - Zusuk
new class courtesy of biscuitWizard: Warlock - check out 'class info warlock' for details, we also made a blog post for the new class
[Jan 25 2023] - Gicker
Added the planar soul spell.