We are excited to announce a new batch of changes to the game… highlights include:
- Very happy to announce the first player to fully complete the Epic Lich Quest completed the transformation this month! Congrats Dasvul!
- Brand new base class: Inquisitor – An agent of the divine who tracks down his deity’s enemies and judges them with weapons and spells.
- More than 20 new spells
- More than 30 new feats
- You can now take up to 3 quests at the same time!
- A plethora of revisions to zones, most of them specific to the Lich Quest series
- A handful of fixes to hard-coded spec-procs
- Various bug fixes
- Various typo fixes
- All but the last step of the Lich Quest was converted to the ‘autoquest’ system
- New Account Exp Purchases that allow you to change alignment – for a high price
- Bunch of fixes in zones related to key thanks to Kaez
- A series of new auto-quest categories
- A handful of new hints
- …. and much more! Full list below including details about the Inquisitor Class

Class Name : inquisitor
Prestige Class? : No
Maximum Levels : 30
Unlock Cost : 0 Account XP
BAB Progression : Medium
Hitpoint Gain : 4-8 plus constitution bonus
Movement Gain : 0-1
Training Sessions: 6 plus Intelligence Mod (4x this value at 1st level)
Epic Feat Prog : Gain an epic feat every 0 levels
Class in Game? : Yes
Prestige Spell : none
Willpower Save Progression: Good
Fortitude Save Progression: Good
Reflex Save Progression : Poor
Class Skills: Stealth, Perception, Heal, Intimidate, Concentration, Spellcraft,
Discipline, Lore, Ride, Climb, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Sense Motive,
Survival, Swim
Spell Prep Command : compel
Spell Forget Command: exempt
Spell Cast Command : cast
Spell List Command : spells inquisitor
Prerequisites : none
Description : Grim and determined, the inquisitor roots out enemies of the
faith, using trickery and guile when righteousness and purity is not enough.
Although inquisitors are dedicated to a deity, they are above many of the normal
rules and conventions of the church. They answer to their deity and their own
sense of justice alone, and are willing to take extreme measures to meet their
Type: class feats inquisitor for this class's feat info.
[Jul 24 2022] - Zusuk
added some debugging in spec-procs to help identify issues
started work again on the 'cexchange' command - command to convert 'currencies'
such as account-xp, xp, gold, and quest points
lich touch now will match the helpfile as far as uses per day
some more spec-proc tweaks/fixes
noted in lich helpfile that they will retain their race size on transition
[Jul 23 2022] - Gicker
Added Inquisitor class.
Added teamwork feats.
Added the following feats/class abilities: Judgement, Monster Lore, Stern Gaze,
Cunning Initiative, Detect Alignment, Solo Tactics, Teamwork, Bane, Stalwart,
Greater Bane, Exploit Weakness, Slayer, True Judgement, Second Judgement,
Third Judgement, Fourth Judgement, Fifth Judgement, Perfect Judgement,
Back To Back, Coordinated Defense, Coordinated Maneuvers, Coordinated Shot,
Duck And Cover, Harder They Fall, Outflank, Paired Opportunists, Precise Flanking,
Phalanx Fighter, Seize The Moment, Shake It Off, Shield Wall, Shielded Caster,
Stealth Synergy, Tandem Trip, and Targetted Opportunity.
Added the following new spells: Remove Paralysis, Dancing Weapon, Spiritual Weapon,
Undetectable Alignment, Weapon Of Awe, Blinding Ray, Holy Javelin, Invisibility Purge,
Keen Edge, Weapon Of Impact, Greater Magic Weapon, Magic Vestment, Protection From
Communal Protection From Energy, Searing Light, Divine Power, Wind Wall, Air Walk,
Gaseous Form, Restoration, and Silence.
Improved output by the spells command.
Added small descriptions to class selection in character creation.
Added help files for new spells and features.
[Jul 21 2022] - Zusuk
added a key mob to entrance to temple of ghaund
added door/key mob for high priest chamber in temple of ghaun
fixed outter/inner door for temple of ghaun
fixed altar in temple of ghaun
[Jul 19 2022] - Zusuk
class restrictions via "anti class" flags have been removed for the time being
slight modification to the crystal rapier proc (will proc more frequently)
fixed an issue with imix's proc
fixed hellfire armor proc
fixed angel leggings proc
apparently issue with group leader not getting hit with group spells... a fix
attempt has been applied
[Jul 19 2022] - Gicker
Fixed picking locks on objects.
[Jul 17 2022] - Zusuk
a fix with group spells was attempted (no idea if it works!) :P
11th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
10th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
9th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
epic spell penetration feat boosted moderately
greater spell penetration feat boosted slightly
empower magic feat has been slightly upgraded
[Jul 15 2022] - Zusuk
caltursar's items he used to load with now will load just once per boot, onto the
caltursar's room is now no-mob
caltursar is no longer killable/can't steal from him/won't fight
8th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
7th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
6th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
5th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
4th step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
3rd step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
2nd step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
1st step of the lich quest has been converted to the autoquest system... it
includes more narrative and extra rewards
[Jul 14 2022] - Zusuk
Rogue BAB is now "high"
new accexp purchase: apple - increases alignment (move toward good)
new accexp purchase: flesh - reduces alignment (move toward evil)
score now shows your alignment value
removed some debugs that we don't need anymore
[Jul 13 2022] - Kaez
Fixed keys in Dragon Cult Fortress.
Fixed all keys in Temple of Twisted Flesh area. Dragonspear Castle keys fixed.
Fixed two keys in Skull Gorge area.
Fixed every key in Aumvor's Castle area
Fixed every key in South Wood area
[Jul 13 2022] - Zusuk
fixed gate key in room 114939
[Jul 07 2022] - Zusuk
autoquest system now supports entry into a player's individual house
[Jun 28 2022] - Zusuk
changed around qedit a little bit for new autoquest mission compatibility
qedit target can now be used as variable storage (not just vnum)
added detail to mission that you have to be at the mission master to
get a mission
greater staff or higher doesn't have cooldown on missions (for testing purposes)
new quest type: mission completion by difficulty
new variable added to autoquest system to be used for further expansion
[Jun 27 2022] - Zusuk
new quest in sanctus: complete a supplyorder
[Jun 26 2022] - Zusuk
new quest type: restring item
new quest type: convert item
new quest type: augment item
new quest type: disenchant item
new quest type: forest for crafting material
new quest type: knit crafting material
new quest type: hunt for crafting material
new quest type: mine crafting material
new quest type: resize an item
new quest type: craft an item
[Jun 24 2022] - Zusuk
new quest type: autocraft supplyorder - need to finish an autocraft job to
complete this quest (made for crafting tutorial quest line)
a bug (created by me) where you can take the same quest multiple times if you have
available slots has been fixed
[Jun 22 2022] - Zusuk
added a quest from mosswood elder that leads you to the crafting area (intro to
crafting quest line beginning)
fixed qcopy command (i hope)
[Jun 21 2022] - Zusuk
You can now take up to 3 concurrent quests at a time
[Mar 04 2022] - Jordan
Added queen to the mob for keywords. Resolving typo 101
Resolved typo #100, 'damp, it is as if' with 'damp, as if' to help it flow better
Corrected the typo in #99
Resolved typo 97 by taking out the extra 'Gate'
[Mar 02 2022] - Zusuk
fixed staff 'set' command for setting certain class-levels on new cla
fix attempt for spellsword for sorc known spells
[Feb 27 2022] - Gicker
Fixed erroneous walkto message when running out of moves, and not using walkto.
Fixed the mail system.
[Feb 27 2022] - Jordan
Resolved typo #95 - fixed word
Completed typo #93 and #94 - changes to room description and object look description
[Feb 26 2022] - Jordan
Added word to the room description and not it makes sense :D resolved typo #184
Resolving 181 for previous error already recorded.
typo #63 resolved because it was the correct usage of the then/than.
typo #61 fixed help file for Half Elf is fixed.
Resolved typo #91 there is was a little wording issue.
Typo #90 fixed, edited trigger(6724) to fix dialogue message.
Resolved typo #89 word just had a typo.
fixed typo for mob typo #88 resolved
Resolved typo #87 based on looking that the mobs for the room that it was
referring. It didn't fit.
Modified room description in 145252 in typo #86, resolving typo.
typo #85 room description edited to more descriptive and resolved typo.
Fixed typo #83 with look description of the pseudodragon
[Feb 25 2022] - Zusuk
gicker addressed some more isssues associated with autodoor/etc
[Feb 24 2022] - Jordan
Resolved duplicate typo submissions to clean up the queue.
Resolved typo 149 & 150 due to the same ask for the problem.
Resolved #168 as #182 the same issue with the script.
Changed trig script to fix typo #182
Modified to resolve the Pixie help file. Typo #74 resolved
[Feb 23 2022] - Jordan
Resolved #183 typo in experience help file
Changed the help firebrand file, which resolves typo #170
resolved typo 166 and 167
[Feb 23 2022] - Gicker
Fixed a bug with locked doors not locking properly.
[Feb 22 2022] - Gicker
You can now use stealth to try to void encounters. To do so, ensure that encounter
avoidance is enabled in prefedit, and then make sure your sneak flag is enabled. It will
then make a stealth check any time you would normally roll an encounter.
[Feb 21 2022] - English
Added Scorching Ray Wand to Jade Jug to help low / mid level casters
[Feb 20 2022] - Zusuk
fixed formatting on spell_parser.c
filled out all the blank fields in armor pieces to prevent issues with NULL strings
nokill mobs will no longer "remember" victims, it doesn't really help anything
mechanically and is causing a lot of annoyance
in hunting/tracking mobiles they will no longer pursue you if they are protected
in script driven hunting mobiles they will no longer pursue you if they are protected
spellsword 'ignore spell failure' feats have been improved drastically to compete
with eldritch knights
new [hint] for armorlist weaponlist armorinfo weaponinfo
new hint for supplyorder
new [hint] on BOTting
new [hint]: henchmen, mercenaries
added a bit more info and keywords to the PET helpfile
new [hint]: multiplaying is allowed currently and storage characters are allowed
new [hint]: policy info!
added some crafting related info to the [hint] system
fixed a bug with domain spells not being consumed upon casting
added some debugging messages into spell_prep code
fixed some messages in do_use code