A notice has been attached to the door of The Pipe and Ivories Tavern in Hardbuckler:
ATTENTION! Fullstaff, Agent of Sanctus, has reported an overpopulation of local Jackalope wildlife.
“Clearly, someone has been breeding them, and this can mean no good. We must stop the spread of this growing menace now. Will you help me? All hunters will be rewarded, but as a special incentive, the top 3 hunters who return with the most carcasses will receive a special reward from a list of items, to be announced on the day of the hunt. ALL ABLE HUNTERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!”
This notice is approved by signature and the seal of the City of Sanctus.
(The staff are holding a Hunting event on Wednesday August 17th at 4 PM EST and will run for 24 hours in order to accommodate all time zones – The rewards will be worth your attendance! This event is for players of all levels! Contact Staff on our Discord server or in-game for further information.)
Head to the Hardbuckler Region and hunt Jackalope in the wilderness. There are 3 levels of Jackalope, a set for level 10 and under, 20 and under, and then epic levels. There is no reward for killing Jackalope under your level bracket. The Jackalope will frequently return to random locations in that area. Rare antlers found are to be turned into Fullstaff in Hardbuckler for the final count to determine extra prize winners.

MORE NEWS, Highlights Include:
- New Zone! The Ogre Lair, located at -220, -294
- Bunch of bug fixes
- Wizard class buffs
- …and much more, details below
[Aug 16 2022] - Zusuk
the 2nd player to complete the lich quest, melaw, is owed a congratulation!!
fixed the shimmering dragonscale robes proc
new hint with a link to the planes of existence map
new hint with a link to the underworld map
hitpoint enhancing spells will now use the bonus-type of circumstance unless
specifically tied to a different type (should stack)
new zone! The Ogre Lair, located at -220, -294
new quest added: in hulburg, found on gharrick… reward is a tremendously
powerful eyepiece
imix's call for his buddies will no longer be a call for them to come to him and
erase him from existence :P
resistance bonus for random drops, treasure, bazaar etc… were pumped up by a
factor of 8… those have been restored to base values
added more info to damage by type (dam-type) reduction to try to identify issues
added more info to damage reduction to try to identify issues
added more info to damage absorb to try to identify issues
your intelligence will give bonus to your weapon poison affliction success
your 'rogue level', i.e. combo of all your rogue-like classes will give bonus to
your weapon poison affliction success
hellball does a lot more damage, is not resistable and gets no save
made it so walls damaging will not force engaging in combat
[Aug 15 2022] - Zusuk
all pet/merc spec proc shops have been documented
all object pets/mercs have been documented
removed buggy/invalid merc/pet shop 103031
started documenting on staff trello the details of our in-game mercs
[Aug 12 2022] - Gicker
Fixed an issue where picking door locks wouldn't work.
[Jul 31 2022] - Zusuk
new free wizard feat (need to respec if you are equal or higher level than the feat
to get it): "wizard debuff" - chance to get a major bonus to your spell DC (EPIC)
new free wizard feat (need to respec if you are equal or higher level than the feat
to get it): "wizard quick chant" - chance to complete a
spell quicker
new free wizard feat (need to respec if you are equal or higher level than the feat
to get it): "wizard memorization" - decreases spell memorization time
for now wizards only - spell progression slots continue to level 30 (very slow rate)
[Jul 31 2022] - Gicker
Added spell messages for hedging weapons, dancing weapon, spiritual weapon,
blinding ray and holy javelin.
[Jul 28 2022] - Gicker
Added ability for staff to see how many unique accounts are connected.